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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. This country is morally and ethically bankrupt, but we have not hit rock bottom. Rock bottom will come when we are fighting each other in the street for food and water, while we are hunted down by the Feds and military. Looting,rioting, murder, all the things that Obama is trying to instigate by his sinister plan. Then our foreign enemies will pounce. We have not even come close to Rock bottom. When this country goes financially bankrupt, we will experience rock bottom like we have never imagined. Will it happen in our lifetime? Maybe....maybe not.
  2. Maybe they should call the north Korea leader "Ding Dong"
  3. Snapshot


    At least they made it to the Sweet 16. They should have had that game, but blew it. At least we didn't have to suffer the embarrasment of being in NIT games.
  4. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    .......then we have a bunch of little Obama's running around. Swell.
  5. IMO....It is all bluster. North Korea would have to be extremely stupid to pick a nuclear fight with a country that could wipe them off the map. But then again......we have Obama wuss as a President.
  6. The only thing that will change our current government, is a revolution. DHS isn't buying all that ammo for nothing.
  7. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    Liberals are only tolerant of people who think like they do
  8. Snapshot

    Banning Bazooka's!!!!

    The liberal retards wouldn't know what a bazooka was, if you stuck it up their rear and squeezed the trigger.
  9. Snapshot


    A friend of mine is a hardcore Wildcats fan......I bet he just had a stroke.
  10. Snapshot


    :P .......Phooey!
  11. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    I wonder what garbage legislation they passed while we were all distracted by this crap issue??? It is an O-bomb-a staple. Distract and then get the garbage passed while the sheep are looking at the juicy story. It is also suspiciously convenient that the media is all talking about Sandy Hook and Aurora as the dems are making another strong push at robbing us of our 2nd Amendment rights. The wool is over your eyes. Obama sure has used the Newtown massacre to his advantage. Nothing like exploiting dead children Obama style.
  12. Snapshot

    March Madness - Forum Etiquette?

    After the wildcats blew that 10 point lead,,,,,I imagine he needs a fresh pair of Hanes
  13. Snapshot

    March Madness - Forum Etiquette?

    I think I missed my calling as a sports commentator.
  14. Snapshot

    March Madness - Forum Etiquette?

    Uh -Oh....guess who took the lead
  15. Snapshot

    March Madness - Forum Etiquette?

    Wildcats better tighten up...the Buckeyes are closing the gap
  16. Snapshot

    March Madness - Forum Etiquette?

    March Madness..... Alot of game left to play but the Wildcats are up by 10 over Ohio State.
  17. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    Normally, I don't think anybody would discuss it, The liberals have alot of us conservatives so fired up lately, that sometimes we cannot resist venting a litlle.
  18. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    I have never met any gay hunters.. Has anyone else?
  19. Snapshot


    I saw that commercial, and the second time I saw it, I knew something wasn't right. Nanny Bloomberg and the MAIG are spending big bucks on their lame commercials.
  20. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    Hey now......I spend time in Montana.....where men are men.....and the sheep run scared.
  21. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    At the end of the day, it is the Media that reaps the rewards of the gay marriage fiasco, with all the headlines and coverage it brings them IMO .....The Supreme court is mostly liberal. I am sure we can guess how this will turn out.
  22. Snapshot

    The latest on border security

    And V.P Joe Biden's hotel bill in Paris France was over $500,000.00 The Fed's seem to have enough money for everything except the important stuff......like Border Security. Can Border Patrol agents go on strike? The fed's had to cut everyones pay so the King and Queen can continue to burn tax dollars on vacations http://patriotupdate.com/2013/03/the-first-family-enjoys-fourth-vacation-in-three-months/
  23. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    America is changing rapidly, and in my opinion, all the changes are certainly not for the better. What two people do in the privacy of their own home, is none of my business, as long as they are not breaking the law, or infringing on my privacy, However, the thought of two men walking down the street holding hands, makes me want to toss my cookies. I was raised on certain christian and moral values, and gay marriage is not one of them. We have people fighting for gay marriage in the Supreme court. We have legal issues brewing over what restroom a transgender is supposed to use. We have the same liberals and nutjobs trying to crush christianity and drive it out of our schools and the public eye. Really? These people want to fight for gay rights, but abolish christianity? As someone else mentioned, God will sort it all out in the end, unfotunately, we all have to deal with it in the "Here and now". We have a Gay meteorologist on a news channel here in Tucson. Every time I see him, I envision a fairy dressed in a pink tutu dancing around forecasting the weather. he is that obvious.,I have to change the channel. I do not like gay's, and I do not support gay marriage in any form.
  24. I would like to see that Sea lion's momma drag that pit bull into the ocean....and get revenge. Yep and I would drown the dog. Graphic video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UH3o6GCF8I