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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. They say a "man without principal" is a Democrat
  2. Yes. The heartland is red. East and west coast populated by the clueless are blue. Popularity vote would have us a new President But then again look at Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico. All blue
  3. Snapshot

    az prop 120

    So far Prop 120 is losing with majority of no votes
  4. Snapshot


    Obama's auto bailout gave him brownie points with voters. Romney opposed the bailout. 1 in 8 jobs in Ohio are automotive related
  5. Snapshot

    Hunters Guide to Voting

    I fully agree. China will bleed us dry. They are laughing all the way to the bank. Quality jobs are a must for America. I understand that we would pay much more for products made here, but growth and recovery need to start in our back yard. Keep the money right here, right now. I do my best to buy American products. The biggest setback is Corporate America greed. Most do not care how profits are made, as long as the profits are maximized.
  6. Snapshot

    Carmona for Senate

    And for the record, I don't put any faith in what is projected in the television campaign adds. All politicians are portrayed as beating their dog and torturing babies before they go to work in the morning. I find these adds laughable.
  7. Snapshot

    Carmona for Senate

    You'd be surprised the things I have learned through the years on this site. Some of these guys really do their homework on topics and it is always fun to get a feel for what they have learned. One thing I wonder about the rampant costs incurred at the hospital..........could it have anything to do with treating patients who are here illegally and not paying their bills?? Do not believe what you hear about the hospital. My Mom stood behind (her boss)Carmona during that whole TMC Hospital Fiasco. It was a battle of Politics and profits, and not what you hear about Carmona and the $46 Million over budget. There are 2 sides to that story. TMC was run by some real sharks. I am not endorsing Richard Carmona. Regardless of his character, The Republicans could take back congress if the available seats a re filled with Republicans. Harry Reid has made it clear that he will not work with Romney if he becomes President. We all know Reid is a nutjob, but to get this country back on the right track, it will need cooperation from both parties to accomplish Romneys objectives. A republican controlled house and senate would assure that we could move forward, instead of the stalemate that may ensue.
  8. Snapshot

    PSE Bow Madness XL

    I checked out the PSE Drive online. The price is nice, but not the type of bow for me. I ike one cams, with a 34-36" Axle to axle length. The PSE Drive is very short, and those type of bows just don't fit me well.
  9. Snapshot

    Carmona for Senate

    My Mom used to be Richard Carmona's personal administrative assistant when he was in charge of the Trauma center at Tucson Medical Center. I only met him once, but he used to be a standup guy. My Mom always spoke highly of him. However, he got run out of TMC becuase he did not want to play the hospital politics? WHen he became Surgeon General, he still remembered my mother and sent her a gold christmas tree ornament from the whitehouse. I really don't know the guy, but politics can ruin even a good man in the end.?
  10. Snapshot

    Pigeon Problem

    I quit feeding about 2 weeks ago. They still show up everyday like clockwork.
  11. One week until the day we have a choice to liberate this great country from, the fraud, and tyrant, that currently resides in the whitehouse. Make November 6th a great day for America. VOTE ............ROMNEY/RYAN!
  12. Snapshot


    Whats going on with the Cats?. Man did they get slaughtered.
  13. Snapshot

    post your dinks

    Nothing wrong with dinks. Good thing is you can just throw them over you shoulder, and carry em out. Just don't say " You can't eat anlters"......many Chinese people will disagree with you!
  14. Snapshot

    last minute humor

    How can you make such a joke about such a wonderful person like Obama.? Don't you know that he needs another 4 years to continue his agenda of destruction...ooops...I mean recovery! ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Snapshot

    PSE Bow Madness XL

    Thanks for the info. I will check it out.
  16. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Peggy

    Happy Birthday Peggy. I don't know you, but if you are married to TJ, then I know you are a great person....>Cuz TJ is too. Best wishes! Get that Hubby to take you out tonight!
  17. Snapshot

    Antler Restrictions

    I am all for any sound management practice that would improve deer herds, and buck/doe ratios. I would just as soon see them drop the extra hunts and permit numbers that they added a few years back. Overhunting and overcrowding is not a postive step IMO. I feel a qaulity hunt is just as important as opportunity to harvest.
  18. Snapshot

    au gratin potatoes and ham recipe for dutch oven

    My Mom used to have an awesome Au Gratin recipe. I looked in my recipe book for it, but I can't find it.
  19. Snapshot

    One more week

    Our lame Obama administration screwed the pooch on that deal. Obama needs to go...as well as Hillary Clinton. That Benghazi event should never have happened in the first place. That compound should be heavily armed, or our Dipolmats should not have been there. That place is hostile, and anti-american. We need to pull our people out of those countries.......forever. America needs to take a hard line stance with these third world pyschos. We have Obama running around trying to play cupid with American haters.
  20. Snapshot

    Pigeon Problem

    Could be? The beak is kind of curved?
  21. Snapshot

    Birthday Muzzy Coues... Again!

    Buck on your birthday! What a great present, and awesome way to spend a birthday! Good job!
  22. Snapshot

    Pigeon Problem

    I know how you feel. The pigeons sit up on the power lines like vultures,just waiting to swoop in. My neighbors probably think I am nuts when I am out flailing at pigeons with a broom stick, after they land in my yard
  23. Snapshot

    Pigeon Problem

    Thats a neat video. I live in mid town tucson, so I don't get many natives around. Only doves and occasional cactus wren. I started feeding the sparrows in the spring as I liked watching the hatchlings feed when they flopped out of the nests and got stronger. Somehow word went out on the pigeon telegraph that food was available. I got up to 20 lbs of seed a week. Enough of that!