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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Bombing at Boston Marathon

    It's very unfortunate that three bombs escaped notice,. Fortunately one did not detonate. You would think that those in charge of the security of this country, would have learned something by past events. There will be plenty of "passing the buck", while peoples lives continue to be torn apart.
  2. I read that Remington is staying in New York because of Government contracts. Alot of loyal Remington users have been threatening boycott, Have to see how Remington fare's over time?
  3. Snapshot

    Bombing at Boston Marathon

    There seems to be alot of that going around lately.
  4. Snapshot

    Threat to Firearms Sales on These Classifieds

    The war of independence, and the civil war were fought with conventional wepaons. Swords, guns, canons, and horses. everyone was on level playing field. If things get much worse, I am all for a revolution against our government. Unfortunately,in todays world, with the weapons our military has, it would be a wholesale slaughter. But it is still better to go down swinging as a wolve, than led to slaughter as a sheep. IMO .....The gun confiscations will come at some point in time. Too many Politicians seem to be walking on the left side of the path. The opposition to those who would take our guns is growing weaker. As far as the current expanded background checks, it will be more of a hassle to sell a gun privately, plus the added cost of a background check at an FFL. All of which will not do one bit of good for which the bill is intended. But what do I know?
  5. Snapshot

    Stuffed bell peppers with venison

    It's been a long time since I have made stuffed peppers. Your's sure look delicious.
  6. Snapshot

    Bombing at Boston Marathon

    Out of respect for what happened, I removed my Obama comment. My apologies.
  7. Snapshot

    Bombing at Boston Marathon

    Call my statement what you will . There are those of us that care about the good people of this country, and what happened today,, and there are those that don't. I will let you decide what category of caring Obama falls into. That is your choice. It would be nice to see Obama and DHS focus on why this happened. Who did it. And catch those responsible. Without playing the coverup, and blame game. We lost some good people in Benghazi also. But we all saw how that one played out. I am just as disturbed by these events as anyone.
  8. Snapshot

    Bombing at Boston Marathon

    2 dead, and 23 injured so far. Is there so much hate in the world that a person has to ,maime and murder, innocent people.
  9. Snapshot

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    ' I'll bet the drivers name is Raúl M. Grijalva SHhhhhhhhh. If you say Grijalva's name 3 times....he will pop out of nowhere, like Beetlejuice.
  10. Snapshot

    Bombing at Boston Marathon

    Sad indeed. The Boston Marathon is a time honored tradition for runners. We don't know who did it, Muslim Enemies, disturbed individuals? Who knows. I do know that it was an act of cowards.
  11. Snapshot

    More NM Sheds from 4/14/13

    Nice haul. It's great time of year to be in the mountains.
  12. Snapshot

    Mixed Bag @ Rosey!!!!!!!

    Nice day to be on the water. Looks like Rosey is picking up a bit.
  13. Snapshot

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    Wanna have a little fun? Just go to a big construction sight in Arizona, and start yelling..... "La Migra....La Migra"
  14. I think Jack would stick to wood stocked guns. He's just that kinda guy. Nothing like a nice piece of Walnut. I remember when the synthetic stock fad started years ago. I even bought one for my favorite hunting gun after I bashed up the stock with a few falls. I can see the appeal of synthetic. Cheap to manufacture, Impervious to weather, and lightweight. However, being lighter in weight, does not help with magnum calibers, unless you install a muzzle brake. Look at the fine english rifles by makers such as , Holland & Holland, Purdey & Son's, Westley Richards etc. Some of these rifles exceed $100,000.00 in cost, and they use the finest Walnut on the planet, The stock work on these rifles can easily exceed 10 or 20 thousand dollars or more. The burl wood blanks with the most character come from the bottom of the tree. These blanks are becoming harder to get, and are very costly. Circassian walnut, turkish, and the more Generic, California Walnut.. Kilimanjaro Custom Rifles in Montana has developed a "Stealth Laminated" Stock which is very ingenius. Check out there rifles at http://kilimanjarorifles.com/
  15. Snapshot

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY lucky2hunt

    Have a happy birthday, with many fantastic returns.
  16. Snapshot

    1 Box .38 Special +P $20.00

  17. Snapshot

    1 Box .38 Special +P $20.00

    I box of Federal Premium Hydroshock .38 special +P 129 grain (Box of 20) Price drop $20.00 In Tucson I originally bought these for $28.00 plus tax at 2nd Amendment sports (over priced ammo) they were for a snubnose that was not made for +P ammo. I no longer have that .38, and just want to get rid of these.
  18. Snapshot

    Spilled Milk from the Heavens

    Doug....You sir, are a dedicated photographer to be up in the wee hours to get a photo. True dedication to your skills. Great photos!
  19. I don't mind helping out the good folks at AZG&F. In 2005 I took a mule deer I harvested in 30B, over to the G&F CWD check station in Pearce/Sunsites. This was a voluntary action, and going there was an out of pocket fuel expense for me. I didn't mind doing it. They removed a gland from the neck of the deer for testing. Sent me a lelter, later on informing me the test was negative. I understand the CWD issue. We don't need it coming to AZ. However, if there are issues in the Department related to bait and archery hunting, and or, permit numbers, then they just need to man up and say so. Taking away certain hunting privileges, under the guise of CWD is not the way to gain trust and support from sportsman. I would think that CWD could be spread just as easily by animals using waterholes, as it would for any Mineral block or bait spot? Outcry over the truth, is better than outcry over a lie.
  20. Snapshot

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    But Achmed the dead terrorist has gone to paradise and received his 40 virgins.
  21. Snapshot

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    A person has the right to freedom of expression, or speach, even if someone else does not agree. Regardless of what the decal on the window say's, vandalism is a crime. I would have gone out of my way to catch up with the alleged vandals, and ruin their day.
  22. Snapshot

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    I wanted to put a big message about Obama on the tailgate of my truck. But then I think about all the Liberals I would have to run over with my truck when they try and vandalize it. Not going to prison for a liberal.