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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Obama handing out bonuses for a job well done....targeting conservatives.
  2. Snapshot

    site problems?

    The NSA did it.
  3. The feds have the art of "Money Wasting", down to a science. They also spent over one million dollars on a study to see why lesbians are overweight. A bunch of Homer Simpsons running this country.
  4. Obama's Motto is "Divide and conquer". It's been working pretty well for him lately.
  5. Sold pending funds ....well almost a box. 1 round short of 20(19) Remington Core Lokt .308 150 grain $15.00 in Tucson
  6. "Picture harvesting", is pretty common on the internet these days. I know somebody who had some pictures harvested off of her facebook account, which were then used to setup a fake profile on a questionable dating site. In your case, it looks like they are trying to save advertising time/money on photo's, by using pics they do not own, or paid for themselves.
  7. Snapshot

    Monsoons are here!

    Only a s few drops at Speedway/Columbus area. Had some big thunder yesterday, but only a teaser hint of rain.
  8. The Ramrods in the State Senate did not even allow a debate to the opposition. Cowards.
  9. The Fed's dangled the poison carrot, and Brewer took it. She had her little temper tantrum, and rammed this deal down the throat of the middle class, for Government gain. Wonder what she got out of the deal? In my book, she is just another republican traitor. ON the brighter side, that deal bypassed State law, and there is talk of a lawsuit. But then again I am sure some liberal judge will side with Brewer. Trampling our rights seems to be the :Modus Operandi" of all Politicians.
  10. That's exactly why they want the immigration bill .....VOTES. I pray for future generations of children.
  11. Snapshot

    Now the waiting game

    No fair.
  12. Snapshot

    Now the waiting game

    You are pulling our leg......right?
  13. Snapshot

    Forked Again

    The detail in those pics are amazing.
  14. Snapshot

    Now the waiting game

    Bummer. I have been there,
  15. Snapshot

    Now the waiting game

    The worst 6 week wait of the year. I have confidence I will get 1st or 2nd choice. I only applied for deer this year.
  16. Snapshot

    Montana Wildflowers

    My former employers have been begging me to come up to work the last 2 summers. It is seasonal work, Mid may to mid October. As nice as it is, at my age, it can be hard for me to find work after the summer is over, and I end up using all the money I save on living expenses while looking for work down here. Counter productive in trying to get ahead. But then again...I work here and end up getting layed off frequently.
  17. Snapshot

    Unit 1 or 27? Mule Deer

    I have been putting in for unit 27 for first choice since the late 1970's. Have seen the mulie numbers plummet drastically. There are still good bucks to be had, but the days of seeing bigger numbers of deer during a hunt are a thing of the past. IMO I applied for unit 27 mulie again this year, with the October whitetail hunt 2nd choice I know the unit well, and it has a lot of sentimental value to me. I can get away from the crowds just by hiking a mile, and places no OHV will ever get to.
  18. I was a procrastinator this year and waited to the last minute. I also applied online, which I never do. Always paper. But with getting laid off, and a new job starting recently, things have been a little stressful. Saturday morning I sat down to apply online, and also buy a license. Filled it all out and hit the :Authorize" icon, and it just sat there and processed,,,,,,,,,,,,,and then an error code. No confirmation, no license to print out.....Nothing. But it did charge my bank card for the fee's. Dang it. So I went out and bought a license and tried it all over again this afternoon after work. No problems. I just have to talk to G&F to get a refund for my online license and app fee that showed up on my account from Saturday.
  19. Maybe they could release wolves into the southern Arizona units. Train them to eat the illegals. A never ending food supply.
  20. I tried to send them an email, but since I am not a resident of their district it would not allow it, because an address is required. Argh! I will see if I can get the knuckleheads on the phone? There are actually 26 members on that committee. Raul Grijalva is one of them. Ugh!
  21. Snapshot

    Would ya shake his hand ?

    I wouldn't pee in his mouth, if his teeth were on fire.