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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Bckpage is gone

    CEO of Backpage plead guilty to separate charges,in Texas, and California. Human trafficking, in Texas. Money laundering, and conspiracy, in California. Somebody will be getting a new cellmate soon.
  2. Remember when Nancy Pelosi said "We have to pass the bill, to see what's in it"? This deal is a Trojan horse. Same, same.
  3. Snapshot

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    The first time around they wanted tags to raise money for conservation. This time they are using the guise for educational awareness. Putting lipstick on a pig, comes to mind.
  4. Snapshot

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    So the tag grabbers are back? Swell. If money is involved for G$F, I'm sure they will be slobbering all over that deal.
  5. Snapshot

    Pack snacks

    Forgot to mention, pudding and jello packs.
  6. Snapshot

    Pack snacks

    I almost forgot about hard boiled eggs. Those are always good.
  7. Snapshot

    Pack snacks

    So was this thread some kind of foreplay? LOL.
  8. Snapshot

    Pack snacks

    A couple of samiches. Chips or crackers. A tin of Sardines in mustard sauce. Salted peanuts or cashews. Bite sized candy bars, and Granny smith apples. I carry enough food in the pack to last 2-3 days if something happened. I don't eat monkey butts, or rabbit junk. No need for antacids.
  9. Snapshot

    Pack snacks

  10. Snapshot

    Dinner in Gunnison Colorado

    Had a nice dinner there years ago. I just cant remember the name, or if they are still in business. Make sure you stop by Traders rendezvous. It is worth the time.
  11. Snapshot

    webster's definition of assault rifle

    No worries. Generation Tide pod, are too busy snorting condoms. David Hogg, the new poster child for the Liberal gun grabbers is part of the reason all this nonsense is gaining traction.
  12. Snapshot

    Public Wifi censorship

    Not me, but the 2 for a buck tacos.....
  13. Snapshot

    Public Wifi censorship

    I will just have to add, Jack in the crack, to my long list of boycotted companies.
  14. Snapshot

    Bckpage is gone

    Boycott Hookers. Stick to Pornhub, like everyone else with two hands and the internet.
  15. Snapshot

    Public Wifi censorship

    Youtube has begun censoring gun related videos. Liberal fascism.
  16. Snapshot

    Bckpage is gone

    Backpage is in big trouble with the Feds. There was a search and seizure of all website domains, and computers of the backpage owner.
  17. Snapshot

    Thanks TexasHunter

    Pretty good? I'm thinking best haha. It was awesome!
  18. Snapshot

    Thanks TexasHunter

    Texashunter makes a pretty good smoked brisket also.
  19. Snapshot

    HSUS gives up fight

    SCI made a press statement, that HSUS, has given up on trying to ban Cat hunting in AZ.....for now.
  20. No money, no honey. and when she says "its normal to get an erection during a massage", she is talking to herself, not you. Maybe he didn't notice the Adams apple.
  21. Snapshot

    HSUS gives up fight

    HSUS is like a cockroach. They will be back, when the light is turned off.
  22. I went to Palo Verde for a year and a half, so I would have to say no. LOL
  23. I've agreed to prices over the phone with buyers, and they show up and pretend like they didn't bring enough cash. I'll wait, while you go back and get the correct amount that we agreed upon. Homey don't play that game.
  24. Sahuaro '79Glad you survived that! We couldn't even spell our school name correctly. Sabino class of 1980. We really enjoyed beating our rival in football....bwahahaa.