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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Misc. Archery Stuff

    P.M Replied
  2. Snapshot

    Misc. Archery Stuff

    P.M Replied
  3. Snapshot

    Facts & Fallacies

    The Democrats don't want us to have guns at all. They know they can't make wholesale changes to our constitution, so they will chip away at the edges. Makes me wonder how long it will be, before the Fed's decide that all gun buyers will need to submit to psychological testing before a purchase is allowed? Bad things are coming, and our enemy is stronger, more focused, and more determined You are right on the "silent majority", more people on the left , are speaking out, compared to the right. As far as Bloomberg and New York? That place is such a corrupted cess pool,they need to put a big wall around it, and turn it into their own little country.
  4. Snapshot

    Facts & Fallacies

    Politicians are only fooling themselves, and the taxpayers, if they think that a background check is the answer to better gun control. Will a person buying a gun on the black market worry about a background check? Straw buyers? Any alleged statistic provided by a politician of the government is nothing but hogwash. Look at the unemployment rate of 8% plus provided by the fed's. There are factors not considered in their calculations, and IMO, the unemployment rate is more likely 14-16% approx. Gun control is about people control, and this whole thing is nothing but smoke and mirrors to make people in Washington D.C look like they are fixing a problem. I am all for keeping the guns away from the psychologically unstable, however, the governments approach will have no means to do so. The Democrats have been using the "90% agree with us" ploy for awhile now. It seems to be their new slight of hand approach. Sure...I bet 90% of the liberals agree with them, but not the country as a whole. I can have a poll go in my favor if I interview people who think like me. Thats how it goes. IF they polled 100% of the conservatives and gun owners, what percent would be in agreement with them? Not many!
  5. Snapshot

    Unit 23 sucess?

    Hunted unit 23 in 2007, archery elk. Hunted the Northern part of the unit. Only saw 2 whitetail does. Did see 2 nice Muley bucks, but I only had an elk tag.
  6. LOL. They will have to row pretty fast to catch up to our cruisers. Good one!
  7. Snapshot

    Redneck Science

    Thought I would post this just for fun. A good way to ruin a perfectly good shotgun. http://www.guns.com/2013/04/05/redneck-science-never-shoot-a-shotgun-when-your-barrels-in-the-mud-video/
  8. Snapshot

    Live Band?

    Now if you want some GOOD music, I can refer you to a few Rock and Roll clubs.......
  9. Snapshot

    Obummer slams AZ

    Because Obama is an A-Hole
  10. Snapshot

    Live Band?

    The Maverick. It's over by Kolb/Tanque Verde. It gets very crowded. get there early if you want a table, otherwise you will be standing up all niight. http://www.tucsonmaverick.com/
  11. Snapshot

    Obummer slams AZ

    No love lost between our Govenor and Obama....That is a big plus for Arizona on the federal war front.
  12. Snapshot

    Obummer slams AZ

    Another shooting on the southside....now there is a big shocker. Almost a daily occurance in Tucson. And Obama want's to disarm us, and leave us at the mercy of ruthless criminals. One could only hope that these gang punks would all kill each other....but that would be too much to ask. The southside breeds criminals like rabbits. Every morning I wake up, and hope to see news headlines of a terrible tragedy that happened to our dictator and chief......I was hoping God would step in and send the Grim Reaper to Pennsylvania avenue........... TUCSON - One man is dead, and another man is in critical condition in what Tucson Police believe may have been a gang-related shooting on the south side Thursday night. Shortly after 9 p.m., police responded to a shooting on the 1100 block of E 32nd St., where they found a 22-year-old man lying in the road with gunshot wounds. According to Sgt. Maria Hawke, the man died at the scene. Police also learned a 24-year-old man was taken to a nearby hospital with life threatening injuries. Investigators believe he was involved in the same shooting incident. Police have not released either of the victims' names. They have reason to believe at least one of the men may have had gang affiliations, said Hawke. According to Hawke, two groups of people were involved in an altercation when numerous shots were fired, hitting at least one person. Hawke did not say if police had any suspects at this time. The Tucson Police Department Gang Investigations Unit is now investigating the shooting. Anyone with information should call 911 or 88-Crime.
  13. Snapshot

    Obummer slams AZ

    Obama is a consumate liar.
  14. The U.S and everybody else, just needs to ignore N. Korea. Kind of like a little kid that cries for attention, they eventually quit crying when you ignore it.
  15. Snapshot

    How big of a gun do you need for protection?

    When it comes to Grizzlies.....I don't have to run fast....just faster then whomever is with me. One of these days I am going to get a .500 S&W. No such thing as being overgunned when it comes to a ticked off animal. As far as self defense against 2 legged vermin, I like the .40 S&W. But then again, I have not been able to try out the ballistics on an out of control crackhead...yet!
  16. This chest beating by N. Korea is nothing but a sorry attempt to get something from the world. I feel sorry for the citizens of that country having to live under these type of rulers. Who want's to bet the U.S will cave in and give them aid, or money, or........... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/04/us-working-diplomatic-channels-to-resolve-n-korea-standoff-amid-shows-strength/
  17. Snapshot

    Obummer slams AZ

    Exactly. Democrats have no logic,for what makes sense. They can't take away our guns right now, so they are focusing on buying all the ammo they can, to keep it out of our hands.
  18. Snapshot


    Welcome. I grew up In Albert Lea, MN, Just across the border of Iowa.
  19. Snapshot

    Country Thunder 2013 Roll Call

    Just remember what she won't give you, when you want it!
  20. Snapshot

    A few Alaskan fish

    Nice. Tasty looking fish. I bet it was alot of fun.
  21. Snapshot

    Obummer slams AZ

    This clown will do alot of damage before his term is over.
  22. Snapshot

    Obummer slams AZ

    That.....and we are supposed to have a President that does his best for the USA. We have neither.