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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Amazing Year - Congrats!

    Since I live vicariously through the internet ....and others. I like reading the stories and seeing pics of other hunters. It's good to see a hunters hard work payoff with a rewarding hunt. I hope I wil have some good pics and stories come January.
  2. It woould be hard to top the character of those antlers.
  3. Snapshot

    Guestimate the Score!

    Gross score ...maybe 105" ish Net score 99" - 100"
  4. Snapshot

    Need some expert Coues glassing advice

    With a few exceptions, the better bucks won't be around the doe's this time of year. They could be just over the hill, or a few ridges away? I like to move to different glassing spots in the same general area, often. Gives me a chance to view the terrain from different angles, and elevations. You just might find that buck under a tree, that you couldn't see from your first spot. When it's warm out, bucks will often bed up early before the doe's do.
  5. Snapshot

    One more week

    After Sandy, people will be suffering. Shortages will cause the price of everything, including gas, to go up. Obama will sneer at and blame “Fat Cat Oil Producers” for gouging consumers. Obama’s government makes $85 million/day from oil and natural gas producers. Fed and State taxes are 49.5 cents a gallon. They make 25 times as much as Oil Producers. Why not help us by foregoing Federal Taxes on gas?
  6. Snapshot

    Rattlesnake Bite

    WIth the cell phones and cameras we carry, it would be best, just to take some good pics.
  7. Wow. That has some great mass. What an awesome ram. Congrats to the hunter!
  8. Snapshot

    Rattlesnake Bite

    Had one of those in the 1970's. Came with a little vial of something, I can't remember what it was.
  9. Holy smokes.....what a spectacular buck. Really nice looking buck !
  10. Snapshot

    Quote of the Century

    And now the jobs report , and construction spending reports may be delayed until after the election. WOnder who is behind that? Our sleazy Chicago politician President is desperate! They are saying delays because of the hurricane? Hogwash!
  11. Snapshot

    Crushed by my Quad.....almost.

    Made a bonehead play today. Bought some new loading ramps,battery,and went to my sisters house to get my Polaris sportsman which was stored there while I was in Montana for 2 years. Hooked the ramps up to the bumper with the safety straps. Rode the quad up the ramps and it sputtered when I got to the top. Gave it gas and it ripped the ramps loose from the straps. the quad toppled out of the truck backwards with me on top. As I slammed backfirst into the pavement the quad was standing straight up and I held the weight with my legs to keep from being crushed. Thank God my sister was there to help take the weight off so I could crawl out from underneath. I'm gettting to old to have 700 lbs of machine on top of me. Crushed my tailgate. The only damage to me was my pride....but I will see how I feel in the morning Thank you Sis!
  12. Snapshot


    Excellent buck. Those canyons in that unit will kick your butt. Glad you had a great time!
  13. Snapshot

    Crushed by my Quad.....almost.

    Safety is paramount. I never ride without my helmet on. The chest protector is a good idea. I used to wear one when I raced. Glad you survived it.
  14. Outstanding! It's a thrill to help someone get a buck, especially their first one!
  15. Snapshot

    Quote of the Century

    "Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." - Ronald Reagan
  16. I usually don't go out until late November. It has to be cool enough for me to hunt all morning.
  17. Snapshot

    Crushed by my Quad.....almost.

    I used to race Motocross back in the mid to late 90's, on a YZ 250. Ended up taking an ambulance ride to Casa Grande Hosptial. I gave up the daredevil stuff years ago. I putt around on my Polaris, and try not to do anything that will get me hurt. That "liquid courage" can get ya in trouble
  18. Snapshot

    Quote of the Century

    He should change that to "See what I will do, TO YOU, in the next four years" That gutless liar needs to go. The "Sham Wow" President There is nothing more dangerous, than a man with nothing to lose. Obama has nothing to lose if he gets another 4 years. He will turn our Constitution upside down by using loopholes, and his buddies on the Supreme Court. Our Gun rights are high on his list.
  19. Snapshot

    Crushed by my Quad.....almost.

    I have had more scary encounters, loading, and unloading, than I have riding.
  20. Nice! Looks like you scored big from your bivouac camp.
  21. Snapshot

    Crushed by my Quad.....almost.

    BAck was sore this morning, but I had an appointment with my Doctor anyway and he is also a D.O. Had him manipulate the back. But on a more sour note, he said I may have Plantar Faciitis in my right foot. Seeing a specialist on Thursday to see what needs to be done. Taking a week off work to deal with it. No hiking for awhile.
  22. Snapshot

    Laurie's Buck

    Super buck! Good to see the younger generations enjoying the outdoors!
  23. Snapshot

    Crushed by my Quad.....almost.

    Twice in one day....ouch! SOunds like you have the kind of luck I do.