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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Father/Son Outings

    "Leave no trace", should be taught to everyone.
  2. I understand that the G&F has budget issues, and needs more money. That is normal for any agency. I do have a problem with the designation of hunts. They should just raise prices across the board to balance everything fairly. $13.00 for an application fee is almost double. Personally I would rather pay double for a deer tag and have the G&F reduce the permit increases that they have been making in recent years, instead of dealing with overcrowded units, and making for a lesser quality hunt. But that is just me. I understand it would not be as affordable for larger families that hunt, hence, the juniors should be allowed a cheaper permit on non-junior general hunts. Just a thought? I like the idea of habitat, or, conservation stamp......... within reason. My only concern, is in the past, the G&F commission seem to use the public input process as a formality, and end up doing what is in their best interest, regardless of any hunter opposition. I have a big problem with that, However, it is impossible to please everybody, so a fair, and balanced, objective is the best course of action. I will forward my thoughts and ideas to the G&F.
  3. Snapshot

    Memorial Day

    Yes indeed. Honoring the sacrifice of those that died to defend our freedom. Freedoms that seem to be under assault by our current government. My great uncle died on the beaches of Normandy when he was just 18. A man I never met, as he was killed in combat long before I was born. I inherited my great uncles old .410 single shot shotgun. Someday I am going to refinish that gun, and hang it over the mantle, as a display piece. A reminder of what freedom and sacrifice is all about. Have a great Memorial day weekend. God Bless!
  4. Snapshot

    New Tax Loophole

    He may have been appointed by Bush, but Shulman is left leaning. It is a well known fact that Obama and the liberals want to destroy the GOP and conservative values. What better way than to coerce those in the IRS,to do their bidding, target the AP and Fox news. Obama has his buddy Eric Holder, running amuck with the JD. These crimes against us, are inexcusable. Anybody who doesn't think Obama is behind all the scandals going on, needs to get their head examined. The man is a snake, and so are all his supporters. I knew full well that Obama's second term was going to be a nightmare for those of us who still believe in America and the conservative values that this country was founded on. If they get away with what is going on right now, the future of our freedoms are doomed.
  5. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday elkhunter!

    Happy birthday!
  6. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Coach

    Happy belated birthday. Been away from the computer for a couple days. Hope you had a great day with the family!
  7. Snapshot

    New Tax Loophole

    Everything that is going on, "REEKS" of Obama, and his Chicago, Al Capone style politics. Obama and his culture of deniability.
  8. Snapshot

    Colorado boycott

    There is also a recall campaign in the works. Not sure what has become of it.
  9. Snapshot

    New price increases from G&F?!?!

    Every American, and business entity, should quit paying taxes for one year. We need to quit funding the greed of government.
  10. Snapshot

    New price increases from G&F?!?!

    They will do what they want.....regardless of any public input.
  11. Snapshot

    Precision Guided LR rifles starting at $22,500

    Great rifle if you are a sniper. A rifle that would tarnish the true spirit of hunting, if used for that reason.
  12. Snapshot

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    I want to see some serious punishment, and not "just more words" http://patriotupdate.com/2013/05/rep-kelly-delivers-brutal-takedown-of-irs-chief-to-audiences-applause/
  13. Snapshot

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    I am sure they will be met by some of Obama goons, and serious hardware, on the other side of the bridge. Something tells me they won't have much of a turn out for the march?
  14. They should ask that question about our Government. "Will all the worthless dead weight in Washington D.C, capsize it?......I sure hope so"
  15. Snapshot

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    The Obama administration ,is, OUT OF CONTROL. Something needs to be done about it.
  16. Snapshot

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    The cat is out of the bag, and the Dem's are afraid of what will be found.
  17. Snapshot

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    What better way for the Feds's to get ahold of health info that could keep them from allowing gun purchases to individuals, with even a small amount of psychological problems All of this illegal activity is by design Obama knows he will not get his way through congress, so he is taking the back alley approach. Something he learned in Chicago On the positive side, hopefully if enough people get pissed off, maybe the Republicans can take over the Senate in 2014.....or monkey's might fly out of my butt.
  18. Snapshot

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    I will pay my healthcare mandate tax, but I will not give the IRS any personal health info. They can come arrest me if they want.
  19. Snapshot

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    Obama the "Fear and intimidation" king. It's funny how the IRS said it was 2 rogue employees that are responsible for the attacks on conservative non-profits, Yeah right. lets believe that.
  20. Snapshot

    Latest Challenge

    Super cool!
  21. Snapshot

    A Nation of Wimps

    Get rid of the Democrats, and we can put some "Balls" back into this nation.
  22. Snapshot

    Is it too Late

    There are thousands of sheds that will never get picked up, in the harder to reach areas.
  23. Snapshot

    A Nation of Wimps

    Thank the liberal wimps.