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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Polaris Flat Proof tires

    That honeycomb rim pattern does seem like it could be a mud collector.
  2. Obama invited some of the rank and file members of the GOP to dinner. Makes me wonder what this turdball is up to now. The GOP said they are optimistic about working with Obama. Seeeesh, these suckers really fell for it. Obama will do an end around at some point. Just a word of advice to the GOP......"Don't drop the soap when Obama is around"
  3. Snapshot

    Almost ready for her next bow!

    Nice. A ltitle "Huntress" in the making.
  4. Snapshot

    Polaris Flat Proof tires

    where did you see that? that sounds insane....not gonna sell many at that price. It was in another article about these tires. I will see if I can find it
  5. Snapshot

    Eric Holder Response

    Philip Klein Senior Editorial WriterThe Washington Examiner Email Author@philipaklein Popular in Politics White House, Holder respond to Rand Paul: ‘The answer is no’ Rand Paul’s moment and the end of Obama envy McConnell extends Rand Paul filibuster: It’ll take 60 votes to proceed with Brennan nomination What did Rand Paul accomplish last night? Rand Paul responds to Lindsey Graham’s comment on ‘ridiculous’ filibuster Ever since losing the presidential election, the right has been consumed by envy of President Obama — of his mobilization of key voters, his digital strategy, his ability to successfully shift blame to Republicans and the way he is able to seemingly exploit every crisis for his political advantage. My colleague Tim Carney has a good post explaining what Rand Paul accomplished with his 12-hour plus filibuster. But I also wonder if this could be seen as the moment where post-election conservative envy of Obama subsides, and they begin to see him as vulnerable again. A lot of the outpouring of conservative support for Paul’s filibuster on Obama’s drone policy went beyond the libertarian and anti-interventionist blocs of the movement who were also deeply troubled by Bush era counter-terrorism policies. Even those conservatives who may not agree with all of Paul’s views on presidential war powers were supportive if for no other reason than they relished seeing a conservative win a messaging war with Obama. It was impossible to dismiss this as just a right-wing Tea Party attack, because a lot of liberals agree with the substance of Paul’s criticism. This filibuster had to get under Obama’s skin. As much as anything else, he was elected on a promise to turn the page on the Bush era and conduct the war against terrorism with greater concern for civil liberties. Watching Paul’s filibuster last night, I couldn’t help but think that this is how Obama imagines himself – a principled crusader for justice. When Bush and Cheney were running the show, whatever could be said about them, at least they were consistent in supporting broad presidential powers in the realm of national security. But it’s hard to look back at the pre-2009 Obama and see him as anything other than an arrogant hypocrite now — somebody who thinks a muscular executive branch is okay so long as he’s running iPlease enter your email address below to begin receiving the Politics Digest newsletter. The filibuster also worked because Paul had credibility. Were it led by an older Republican Senator who had been around during the Bush administration, it would have smacked of political opportunism. Though this will boost Paul’s national political profile, nobody would deny that he’s been consistent. Also, for all the post-election discussions about the demise of the Republican Party, the filibuster also showed how it could have a bright future. Watching stars like Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio help out Paul showed that the GOP’s got talent. Republicans obviously have a long way to go. But taken together with the emerging sense that Obama overplayed his hand on the sequester, things are looking much brighter than they were in January. And Paul’s filibuster is probably the most galvanizing moment for conservatives since the election.
  6. Snapshot

    Tucson City Council

    The Tucson City Council is a joke. Along with all their "Artsy Fartsy" ideas. The Electric cable car project is a prime example. THey spend millions on this joke of a project. Have they taken a good look at the street conditions?
  7. It will be a great day when that blubbering fool is gone from politics. I wonder how much the left paid him to be a traitor to his party. We need many more people like Cruz and Rand Paul to start "Shaking the sugar tree" in Washington D.C. Get the Rhino's out .
  8. Snapshot

    Tucson City Council

    I think it has to do with the fact that Davis Monthan AFB, wants to do more flights with their jets. Some residents are complaining, and there is some politics in play over it.
  9. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday DesertBull!!

    When guys like me get older and somewhat senile, we gotta share a little bit of quirky birthday humor! Hope you had a good birthday!
  10. Snapshot

    Polaris Flat Proof tires

    I saw some info that says these tires could exceed $500 each?
  11. Snapshot

    Naked chicks with guns!!

    LOL. And here I was expecting something else...........
  12. Snapshot

    Puerto Penasco

    Nice.! That is some good eating right there.
  13. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday DesertBull!!

    Desertbull Happy birthday to ------------------------------> When you are drinking these tonight Just remember....................................... Happy birthday old man!
  14. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday DesertBull!!

    Dang....It's that time of year again? Hhmmmmmm.......WHat did I get you last year? Oh yeah.....a naked lady jumping out of a cake. I am going to have to come up with something more clever this year. Happy Birthday! In the words of the Terminator "I'll be back". I gotta go find something just right
  15. A leaked email from an Agriculture Department field officer adds fuel to claims President Obama's political strategy is to make the billions in recent federal budget cuts as painful as possible to win the public opinion battle against Republicans. The email, circulated around Capitol Hill, was sent Monday by Charles Brown, a director at the agency’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service office in Raleigh, N.C. He appears to tell his regional team about a response to his recent question on the amount of latitude he has in making cuts. According to the partially redacted email, the response came from the Agriculture Department’s budget office and in part states: “However you manage that reduction, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be.” The response noted that the administration had already told Congress that the APHIS would “eliminate assistance to producers in 24 states in managing wildlife damage to the aquaculture industry” without additional funds. Arkansas Republican Rep. Tim Griffin said the administration’s response to Brown’s email shows a bid to undermine efforts to replace the cuts, known as sequester, with less onerous ones. “This email confirms what many Americans have suspected: The Obama administration is doing everything they can to make sure their worst predictions come true and to maximize the pain of the sequester cuts for political gain,” Griffin said in a statement. Griffin told Fox News on Wednesday that the bosses effectively said, “you can’t do anything that is inconsistent with the negative impact that we’ve told everybody these cuts are going to have.” An Agriculture Department spokesman said Wednesday that Brown's suggestions had already been included in the agency's sequestration plan and in the administration's fiscal 2013 budget. Under the 2011 deal reached by Obama and Congress, the cuts are supposed to be across the board, meaning government officials have limited flexibility in moving around money. The administration in recent weeks has made doomsday predictions about the impact of the cuts. And the White House so far has appeared unwilling to accept a Republican offer to give the president more autonomy in making the cuts, covering $85 billion this fiscal year, to help reduce the impact on some of the most essential or hardest-hit programs or agencies. Some political strategists say the president hopes the cuts hurt enough to compel Republican lawmakers seeking re-election next year to end them by agreeing to more tax increases. On Sunday, Gene Sperling, the White House’s top economic adviser, suggested Republicans would indeed make this decision. “Our hope is, as more Republicans start to see this pain in their own districts, they will choose bipartisan compromise over this absolutist position,” he said. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, during a House hearing Tuesday, was asked by South Dakota Republican Rep. Kristi Noem about the Brown email. Vilsack said he was unaware of the email, but denied the administration has a policy of being inflexible and maximizing the cuts’ impact. “I wouldn’t say that we’ve said no to flexibility,” Vilsack said. “But there are certain circumstances where we don’t have flexibility.” “I’m hopeful that isn’t an agenda that has been put forward," Noem said. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/06/leaked-email-adds-fuel-to-claims-white-house-playing-politics-over-impact-cuts/#ixzz2MmCcUYTi
  16. Baby cry Obama is stamping his pouty feet in the sand box. Since he had to sign the sequester, he has made it a point to make sure all the "Sky is falling" fear mongering, over the sequester is true. The Whitehouse is making sure that spending cuts are looking as horrendous as they predicted. More false posturing and bluster. But hey ....we have lots of extra money for Egypt
  17. Too bad "We the people" are not afforded the same rights as the the Government. I bet I could talk a Republican billionaire into buying me a drone. Hhmmmmmm. .....Now which Golf course is he at....?
  18. Snapshot

    AZ CCW Holders

    Check out this CCW state "Reciprocity" map and info. http://www.usacarry.com/concealed_carry_permit_reciprocity_maps.html
  19. Snapshot

    AZ CCW Holders

    You don't need one in AZ, but you still need a CCW in states that allow concealed carry with another states CCW card.
  20. Obama's, american hating buddy "Hugo Chavez" has died, Gee whiz...I won't be shedding any tears.
  21. Snapshot

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    Here is an example of the emails I get everyday on my dispoasble Yahoo account. I once made the mistake of posting my email address on a craigslist add. I used to mess with these vermin, but they are so stupid it is not even fun anymore. And to think, all I have to do is send her $150.00 to get the paperwork started, to get $20 million. Sorry Ms. Reem AL-Hashimy, but I bet my IQ is considerably higher than yours ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, I apologized for contacting you for the first time through email, it is because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you, I am Reem Al-Hashimy from UAE, I seek your assistance because of my position in the government (U.A.E. Minister of State). Can you please assist me to receive and invest this fund $20 Million ,in your company or any business in your country?. I will give you more details and my profile as I hear from you. Best Regard, Ms. Reem Al-Hashimy
  22. Our Pilot is Out of Control Written on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 by Robert Owen I understand that there is a very dangerous phenomenon that can occur when a pilot flies at night. With no visual clues they sometimes stop believing their instruments because their senses tell them a different story. So they make a correction based on those feelings. Suddenly things get worse, so the pilot corrects some more. Which makes thing even worse still. As I understand it, the only solution is to start correcting to what the instruments are telling them or, ultimately, the plane will plow into the ground with the expected tragic results. That is exactly what is happening in Washington today. The country is in the control of a bevy of inexperienced theoreticians. They are highly educated. And because they are so smart and educated they think they know all the answers. Just about none of these people have ever owned a business, started a business, financed a business, been an executive in someone else’s business, or met a payroll. In other words, they are flying by the seat of their pants. They all have similar educational backgrounds. They were educated in expensive liberal institutions. Therefore, in any given situation, they are pretty much in full agreement on solutions. A dissenting voice is seldom heard. If one is heard, I will bet it is drowned out by a very loud consensus. If they had experience outside of government, or even inside government as a governor or big city mayor, that experience would act as their instrument panel. It would tell them when things are flying straight and true. If a change was needed, that instrument panel would tell them if they were making things better or worse. But we have a pilot with no instruments to guide him. He doesn’t even have a map or compass to steer by. He is solely guided by his own self-assurance that he knows the way and that he is on course. His crew is so enraptured of him that they feel that their job is to whisper in his ear that he is a great man and he is most certainly correct in all that he does. The problem that is created here is that if our pilot makes a correction and the expected results are not forthcoming, he is convinced that he did not make a large enough correction. He is in the spiral of needing to spend more money, therefore needing to acquire more money. Tax and borrow, the spiral continues. I’m sure he feels this is only a temporary measure until the business climate revives. But at the same time, his regulators are increasing the amount of regulations, paper work, permits, and fees that weigh on business, whether a start up or an established enterprise. It reminds me of a joke that I used to say to my kids. “The beatings will continue until morale improves.” Small business is taking a beating that they cannot endure. I read where the president of Subway said “in today’s business climate there would be no Subway”. I may not have the wording exact but that is the essence of his thoughts What worries me most is that we are just at the start of our pilots second four years. I see no sign of a change for the better. As a matter of fact he is making things worse with his “the sky is falling” campaign over sequester. Why does he and his cohorts have to use the politics of fear. It is not honest. It is not right. And, it most certainly is not presidential. At a time when the country needs calm reflection and statesmanship, we are getting just the opposite. Standing and shouting that every problem is because of those evil Republicans is getting old and wearing thin. Are there no adults in the Democrat party that can go to the President and make an effort to try to save the country before it plows into the ground? Apparently not Read more: http://patriotupdate.com/articles/our-pilot-is-out-of-control/#ixzz2Mg7vD0lz
  23. Snapshot

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    One of the many "small scams" on Craiglsist, are those people that Phish for email addresses and phone numbers. You will start receiving all kinds of spam and scam, from all over the world. WE have all seen the Nigerian scam emails. These vermin sit in internet cafes and wifi spots and gleen the internet for whatever email address they can get. You will also get phone calls with recorded messages, telling you about the dream vacation you just won, or some other nonsense For kicks, I like to try and trace the IP address....just to see where it is from. I love messing with scammers It may not be appropriate, but you might get a kick out of this website http://ebolamonkeyman.com/
  24. Snapshot

    Home land security

    We will see many of these patroling the streets, when Obama exercises Martial Law to disarm us.