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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    What a fricken joke. If you under pay the IRS for $100 they be on you flies on poop. It seems to be a common theme in this country. We can all scew each other over, but we are not allowed to screw over the government. All the while, it's o.k for the government to screw us over. There has to be a country song in this somewhere
  2. Snapshot

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    I never fell for it. Even though some of the buyers (Scammers) must think that everybody is stupid, this old fart didn't just fall off the turnip truck. I even hold the money up to the sunlight, in face to face transactions, just to make sure it is not counterfeit.
  3. Snapshot

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    Yep. One of the oldest scams on Craigs list. They overpay the amount , and then ask you to send them the difference. If you deposit that check, it will bounce...bounce....bounce...bounce.
  4. Snapshot

    Home land security

    I think I will stock up on some armor piercing ammo http://patriotupdate.com/2013/03/drones-can-detect-if-citizen-is-armed/
  5. Snapshot

    Whats your dream hunt?

    LOL. I am well on my way to geezerhood. Right now I will take #1, later on #2. I am with you Bill. A 21 day Tanzania safari would be a dream come true. They provide those luxury east African tent style camps. Now all I need is about $125,000.00 C'mon Powerball!
  6. Snapshot

    Home land security

    Palin: Feds ‘Stockpiling Bullets’ in Case of Riots After Default Saturday, March 2, 2013 Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin claimed the federal government is “stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest.” Palin believes such calamity may result from the country defaulting on its obligations. She claimed the threat of default exists because Washington politicians are not serious about reducing the country’s debt, as evidenced by the drama over the sequester. “If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done,” Palin wrote of the sequester set to hit on Friday. “Put a fork in us. We’re finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest.” Read more: http://patriotupdate.com/2013/03/palin-feds-stockpiling-bullets-in-case-of-riots-after-default/#ixzz2MOp2LrgW
  7. Even though I do not care for your HS leaders in Washington, I support you BP agents that are out here in the real world. Hang in there, and hopefully things will work themselves out in the near future
  8. Our "Blamer in Chief" is blaming the GOP for the the spending cuts. SImply because Obama is all about image and nothing more. The opportunity to compromise was there, but he chose not to. He is like a kid in a sand box, he want's all the sand and toys for himself.
  9. We just sent $60 million dollars to the rag head Syrian rebels. People are struggling with jobs in this country, but the Fed's always seem to have plenty of money to send overseas.
  10. Snapshot

    Have You Had Enough Yet?

    I am hoping the GOP is coming up with a game plan, and not raising too much of a stink, before 2014. There will be Senate seats up for grabs in 2014, and the GOP needs to bring it's A game to have any hope to regain control of the the senate. The way things are going, it's a long shot. And I certainly am not getting any warm, and fuzzy feelings, on the current direction of the GOP. Despite Obama's "Blame Game" tactics, I sincerely hope that the smart voters, are finally getting fed up with WHitehouse, and react accordingly.
  11. Yeah...I can imagine women walking around Wal-mart with a shotgun strapped to their back for personal protection. You can't get any more stupid thanJoe Biden. I was hoping that Redcoat Morgan, would get his sorry AZZ run out of the country.
  12. Snapshot

    Home land security

    Check it out http://www.guns.com/2013/02/28/obamas-ex-secret-service-agent-its-not-gun-control-its-people-control-video/
  13. Snapshot

    Home land security

    People think I am crazy becuase I told many since 2008 that Obama has an evil agenda for this country and it's citizens. Fortuantely, I turned a few people away fromthe dark side of the force, and got them to vote Republican the second time around, however, it didn't count for much in November. And you are right...Homeland security is not our friend. They are Fed's, and will only protect themselves when SHTF. WIll there be a civil war? Will they fire upon their families and friends? WIll they kill husbands and wives, sons, and daughters to protect a dictatorship? Time will tell. But I think that most Americans will roll over and cave in to the tyranny. Guys like me will end up dead on the streets as martyr's
  14. That idiot liberal Michael Moore, said he is glad that all the " Ronald Reagan voters" are starting to die off. If we had more Ronald Reagan people around, things may not be as they are today. Michael Moore is a guy I would like to have 2 minutes alone with in a dark alleyway.
  15. I am homophobic, and I try not to think of things like that. But I do have faith that God will sort things out in the end, and I will not have to share the afterlife with Obama,, liberals, and the rainbow people. There is a special place reserved for people like them.......I hear it is very hot there.
  16. Here is hypocrisy at it's finest http://www.guns.com/2013/02/28/gov-cuomo-to-exempt-hollywood-from-nys-gun-control-laws-video/
  17. The GOP have caved in over the last 4 years, and it's only getting worse. Many of the RHino's are betrayng the right, and those of us who voted for them.
  18. I will spill the last drop of my blood fighting liberal tyranny. But I have thought about going to the Phillipines, and living on the beach with a hot 21 year old Filipina wife
  19. I was really hoping that Jan Brewer would have kicked Obama master right in the sack. Right there on the tarmac......WHAM!
  20. The dog that get's kicked too much just needs to rip the masters face off. Just sayin......
  21. Snapshot


    I would LOVE to debate with Obama, he wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in Helllllllll. I would shame the man beyond all belief , and I am not even a politician. Tell Obama what he doesn't want to hear, call him out on his lies, and he will crumble.
  22. Snapshot


    A guy can only hope!
  23. Snapshot


    ......and as a scare tactic.....the Fed's just released a bunch of illegal imiigrants from custody....because of looming spending cuts.
  24. Snapshot


    And guess what will be next.? Federal control of the internet. The fed's are already gaining access to personal emails and networking acounts WITHOUT WARRANTS! We have a federal tyranny in the making