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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    The world has gone crazy

    I can imagine the majority of mental instability begins at the homefront. Maybe a dysfunctional family, abuse, lack of attention? Couple that with todays violent movies, video games and all the stuff on the internet, and you have a recipe for disaster when you mix in any form of mental illness/. Even if the parents know that they have a problem child, it would be very difficult for any parent to turn their child over to mental instituion.......until it's too late!
  2. Snapshot

    The world has gone crazy

    Automobiles, and,or, alcohol kill more people than violent gun crimes. Is anyone calling for a Chevy or Budwesier ban? Nope!
  3. Snapshot

    The world has gone crazy

    It would be a matter of getting it approved by narrow minded politicians.
  4. Snapshot

    Get ready

    Shame on those who would exploit and politicze this tragedy.
  5. Snapshot

    3 Mule deer bucks finished up

    Very nice. That is a huge 3 point.
  6. Snapshot

    The world has gone crazy

    I am not trying to play "devils advocate, but what muleskinner said is true, even if the timing may not be appropriate, Today's horrific tragedy is nothing to Obama, but a means in which to inflict his gun control agenda. Obama is a hypocrite, and does not care one bit about the loss of these children, or anyone else for that matter. Blame the user of the tool and not the tool itself. Innocent young children were ruthelessly murdered. Watch and see how quickly the media forgets about these kids and the grieving parents, and focuses on guns instead. My heart and prayer goes out to the parents of these kids.
  7. Snapshot

    The world has gone crazy

    ......and I do have some theories as to why there has been so many shootings lately,. But that is for another topic.
  8. Snapshot

    The world has gone crazy

    Yes, the world has gone crazy, and it is getting worse by the day. There is not a Helll hot enough for the murderer's of children. He will get his!
  9. Snapshot

    5 most horrifying bugs in the world

    I think the Montana deer fly should be listed as horrific. I have been chased off the Madison river by swarms of the little blood sucking vermin
  10. Two words........"JIMMY HOFFA" Ooooohhh. Thats right. I have never been a union member, so that makes me an uninformed idiot, Glad we got that cleared up!
  11. Unions aside, I have little doubt that Obama will have minimum wage between $20 - $30 per hour by the end of this term. .....and a Big Mac will cost $20
  12. Do you beat people up if they don't agree with your union views? There may be some good smaller unions out there, but many of the big ones are powerful and corrupt.......and they supported Obama. So when this country falls into financial oblivion in the next 4 years, we can all give a big round of applause to all the Obama supporters. As far as political posts...... I have seen far more hunter division and in-fighting on political posts that relate to hunting and wildlife , than I have on posts like this one.
  13. I am not a Coues fanatic. I hunt them because they are easier to pack out than a mule deer
  14. Look at the violence started by the union thugs in Michigan
  15. Snapshot

    My COPD Ram

    Way to go Tony! Glad you got your Ram. Sheep country is tough stuff! Kudos to TJ for helping out. He is a good man!
  16. Snapshot

    Jaguar-Macho B

    Bottom line....they should have left it alone!
  17. Snapshot

    Not until the Fat Lady Sings

    Nice pic and great story. Sorry you had to bring the fat lady along on your hunt.
  18. Snapshot

    4 Tags 4 Deer Bark at the Moon 2

    Nice deer and pics.....but now I can't get that Ozzy song out of my head.lol
  19. Snapshot

    Ideas on a quad...

    Buy a Polaris. A big tough man sized quad with IRS. Hondas are probably the most reliable, but were built for midgets.
  20. Snapshot

    Pot Smokers and College Bound

    There are enough naturally stupid people in this country. We don't need chemically induced stupidity.
  21. Snapshot

    Pot Smokers and College Bound

    Make it a felony with stiff jail term. I have seen guys lose thier jobs over failing a drug test. It seems that dope smoking is more important to them than paying the bills.
  22. Snapshot

    Got my mount back!

    Handsome buck!