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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Packers/Vikings Part 2

    Another big game tonight football fans. Wil be back at Famous Sams at Pima/Alveron at 5:30 if anyone is in the hood....stop by.WE wil be dressed in PURPLE. Vikings got hot at the end of the season, but I predict a tough game at Lambeau. I expect Rodgers and crew will crush the Vikings. Prediction............... Packers 38 Vikings 17
  2. Snapshot

    Packers/Vikings Part 2

    Congrats to the Pack for playing some solid fottball. The Vikings........not so much. Should be a good game with the 49'ers next week.
  3. Snapshot

    Packers/Vikings Part 2

    We are pretty much screwed. Breaking news, says the Vikes starting QB is out from an injury sustained last week. Drats!
  4. Snapshot

    Packers/Vikings Part 2

    Guess the Packers fans don't realize they shouldn't piss off A.P before they play. ITS ON NOW! http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/green-bay-packers-bar-taunts-adrian-peterson-with-banner-010613
  5. Snapshot


    Dang glad she didn't get fanged. That would ruin her day in a hurry.Maybe it's a snake that got caught out in the cold and had no where to go?
  6. Snapshot

    Fiscal Cliff

    Obama is going to make us pay for his destruction of the country
  7. Snapshot

    Fiscal Cliff

    For every $1 in budget cuts they want $41 in new taxes. Blind fools in Washington.
  8. Snapshot

    Fiscal Cliff

    I would like to push everyone in Washington D.C over a cliff. These boneheads don't care one bit about Americans, All they care about is getting their way, and to be on top of the political power struggle. Bunch of worthless douchebags.
  9. Snapshot

    Packers / Vikings

    That will be SWEEET!! The Vikings will most likely be "one and done" in the playoffs. We don't have a good enough QB and passing game to beat Rodgers and crew at Lambeau. I am praying for a miracle upset.
  10. Snapshot

    Packers / Vikings

    Final regular season game of the year. Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings. IF the Vikes win we are in the playoffs as a wildcard. Will be at the Famous Sams @ Pima/Alvernon for the game (2:25 start) for any Tucson members that are in the area.and would like to join in on the fun.It is a Packers bar, so just look for the guy dressed in Viking Purple
  11. Snapshot

    Piers Morgan

    Leave it to Ted http://www.reagancoalition.com/articles/2012/20121228005-ted-nugent-piers.html
  12. Snapshot

    Packers / Vikings

    It got really rowty at famous sams. we were outnunbered 10:1 by Packers fans, but we held our own. No blows thrown....almost!
  13. Snapshot

    Packers / Vikings

    Sorry Amanda.....but we beat you in a heart attack game. AP missed the record by 9 yards......bummmer for him!
  14. Snapshot

    Got my first lion! 130lbs 7'0"

  15. Snapshot

    Packers / Vikings

    Adrian Peterson needs 208 yards to beat Eric Dikersons single season rushing record. Peterson had 210 rushing yards against the Packers 3 weeks ago
  16. Snapshot

    Packers / Vikings

  17. Snapshot

    trojan download

    Everything seems to be working good
  18. Snapshot

    Feinstein proposal

    Thats the problem in America......we the people...let the government get away with all the B.S.
  19. Snapshot

    Feinstein proposal

    Taxing politicians out of existence would be a good start. To bad we can't tax stupdity in the whitehouse
  20. Snapshot

    trojan download

    Here is one of the culprits to this type of problem The Google redirect virus prevents you from viewing the Web pages that you want to see on your browser. The virus can cause all types of problems. When you're browsing the Internet, the virus will redirect your page requests to fake websites and display fake errors on your computer screen. It's also prone to infect browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. You can manually remove the Google redirect virus if your computer is infected. Read more: How to Remove Google Redirect Virus | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5842581_remove-google-redirect-virus.html#ixzz2G645pB9f
  21. Snapshot

    trojan download

    The CWT webpage has been freezing up and acting strange for me.....just the last few hours. I updated my Norton anti-virus sofwtare yesterday?