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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    49ers vs Packers

    I think the fat lady is singing for the Packers
  2. Snapshot

    49ers vs Packers

    Kaepernick has 179 rushing as a QB.......that is just sick. Niners are running all over the Pack.
  3. Snapshot

    49ers vs Packers

    Unlike my Vikes last week, the Packers have their hands full against the Niners. Good Game!
  4. Snapshot

    NRA Membership

    Thats a good deal. I heard after the Sandy Hook tragedy, and the threat of more gun ciontrol, NRA was signing 8000 new members per day approx.
  5. It's always nice to see un-biased reporting. Most of the liberal media have their noses so far up Obama's backside, they should tie a rope to their ankles so they don't fall in.
  6. Snapshot

    Heartbreak Hotel For Denver!!!

    The Raven's showed up to play some ball. I thought for sure the Bronco's would win it at home. Manning coughed up an INT at a bad time. The Packers/ Niners game is looking to be a good dog fight
  7. Snapshot

    S&W M&P 45

    Just picked up my new M&P .40 Can't wait to burn some rounds, Thanks Casey! Next on the buy list XD-.45, and a S&W 1911 e
  8. Snapshot

    Biggest Snake in the world found dead

    I think my plaque started flowing............SNAKES.
  9. One of the reasons I quit going to G&F meetings is that they always have made up their minds before the meeting even starts. Public meeting input is just a by-law requirement. Dog and Pony show.
  10. LOL. Thank you. If I had one of the Iron Man super hero suits, I could have this country fixed in a hurry.
  11. Becuase the Obama regime and liberal media have gotten what they want out of the situation. They no longer care about the psycho that did it.
  12. Snapshot

    Can't fina an AR-15 anywhere.

    This is the first time in the last 4 years the Democrats actually stimultated the economy a little bit.
  13. Snapshot

    Pigs in 37B - numbers low?

    It's been years since I hunted that unit, but we used to find a fair amount of pigs along the San Pedro and the adacent drainages.
  14. Snapshot

    B of A shenanigans

    They should change their name to "Bank of Liberal America"
  15. Snapshot

    B of A shenanigans

    Every Saturday whem I get paid, we go to Bank of America to cash our checks because they are drawn on an out of town B of A.(long story) The branch manager was always hammering me on where I bank? and why I don't open an account there. I told her it was none of her dang business where I bank, and I wouldn't open an account at B of A if she paid me. She won't even look at me when I go in there.
  16. Snapshot

    Can't fina an AR-15 anywhere.

    P.M me with what you are looking for. I work with a guy that builds them custom. Starting at around $1400. I checked one out that was built for the wolf steel case ammo. It was nice. Not sure about what he has available, but I can ask him.
  17. Snapshot

    S&W M&P 45

    Nice! How much is that setup, if you don't mind me asking? Brent, I have about $700 into everything you see in the picture when I bought it about a year ago. Thanks Phil. I am going to check out some of the XD kits.
  18. Snapshot

    Missing 7 Yr Old! Unit 18A

    Glad they found him. 15 degree overnight temps was probably a long night for him.
  19. Snapshot

    African Lion

    Wow! That is awesome! I love those African animal, full body mounts!
  20. Snapshot

    S&W M&P 45

    Nice! How much is that setup, if you don't mind me asking?
  21. Snapshot

    S&W M&P 45

    Is it a thumb safety model? How much are you asking for?
  22. Snapshot

    S&W M&P 45

    Good video. Thanks for posting it!
  23. Snapshot

    S&W M&P 45

    2 years ago when I worked for Blackhawk in Bozeman,Mt. They had a a couple safes with all the guns that they manufactured holsters for (firing pins removed), I got to handle many different guns when quality control would test them for holster fit. S&W, Glock, Sig, Xd, Ruger,1911 models, etc. It was interesting. The holsters we manufactured were more for law enforcement, and tactical. Not so much for concealed carry.
  24. Snapshot

    S&W M&P 45

    I have had a S&W 4006 in .40 caliber as one of my defense gun for years. It's a nice gun, but heavy. I was also considering the XD