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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Obamacare: A real story

    Yep. It went downhill in a hurry when Obama starting passing out free cell phones, and green cards. Goes to show us that even a criminal like Obama can weasel his way into the Whitehouse without taking responsibility for anything. Cuz according to Obama, everything is Bush's, and the GOP's fault. It's easy to become popular and blame everyone else when the liberal media only reports what they want, instead of holding OBama's feet to the fire for his actions.
  2. Snapshot


    Our President and his band of DNC Lackey's are the most corrupt group I have seen to date. They make Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter look like sweet hearts in comparison. I sincrerely hope that sometime soon, Obama gets caught with his hand so deep in the cookie jar, that impeachment will be unavoidable. Thats all I want for Christmas.....Obama's resignation....or a shameful prosecution. Yep...and pig's will fly.
  3. Snapshot


    I saw that article with McCain and Bloomberg. McCain and some of the GOP are Rhino's. I regret voting for Jeff Flake, just as I have others. The Dem's seem to be doing a good job at destroying the GOP. Makes us aware of what the GOP have become. A bunch of spineless toadies.
  4. Snapshot

    Obamacare: A real story

    Obamacare will be the death of quality healthcare in this country, unless you are wealthy. Everybody knows it's bad, the politicians know it's bad deal, but yet It will rear it's ugly head in 2014, and nobody seems to want to stop it. That is how weak and complacent this country has become. To allow this Man to get re-elected and to pass this travesty of a healthcare law is beyond stupidity and ignorance. Look at some of the States defending gun laws, they are basically telling the fed's to shove it. We need to do the same with Obamacare.
  5. Snapshot

    MURDER right across the street

    Looks like Mr. Hawk got a good meal. I saw something like that awhile back. A dove was strutting around a parking lot and the Hawk swooped in like an F-16. All I saw was a feather explosion, and the hawk flying off with it's lunch. Those Raptors are pretty savvy hunters.
  6. Wow. Thats good to know about the 700. I have been using my trusty 700 for years without any problems. Even though I am very safety concious, I will have to keep that in mind.
  7. But Obama will still campaign around the nation for popularity instead of digging in and gettting things done. Wouldn't want the budget to get in the way of his golf game, and media whoring.
  8. The only time I have a round in the chamber is when I am still hunting in thick cover. Even then, I have the barrel pointed forward and the safety on, as long as nonbody else is around of course Hope the kid is o.k. It's a hard way to learn a lesson.
  9. Snapshot


    The rank and file members of the House/Senate make $174,000 per year approx Majority Party Leader - $193,400 Minority Party Leader - $193,400 House Leadership Speaker of the House - $223,500 Majority Leader - $193,400 Minority Leader - $193,400 Of course this does not take into consideration the amount of bribes and backscratching They are all a bunch of overpaid nimrods....but then I am biased.
  10. Snapshot

    DHS - What are the up to?

    We need a president like this guy. Good video....check it out. http://patriotupdate.com/videos/bill-whittle-gives-pro-gun-virtual-state-of-the-union-speech/
  11. Snapshot


    Nice.! You forgot to add...... You know this country is "Full of Idiots" if a guy like Obama was elected twice.
  12. Snapshot

    DHS - What are the up to?

    Makes me wonder where the post office would get the money, considering the financial woes they have?......but then again I guess bullets are more imprtant than budget.
  13. Snapshot

    DHS - What are the up to?

    I wonder if anybody sells "Obama Targets" ? Fair is fair, right?
  14. Snapshot

    DHS - What are the up to?

    Guess Who Is Featured on New DHS Targets? YOU! Written on Friday, February 22, 2013 by Ralph Barker The Department of Homeland Security has purchased $2,000,000 worth of new targets. These are not just any targets either. They are not the ones that most of us think of with the concentric circles and a bulls-eye. These targets feature real people, like you. Some feature photos of pregnant women, little boys and girls, and senior citizens. All of these people, even the children, are pictured brandishing a gun. I wasn’t aware that people, people like you and me, are now the suspects of future violence. We are now apparently a major concern of DHS. Why? Remember that recently many government agencies purchased millions of rounds of ammunition. Even unlikely agencies such as Social Security, the National Marine Fisheries Service, Department of Education, and the Internal Revenue Service are stocking up. We have to at least suspect that the federal government is anticipating some kind of civil unrest. If that occurs law enforcement may be called upon to shoot citizens. This may seem unthinkable, but shooting American citizens has already happened quite a few times that I recall. There was Ruby Ridge, David Koresh and his followers in Waco, Texas, and the Kent State massacre that happened in Kent, Ohio. In my estimation most of these were mass executions. Obviously, the courts don’t agree with me. Regardless, American citizens were shot and killed by our government. There is another aspect to this story too. These “no more hesitation” targets, as they are called, are also brainwashing tools. They are tools that will help desensitize law enforcement officers so they won’t hesitate when called upon to shoot American citizens. That time may be nearer than we think. I hope you have not been desensitized. I hope you are as shocked and outraged as I am that our government is doing this. WND, previously Worldnet Daily, has a video on their site that features an interview with a representative of the company, Law Enforcement Training, Inc, that manufactures the targets. It is located here. The company admits they are selling these targets to government agencies. This is not a hoax. There is some good news. Due to the pressure from the public and even the law enforcement community, the company, Law Enforcement Training, Inc, has apologized and taken down the targets from the Internet. It is still unclear whether or not they will continue to be sold to DHS and other agencies. But, this is a start and shows public pressure still counts. The American people have already been desensitized to so many things. What was considered porn in the 1950s and 60s is now displayed on family time television and on the front of mainstream magazines. Nudity doesn’t get much attention anymore. Neither does living together outside of marriage, extramarital sex, drug use, homosexuality, or the most bloody violence. Yes, we’ve been desensitized. We live in the new normal that, at least according to biblical standards, is abnormal, destructive, and sinful. It is a victory to see the targets exposed and withdrawn from the Internet, but this doesn’t change the agenda and we still don’t know who will continue to get the targets. The plan probably still is to desensitize our law enforcers even further. To shoot a pregnant woman or child should cause no more hesitation than shooting the bulls-eye on a traditional target the thinking goes. We no longer have to have a bulls-eye on our backs. We are the bulls-eye. Life is getting cheaper by the day in this country. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. – Thomas Jefferson.
  15. Snapshot

    Tucson and freak snow storm

    In honor of the Tucson blizzard, the folks at PSE posted this on facebook
  16. Snapshot

    DHS - What are the up to?

    The natives are getting restless, and DHS is gearing up for insurrection.
  17. Snapshot

    Craigs List Woes

    A new scam is targeting people selling items on Craigslist and it could cost you thousands. When David Wolek put his 2007 Carolina Skiff fishing boat on Craigslist he didn't expect to get caught on a phishing scam. "I guess since it's a fishing boat," said Wolek, "they're out phishing for a sucker." Wolek placed an add offering to sell his boat for just under $16,000. Right away he got a bite from an interested buyer. "He sent me a message telling me he was very interested," said Wolek. "He wanted it for his father but he was on an oil rig and he couldn't come take a look at it himself." Emails detail an elaborate scheme designed to steal your money. The fake buyer urged Wolek to join PayPal - then promised to overpay by $2500 to cover transportation fees. Then the buyer wanted Wolek to wire him back the overpayment. "That's when it didn't smell right to me," said Wolek, a retired post master from Oklahoma. The fake seller then sent a fake email pretending to be from PayPal. "I mean it really looked legitimate," said Wolek. Of course, it wasn't. The email claimed money had been sent to his account but to release it Wolek would have to wire the scammers back $2500. "When it got to OK I've gotta pay before I receive the money," said Wolek, "that's a clear indication that something's wrong." "This is definitely a scam," a PayPal spokesperson told Fox 4. "Online users should always be wary if somebody asks them to wire money especially if it's related to an overpayment." So how do you know if a PayPal email is legit? PayPal will address you by your first and last name not "Dear Sir." There won't be a false sense of urgency (example: your account is about to be canceled). There won't be any attachments. Wolek says he received another email, from a woman claiming to be in the Army, with the same scam. He's still looking to sell his boat. But the only ride he wants to be taken for is out on the water."They rip people off," he said about the scammers, "and it's just aggravating." PayPal Tips: Use caution when contacted by people that you don’t know, asking you to engage in a transaction that will not be protected by PayPal Buyer Protection. Find out more about the person you are transacting with by e-mailing them, using eBay’s feedback system, or calling them on the phone to check the validity of their requests. Be highly suspicious of anyone asking you to use Western Union or other wire services to make cash transactions. Be suspicious of deals that seem too good to be true – they usually are. When in doubt about the safety of a transaction, always contact PayPal first via phone, email at help@paypal.com or on Twitter at @AskPayPal.
  18. Snapshot

    Craigs List Woes

    I have been through that also. They should change the name to "Scam list". On any of my adds that I place, I put in big bold letters " LOCAL CASH TRANSACTIONS ONLY. I WILL NOT SHIP OR DELIVER. DON"T ASK" The scammers with out of state area codes still try to scam anyway. I send them a nasty email and they go away. I learned the hard way to never give out my email or phone number unless they live in Arizona
  19. Snapshot

    Hunters Against Gun Violence

    Here is a good form of gun violence. Too bad he didn't get all 3. http://www.guns.com/2013/02/21/a-young-father-kills-two-men-who-broke-into-his-home/
  20. Snapshot

    Teachers and Guns

    It is a correct assumption when they say " The road to helll is paved with Democrats......and liberals" Here is a perfect example of what is happening in our schools. Many people have given there lives to protect our freedom, and what our flag represents......and there are people like this stomping on it. http://www.fiscalconservatives.com/videos/kDTFcUfydIU.html?s=c
  21. Snapshot

    No Weapons Allowed

    You mean to tell us that you were not enjoying the sponge baths by ugly nurses?
  22. If Obama "Bamboozled" his way into a second term, just think of all the bad laws and poicy he will make over the next 4 years. There is only one sure way to stop Obama's rising dictatorship..............But since I don't need angry men in Black SUV's coming to my house, I will decline on posting the answer. Big Brother is watching.!
  23. Snapshot


    I think McCain needs to retire. We need fresh and agressive people in the GOP