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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota have more licensed hunters and NRA members than all other states combined. They all voted commie. If those east coast unions find out you voted for Freedom, they will make your life heck. All the licensed hunters and NRA members in those states have a combined IQ smaller than my shoe size.
  2. Snapshot

    Leftover tag, meat buck

    Nice! Glad to see it has both antlers intact!
  3. What self respecting hunter, sportsman, or gun enthusiast, would vote for Obama anyway? Glad someone has the balls to draw the line. I am sure the liberals will be offended,and cry racism, Isn't that a shame!
  4. To kick them out...we just have to get past the S.S, The military, and all those highly trained people that have access to some serious weaponry.
  5. Snapshot

    Pack animals??

    Thats pretty cool. When I was up in Montana 2 years ago, I saw an archery elk hunter at the trailhead with 2 Llammas(sic), he used a regular chevy van to transport them. He would get them to climb in the back and lay down.
  6. Snapshot

    More Muley pics

    It's a young looking buck, but he has a nice rack. Certainly a keeper! Bring your rifle with you. You could score big points with the rancher by taking out that lion, not to mention ....eliminating a deer muncher!
  7. Obama and his Whitehouse cronies will just laugh in the face of Americans....as is his normal "Modus Operandi" The writing is going up on the wall. Americans are getting sick and tired of our lame government. Time to make changes. Thanks to weak Republican Party,and voter turnout, we could have started those changes on November 6th. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/secession-petitioners-aint-whistling-dixie.html?test=latestnews
  8. The number is growing, hopefully it will reach 50, and send firm notice to the whitehouse.
  9. You and me both. The stupdity of voters really boggles my mind. It won't be long before those people realize they should have voted. I have been giving all kinds of grief to the Obama lovers at work. Lots of bad things coming our way!
  10. I see revolution in the future. I will die, before I give one inch, to the liberal evil spreading through this country. Come and get my guns, I dare you!
  11. Snapshot

    Remember to be thankful for your spouse!

    I just have to bite my tongue on this topic.
  12. You can't argue with that logic!
  13. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Marines!

    Semper Fi.
  14. Our dinosaur Republican party needs to swing with the times, Get moving, or get left behind.
  15. A bunch of manipulating MOFO liars. How this liar has not been impeached yet is beyond belief. Bill Clinton went around the country endorsing Obama. Did they all forget he was impeached.? I really hope Obama screws up big time, and gets an impeachment slapped on him. But I really doubt it. Too many wimps in Washington that only care about career saving motives.
  16. Snapshot

    I got hit with Cancer, reaching out for Prayer

    I am sorry to hear about your illness. Sure hope that you "fight the good fight" and everything works out for the best. Talk to your doctor, and get an opinion on going with your boys on that hunt. If things take a turn for the worse, that hunt will mean alot to them (and you) later on. Just sayin...... Prayers sent !
  17. The whole world will be thumbing more than just their noses. They all know Obama is a wuss.
  18. Romney won the vote of the white 18-29 year olds Obama won the vote of the Minority 18-29 year olds Imagine that. DB is right. Romney lost because of the media, and he was not agressive enough with right wing ideals. He has been too "center" I am not a big fan of Romney just because he is republican. He is just a better choice then Obama.......by far! 12,000,000 Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for not voting.
  19. .......and so begins Obama's reign of terror. Guns are just one of many items on his "bucket list". We will all be standing in line for our ration of soup and toilet paper.
  20. No, I don't think so Candidate Popular vote Percentage Electoral votes (270 to win) Barack Obama 60591934 50% 303 Mitt Romney 57768236 48% 206 right up until California, Oregon, and Washington were added, at the end of the night. Went to bed before I saw the totals. My Bad!