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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's true. if you are not on God's side, he will not fight for you. yes, we will give up our guns, because, well, no justt because we have tolerated homosexuality, but have tolerated abortion, pornography, fornication, divorce, adultery, unbelief, etc. i'm not against gays, per se. no more than i am against a fornicator, or a liar, or a thief, or whatever. I don't even think you can pass laws against them. you can't force morality. people are people, and we all have our shortcomings. hey, i'm a sinner just as much as a murderer or a child molestor. but it's when we become proud of our sin, and cease to ask for forgiveness of it, that causes God to stop fighting for us. before the american colonies won the revolution, the Great Awakening occurred. That was when most of the people in the colonies became born again, evangelical Christians. Before the great awakening, the colonies were a pretty rough place to live. But afterwards, God gave us liberty. Very soon after this America forgot God again, and began abusing mankind, embracing forms of atheism, all with smiles on faces and full church houses. But you can't abuse your neighbor and have God overlook it. So God sent the civil war, and 600,000 men killed each other. I know you think it's silly, but when you violated God's law, you lose your personal liberty. It's always been that way. Always. Even in the Bible, when God's people stopped serving God, they always lost their liberty. So yes, if you think you can stop Obama, more power to you. But i don't think God's gonna let us stop Obama. We deserve Obama. We tolerate abortion, now God gave us Obamacare. I've just found out that'll cost me 400 a month. How are you gonna hang on to your guns? Socialism doesn't allow it's citizens to be armed. And socialism is a product of atheism. Hey, i'm all ears. What plan do you have to hang on to your guns? I will be violating God's law if they come to take my gun's. The people who try to take them will die, and I will die trying to keep them from being taken. I hope God can forgive me for protecting the rights of freedom....the very same rights that God gave me in the first place.. God will have ot sort it out in the end, and I hope I don't end up in the lake of fire.
  2. Snapshot

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    "Hordes" as in large groups. or masses of them.
  3. Snapshot

    1 Box Remington .308 Core Lokt

    P.M replied
  4. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    I have never met any gay hunters.. Has anyone else? No I have never hunted gay's , sounds like fun! Whats do you think would be best for shootin them?What do you do with em after you shoot em? Get em mounted? I don't want to even consider eat'n one!!! Just smack em in the azz with a wet towel. They like that! What do you use to bait em with? ? How do you know they like to be smacked in the _ _ _ ? Do u have to sneak up behind em to smack em? Why not shoot em then smack em? The Wack & Smack method! Hahahaha. I saw it on a movie once! Was that the movie Broke Back Smack Mountain! When I saw 2 cowboys getting feaky in a tent.......I had to shut that movie off.
  5. Snapshot

    Anyone else enjoy "Chasing Tail"?

    I prefer a different type of "tail"
  6. And people wonder why I have never had any respect for the AZG&F commission.
  7. Snapshot

    Lion and Baby

    Kitty looking for a snack. I don't know how much I would trust glass.
  8. House GOP shows little appetite for Senate gun control measure By Russell Berman - 04/12/13 06:00 AM ET Growing momentum in the Senate for new gun control legislation has failed to flow down to the House, where just a handful of House Republicans have embraced a deal to expand background checks for firearm purchases. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) and multiple Republican members of the Pennsylvania delegation are backing a compromise brokered by the Keystone State’s Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) that advanced in the Senate on Thursday. Yet in interviews, those lawmakers said they have had no discussions with the House GOP leadership and don’t know what the prospects for the legislation would be in a chamber dominated by conservatives. While party leaders have made a concerted effort to prepare their rank-and-file for a major immigration push this year, they have not done so on the gun issue. Senior aides say the topic has rarely come up in leadership meetings, as top Republicans stick to Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) plan to wait on Senate action on gun control. For a second straight day, Boehner refused Thursday to commit to holding a full House vote on Senate-passed gun legislation. But he said the House would not ignore an issue thrust into the spotlight by the December shooting of 20 schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn. “Listen, our hearts and prayers go out to the families of these victims,” Boehner said. “And I fully expect that the House will act in some way, shape or form.” Any Senate bill, he said, would be referred first to the Judiciary Committee for hearings. Republican leadership aides have cautioned against the expectation of quick House action, noting that the Senate has already been working on gun legislation for nearly four months. The House, an aide said, would expect to take at least as much time. For gun control advocates, the political atmosphere in the GOP-controlled House underscores the heavy lift even to expand background checks and crack down on gun trafficking and straw purchases, which enjoy broad public support in opinion polls. In a press conference with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) announcing the Senate measure, Toomey said the proposal had preliminary support from a number of House Republicans. “I know there are a substantial number of House Republicans that are supportive of this general approach,” said Toomey, a former House member. “There are definitely Republicans in the House that support this.” But with the exception of King and Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), few had come out with public statements backing the bill, and a Boehner spokesman said he was not aware of any conversations between Toomey and the Speaker. Rep. Mike Thompson (Calif.), the leader of the Democratic House task force on gun violence, said he and King were talking to “about seven or eight House Republicans” about the Toomey bill, which they plan to introduce in the House. Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.), a former FBI agent representing a New York City district with a sizable law enforcement community, said he was open to new gun laws but had yet to see the proposal. “I’m going to be reasonable,” he said. “I’m a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, but when it comes to making sure criminals aren’t getting guns, the mentally disturbed are not getting guns and that there are strict penalties for those that are committing crimes, those that illegally have guns, I’m all for that.” “I don’t think the current system is good enough, so I think we do need to tweak the current system a little bit,” Grimm added. At the same time, he characterized himself as “pretty far to the right on the Second Amendment.” Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.), whose district is in upstate New York, took a much more skeptical view of the Toomey proposal. “I’m very concerned that if there’s any language that infringes on the Second Amendment, I’m not very interested in supporting that type of proposal,” he said. Like other Republicans, Reed said the focus of the debate should be more on mental health issues than gun control. The root issue of gun violence, he said, is “the person behind the gun, not the gun itself.” In his district, Reed said he has heard much more from constituents supportive of gun rights, especially in the wake of sweeping gun control legislation passed in January by the state legislature, which he opposed. House Democratic leaders have already begun ramping up pressure on Republicans to consider gun legislation. "If they for a minute think they can throttle this [and] put it on the back shelf or lock it away in the back room, they're going to be incredibly surprised by what happens across this country," Thompson said. For supporters of the Toomey-Manchin proposal, their best hope may be if Boehner decides to allow a House vote even if receives less than majority backing in his conference. The Speaker kept that door ajar on Thursday, reiterating that he does not consider the so-called “Hastert Rule” requiring a “majority of the majority” to be an iron-clad commandment. “It was never a rule to begin with,” said Boehner, who has allowed House Democrats to carry a handful of bills to passage since President Obama’s reelection. “And certainly my prerogative or my intention is to always pass bills with strong Republican support.” Read more: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/293461-house-gop-shows-little-appetite-for-senate-gun-control-measure#ixzz2QGS9YdUl Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
  9. Two are missing from article? Did Your Republican Senator Prevent a Filibuster of Gun Control Bill? Friday, April 12, 2013 16 Republicans just caved in to prevent the possibility of a filibuster of the new gun control legislation. These 16 senator republicans sided with the pro-gun control democrats to get the 60 votes required to prevent a filibuster of the gun control bill today. Here are the 16 senate republicans who you can “thank”. Arizona Jeff Flake (202) 224-4521 John McCain (202) 224-2235 Georgia Johnny Isakson (202) 224-3643 Saxby Chambliss (202) 224-3521 Illinois Mark Kirk (202) 224-2854 Maine Susan Collins (202) 224-2523 Mississippi Roger Wicker (202) 224-6253 North Carolina Richard Burr (202) 224-3154 New Hampshire Kelly Ayotte (202) 224-3324 Nevada Dean Heller (202) 224-6244 North Dakota John Hoeven (202) 224-2551 Oklahoma Tom Coburn (202) 224-5754 Pennsylvania Pat Toomey (202) 224-4254 South Carolina Lindsey Graham (202) 224-5972 Tennessee Sens. Lamar Alexander (202) 224-4944 Bob Corker (202) 224-3344 Read more: http://patriotupdate.com/2013/04/did-your-republican-senator-prevent-a-filibuster-of-gun-control-bill/#ixzz2QGR6HriF
  10. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    I have never met any gay hunters.. Has anyone else? No I have never hunted gay's , sounds like fun! Whats do you think would be best for shootin them?What do you do with em after you shoot em? Get em mounted? I don't want to even consider eat'n one!!! Just smack em in the azz with a wet towel. They like that! What do you use to bait em with? ? How do you know they like to be smacked in the _ _ _ ? Do u have to sneak up behind em to smack em? Why not shoot em then smack em? The Wack & Smack method! Hahahaha. I saw it on a movie once!
  11. IMO. Sometimes you have to fight fire, with fire. These Senators care little about their constituents, or our point of view. Are we supposed to be civil towards lying politicians? I left them some messages. I did not swear, or use abusive language, But I told them exactly what I think of them, and their actions. It's time to shake the "Political Sugar tree". These guys need to get verbally blasted, and to make them realize we have had enough of their B.S. We are getting beaten by extreme liberal left tactics, We need to beat them at their own game. Playing nice, will not cut it.
  12. These RINO turdballs really sold us out, but I saw it coming. We could have fillbustered this deal, but 16 Republican Senators jumped ship, and signed on with the left. It still has to pass the House, but things are not looking to good. Even the NRA made some left handed threats against the Senators, but it didn't do much good. Of coarse Obama had to bring in the families of the slain Newtown kids as a PR tool. Obama is quite the tool.
  13. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    78 replies, and almost 2400 views on gay marriage. 35 replies, and less than 400 views on gun control issues. I can see that everyone has their priorities in alignment.
  14. Snapshot

    Gay Marriage

    I have never met any gay hunters.. Has anyone else? No I have never hunted gay's , sounds like fun! Whats do you think would be best for shootin them?What do you do with em after you shoot em? Get em mounted? I don't want to even consider eat'n one!!! Just smack em in the azz with a wet towel. They like that!
  15. Snapshot

    Colt M4 avail at my local Walmart for $1097

    What is their layaway period ?
  16. Snapshot


    Maybe they should disguise it as a condor.
  17. Snapshot

    Colt M4 avail at my local Walmart for $1097

    I sure need to get one. Just don't have the coin right now. Need to get one or two before SHTF with gun control laws. Maybe this summer. Thanks for the info!
  18. I have a source that is submitting resumes for a 3 month project here in Tucson, and asked me if I knew anybody. Approximately mid May, until mid August. They require good interior painting skills, and verifiable resume reference. Applicant must have a clean criminal background, and be subject to drug testing. Pay is $15.00 per hour. 40 hours per week. I am not sure what the start time is. They are looking for people that have professional, or semi -professional painting skills, and not just weekend warrior types (No offense). If you are interested, contact me ASAP, and I will put you in touch with the agency. Time is of the essence, as they are moving quick on filling the positions. Have a resume ready for submission.
  19. I still watch the Wizard of Oz every year, since I was a kid. Good stuff!
  20. "Taxidermy man is gunna have a heart attack when he see's what I brung him"
  21. Snapshot

    Arizona Unit 27 Archery Elk

    The last time I drew a 27 late rifle tag, I was in the 20% pass. That was 2005. I hope I get another one before I go to the happy hunting grounds.
  22. I have never seen that one. Looks like you could whack it with your knees?
  23. Snapshot

    Best Mexican Restaurant-they didn't do their research!

    Now I am getting hungry. Thanks!
  24. Snapshot

    Stolen Honda Civic

    Stinkin thieves. Honda Accord/Civic have always been in the top vehicle lists of thefts. Sorry about your loss. Hope it is not on the way to Mexico or a chop shop.