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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    First lion picture ! 20 minutes after setup!

    Dang...that was quick. I bet that cat was in the tree's watching you the whole time....then it came to investigate.
  2. Snapshot

    Best Mexican Restaurant-they didn't do their research!

    I built all the booth seating and tabletops for Mi Nidito....years ago. Used to build alot of restaurant fixtures back in the day. I remember when President Bill Clinton came to town and ate at Mi Nidito's. They had all the streets barracaded, secret service, and police everywhere. I saw him from a distance, but that is as close as I wanted to get to that jackwagon.
  3. Snapshot

    Best Mexican Restaurant-they didn't do their research!

    Casa Molinas in Tucson. Food is good, but the Margarita's are the best.
  4. Snapshot

    One smart kid

    I saw that clip. Our leaders are too involved in power grabbing, and control. Clearity and logic are not part of their agenda. Its great to see smart young people like her.
  5. Snapshot

    Feb/9/2013 Mexico Hunt

    Muy grande Venado
  6. Snapshot


    A great idea for baiting those drones into range. Cept one thing I forgot about......my wife....she catches me wandering around out in the woods with a beer can in my hand.............I am in trouble...... SO don't let her catch you. I won't tell.....I promise!
  7. Snapshot

    Best Mexican Restaurant-they didn't do their research!

    How come they left Taco Bell off the list?
  8. Snapshot


    A great idea for baiting those drones into range.
  9. Snapshot

    Found your spot!!

    Because it's a trashy eye sore
  10. Snapshot


    No different than what the Whitehouse is doing lately. Seems to be the "Modus operandi" of the left these days, because they can get away with it.
  11. Snapshot

    Unit 23 sucess?

    Yes sir, the restaurant is still here. Same owners, same food and now open for dinner a couple nights a weeks since the Blue Front closed down in Glenwood. I don't have any pictures but I have seen coues deer all over this unit but I've never taken the time to pattern them. We're unit 27 junkies in AZ but have a place here in Alma. PM me if you guys are ever in the area and need anything. Good luck! Have you ever hinted in the Alma Mesa area of unit 27? Just curious as to what it is like on that side of the Blue
  12. Snapshot


    How many drones can they afford to get shot out of the sky, before they quit sending them up.
  13. Snapshot

    Polaris Flat Proof tires

    Check out what Polaris is comng up with. Interesting! http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2013/03/06/polaris-introducing-flat-proof-airless-tires-next-year/
  14. Snapshot

    Found your spot!!

    .....and there wasn't a big pile of empty beer cans on the ground?
  15. Snapshot

    Biden in Paris

    THe Whitehouse is just thumbing their noses at the taxpayer,or basically just giving us all the middle finger. Obama is a hypocrite beyond compare, He was whining ,and fear mongering over the sequester, yet, he and Biden spend millions in taxpayer dollars for vacations and his political pandering. Oh.....but wait...Obama is giving back a whopping 5% of his salary. What a cheese ball.
  16. Snapshot

    Ghetto Elk

    There is no pernit required for ghetto elk. Just run em over.
  17. Snapshot

    Misc. Archery Stuff

    Release and Stablizer have been sold
  18. Snapshot

    Misc. Archery Stuff

    Toxonics Model 1400 Target sight with 1.5x Interdot scope w/spare green flourescent repalcement ring. Like new $40.00 Sold Pending funds Vista Release- Brand new and never used $20.00 Not sure what model this is. I won it in a league shoot awhile back. Sold 10" Vibracheck Hydraulic Satbilzer $10.00. Has wear on outer casing but is fully functional Sold Located in Tucson
  19. Snapshot

    Karaoke - Barbados Style

    And I thought I was a bad singer.
  20. Snapshot

    17 points or more?

    Ouch. 16 points is a painful wait. I was up to 11 points when I got drawn last, and I thought I would never see a tag. SO now I am building points again.
  21. Snapshot

    Facts & Fallacies

    "This past Monday was April Fools' Day, and even the White House participated. Obama said he would let Americans make their own life decisions, Joe Biden said something intelligent, and Michelle Obama pretended to cancel her next 12 vacations." -Jodi Miller
  22. It is what King Obama says it is, after his morning cup of coffee. It's his motto of "Divide and conquer" Thou shall rule the American peasants.
  23. Snapshot

    Misc. Archery Stuff

    Toxonics sight is Sold pending funds. Release and stabilizer are sold pending review from a member here in town.
  24. This whole situtation is going to spiral out of control at some point. I feel these Liberal left control freaks, are way overstepping the boundaries set forth in our constitution, to protect us from a tyrannical government, federal, or state. The secret service have no business, policing any state. Colorado is a great state for sportsman, It is a shame that liberal nutjobs are controlling it.