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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. The Obama regime has shown what it is capable of. Obama has a closet full of smoke and mirrors, as well as many aces up his sleeve. He has only just begun....
  2. That seems to be a disturbing trend in schools today. Just another Liberal run school. Back in my school days, we would have pounded the guy with the knife into hamburger, and got away with it.
  3. Snapshot


    I am ready to jump in that lake. It is a 15 minute walk from my work project At the UofA, to my truck.And I could have been in Montana right now.
  4. Good for you Matt Birk. I wouldn't shake Obama's hand if you paid me. Matt Birk skips White House visit over President's remarks BRIAN HALL | Published: Thursday, June 06, 2013, 11:47am VIEW GALLERY » EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. — Former NFL center Matt Birk has never been afraid to share his political views, and he made a stand this week by declining a trip to the White House. Birk, who played 10 years with the Minnesota Vikings and won a Super Bowl this past season with the Baltimore Ravens, skipped the customary White House invitation and meeting with President Barack Obama when the rest of his former Baltimore Ravens teammates went to the White House this week. Birk said he made a stand because of recent comments made by Obama. "I wasn't there," Birk told KFAN radio in Minneapolis on Thursday. "I would say this, I would say that I have great respect for the office of the presidency but about five or six weeks ago, our president made a comment in a speech and he said, 'God bless Planned Parenthood.' " Birk, a devout Christian, has taken public stances before, especially recently when it has come to gay rights issues. Birk notably clashed publicly with former Vikings punter Chris Kluwe, who has been vocal in his support for gay rights. So, when Obama made his remarks about Planned Parenthood, Birk decided to protest the issue by missing out on his chance to visit the White House with the rest of the champion Ravens. "Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year," Birk told the radio station. "I am Catholic, I am active in the Pro-Life movement and I just felt like I couldn't deal with that. I couldn't endorse that in any way." Birk added: "I'm very confused by the statement. For God to bless a place where they're ending 330,000 lives a year? I just chose not to attend." Birk, a Harvard graduate who is well respected, retired this offseason after spending 14 years in the NFL with Minnesota and Baltimore.
  5. Snapshot

    Your tax dollars at work

    Maybe we could start a "Rant and Rave forum. That way nobody will get their Huevos in a knot, over the politically incorrect, non hunting issues?
  6. The court is siding with the Libs, on many things lately. Obama just wants to know who is stockpiling Assualt type rifles, and he cares less if the cartel ends up with them. Under that law, I could still purchase 6 a month, without the ATF being notified. Brainless rectums running our country. The Supreme court just allowed DNA samples to be taken by police without a warrant if you are arrested. Our freedom and civil liberties are being taken away wholesale. This is no longer the land of the free. The Obama admin is running roughshod on Americans, and Obama doesn't care what we think.
  7. Snapshot

    Your tax dollars at work

    Flawed and corrupt system....no doubt. I got into it with a black guy at work.(verbally) He was bragging about his Obama Phone, and the food stamps he receives while working. as well as how he milks the system. He didn't like the fact that I called him an" Obama loving freeloader.", and shot him down on every lame thing he said. Obama just flipped the bird to all Americans by installing Rice as national Security advisor. It shows how arrogant and foolish this man really is. I seriously hope the Obama Administration goes down in flames.
  8. I think all of us on the right would applaud you for doing it
  9. Snapshot

    Your tax dollars at work

    Probably has relatives on the other side.
  10. Snapshot

    How many BP for a Dec Hunt

    I drew a first choice December whitetail hunt in unit 27, with no bonus points, in 2004. It was the first time I ever put in for Whitetail.
  11. Snapshot

    Your tax dollars at work

    Just wait until the idiotic immigration bill goes through
  12. Those requirements count me out.........but then again, I would never work for "The Man"
  13. Snapshot

    Night catfishing with kids

    There's also the urban lakes around Tucson. Always fun for the kids, and sometimes you can catch a 4 or 5 pounder if lucky.
  14. I heard yesterday that in the latest polls over 70% of Americans polled believe that these latest scandals are of secondary importance. The economy is the pressing issue. I can't believe that most people are willing to allow a corrupt government to walk all over their constitutional rights to keep their wallets healthy. What happened to freedom and the protection of the constitution? We are truly becoming a soicalist country that is developing a "what can you do for me" mentality. Hopefully next year, when Obamacare sinks this country further into the economic abyss, people will wake up when they get hit where it hurts......in the wallet. But you are right. The only thing that seems to matter to people is money. Obama always wants more of our money, but the voters just don't get it. Obama gives with one hand, and takes away with the other.
  15. It's because, Obama and the liberals, don't care what "We the People" think. Its all about his personal agenda. He doesn't want us to have guns......period. An unarmed society, is a controllable society, and the Government wants that control. Obama will not stop, until he is out of office.
  16. Regretfully.....Obama will not be impeached, unless any of the current scandals can be tied directly to him. Even then, it would be difficult.... since he owns the media lapdogs. Just goes to show, even a scumbag can be President. But then again if Obama was run out of office, we would end up with Joe Biden as Prez. That very thought, gives me nightmares. The GOP needs to turn up the heat, and win the Senate seats coming up in 2014, as well as keeping control of the house. It is our only chance to shut down Obama during the remainder of his term.
  17. Snapshot

    AZG&F in the news-1

    Most Federal and State agencies are out of control. The Obama administration has set an example in "Corruption" and the things they can get away with. Time to clean out the riff raff and kick em all to the curb.
  18. Snapshot

    3 personal bests in one trip!

    Those are some solid fish. The snake, I can do without.
  19. Snapshot

    F250 & 5th Wheel

    http://nelsonrv.com/I think Nelson RV does consignment on Rv's? I know how your Mom feels, and it is certainly hard to part with.. I went through a similar situation when my Dad passed on. Best of luck on everything.
  20. Snapshot

    Took my boys to big lake

    Nice pics. Great to see the youngsters out having a good time. Big Lake is a summer paradise.
  21. Snapshot

    Coues Deer Celebration 6 - Hope you love it!

    Good stuff. I like the part with the kid asleep with the antlers. Great video. Looking forward to part deux.
  22. Snapshot

    Disturbing Trend on CWT.com

    Big one....little one.....or something in between. It's all good. Enjoy the hunt!