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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. I am proud to be an American....but I am ashamed of America.
  2. These days they would probably throw kids in prison for the type of t-shirts that I wore in HIgh School. Alot of kids wear pants around their ankles, with underwear showing, and they worry about an NRA shirt
  3. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    exactly why we need a trial, with cameras in the court room and open to the public. One of these guys was convicted of domestic assault while here on a VISA and NOT deported. Well DB, you got your wish. He will be tried in a civilian court.
  4. Typical Liberal infested school systems. I hope that teacher and school get their butts handed to them.
  5. Snapshot

    Here is a nice Colorado eastern plains buck...

    Thats a dandy buck!
  6. Snapshot

    Senseless brutality

    Sorry to hear about crimes like that. I hope she recovers fully. Best wishes to you and your family.
  7. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    Our Government does not explain, they lie. Janet Napolitano is a joke, just like the man that hired her. The Fed's are focused on taking our guns, and giving taxpayer money away to terrorist rebel groups.......and of course, Golf and vacations. The worst terrorist alive....sits in the Whitehouse.
  8. Snapshot

    You can run but you can't hide!!!

    But in the grand scheme of things, this is about those that died, or were injured. A dramitcally life changing tragedy.
  9. Snapshot

    You can run but you can't hide!!!

    I don't mean to go off tangent....but.... Our Federal and state government can seize our bank account, assets, and homes without due process. Sure we can fight them in court over it, but they don;t have to use a court trial fror initial seizure. Bascially marking someone as guilty with out a fair trial.
  10. Snapshot

    You can run but you can't hide!!!

    I agree. I just feel that there are many loopholes in our legal system that allow important things, and certain levels of justice, to slip through the cracks.
  11. Snapshot

    You can run but you can't hide!!!

    So you believe in bending the Constitution to fit the situation at hand......very dangerous. Regardless, the Constitution provides rights for all. They are there for a reason. Innocent until proven guilty. It''s pretty ironic how our Government and politicians trample the constituion daily, but you guys are sticking up for the rights of these cold blooded killers. These guys take lives at the push of a button, and everyone wants them to be legally pampered.
  12. Snapshot

    You can run but you can't hide!!!

    how do you know they are a terrorist or murderer without a trial? Certainly not by snipetts on the TV or a 1,000 word article written in the NY Times or WSJ. The media in this country are a joke and completely agenda driven. You should be asking that question to the dead victims, or the ones that had their legs blown off in the explosion. Reminiscent of the Jared Laughner shooting. Many people saw him do it, but yet he was not a murderer until proven guilty. He spent almost 2 years in jail under the guise, of being metally ill, then plea bargained out of a death penalty, To the tune of millions of dollars in taxpayer money. I am not a judge or jury, and I make up my own mind, regradless of what the lamestream media has to say. innocent people do not run, and get into fire fights with law enforcement, or toss IED's out the window at their pursuers. Has it been proven that these 2 were the bombers.? Certainly not. As a Patriotic Amercian, I am all for human rights, and a fair and speedy trial. It would also be nice to see some fair and speedy JUSTICE. I imagine this guy's trial will be another money suckng fiasco. Personally, I feel these guy's are as guilty, as they are foreign. I would like to see him swinging from the end of a rope, and let the buzzards feed off his sorry carcass
  13. Snapshot

    You can run but you can't hide!!!

    IMO - Terrorist's and cold blooded murderers don't deserve anything fair. Way too many loopholes in the legal system.
  14. Snapshot

    6'8" Boar DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a brute of a bear. Let us know how old he is after G&F ages him. Just curious, since his molars are worn down so much. Nice job!
  15. Snapshot

    Docter Optic Nobilem 12 x 50B

    email sent
  16. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    The liberals have Chris Matthews. Us conservatives have Glenn Beck. Swell. I like Rush LImbaugh
  17. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    2 elephants in the room; O.K Mister Beck..... lets see what you got come Tuesday. http://www.fiscalconservatives.com/videos/PODZaaMTwfg.html
  18. Snapshot

    Bombing at Boston Marathon

    Sad week for American's. At least a small bit of closure for the victims. Hopefully justice is swift and severe. Long road of healing for the victims, and all those that lost limbs. I hope they can persevere.
  19. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    It's a good thing that these 2 terrorist's are not very smart. Wonder if he will get the death penalty, or if some lawyer will pull the "Mentally insane" trick.
  20. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    They said he may be hiding in a boat in someones back yard. BOMB THE BOAT. Game over. He may be wounded...just let him bleed out. And nobody gets hurt trying to take him. Or maybe it's an over eager Media making up stories again
  21. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    I don't know the truth behind this. Just passing on some info. Father Of Boston Suspects: US Security Services Set Up My Sons Steve Watson Infowars.com April 19, 2013 The father of the two suspects in the Boston bombing, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, has told Russian and Western media that he believes his sons have been framed by US intelligence. A report from the Russian agency Interfax says that a correspondent spoke with Anzor Tsarnaev, who resides in the southern Russian republic of Dagestan. From the Interfax report: “I learned about the incident from TV. My opinion is: the special services have framed my children, because they are practicing Muslims. Why did they kill Tamerlan? He was supposed to be caught alive. The younger is on the run now. He was a sophomore at a medical school in the U.S. We expected him to come home for vacation. Now I don’t know what’s going to happen. Tell you once again: I believe special services have framed my children.” Reports on Twitter also claim that Anzor has said that “all heck will break loose,” if his remaining son, who is currently on the run in a suburb of Boston, is killed.
  22. They are obviously a few fries short of a Happy Meal. He better stay away from the Happy Meals.
  23. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    Really.? The father of this kid in russia say's "all heck will break loose if he is killed" I hope they gun this guy down in the streets, like a dog. I know the good book says to forgive, but I am more of an "Eye for an eye" type of person. The father of the suspects, reached in Makhachkala, Russia, by The Associated Press, has also called on his son to surrender peacefully, but reportedly warned the United States that “all heck will break loose” if he’ll killed. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/19/turn-yourself-in-and-ask-forgiveness-angry-uncle-bombing-suspect-demands/#ixzz2Qw2Dj8GL
  24. Snapshot

    Question of the Day

    I understand what you are saying. I feel the same way, in some respects. The sooner they catch this slimeball, the sooner those people can get on with there lives. Unfortunately, the families and friends of the victims will have a long time healing. Especially those that lost limbs in the explosion. Our government needs to keep these type's of people out of the country.
  25. Snapshot

    big lake 2013

    I bet there are some real nice holdover fish to be caught. Since I can not make it to Montana for the summer, I hope to find some time to get up to the White Mountains.