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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Sitting here at the airport . . .

    All flights cancelled for at least 3 hours http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/06/19323541-boeing-777-crashes-while-landing-at-san-francisco-airport?lite
  2. Snapshot

    Christmas in July

    I like my new Brute X. Good bow! Have fun with your new toys!
  3. Snapshot

    Classless move by MLB

  4. Snapshot

    Sitting here at the airport . . .

    The San Francisco airport IS the freakiest place I have ever been. Bald headed guys in Orange Robes are always good for a laugh. You gotta love Fisherman's Wharf though. Good chow!
  5. Snapshot

    Classless move by MLB

    I wouldn't sweat it. Some guy's just like to fling poop.
  6. Snapshot

    Classless move by MLB

    You would figure they would accept the honor, but you never know with these dang sports teams. Just like Obama asking the sports teams to help him pimp Obamacare to the fans. The NFL wears pink to honor breast cancer awareness, a baseball team can surely wear something for the fallen.
  7. Snapshot

    Consider this an Early Warning!

    Good ole Bank of America
  8. Snapshot

    So, I'm awake all night

    I know what you mean. Without an electronic smoker, getting the temps right, can be a fine art. Sounds tasty!
  9. Snapshot

    Virus Problems???

    Have you done a full system scan lately? Sometimes certain tracking cookies/viruses, have the ability to reroute your http to a different address. Try: Deleting all browsing history &cache Do a full system scan with Norton (takes awhile) Reboot It might work, or it might not.
  10. Snapshot

    So, I'm awake all night

    So does that brisket need a fulltime babysitter while smoking? or what?
  11. Snapshot

    Congrats Amanda

    Well deserved!
  12. Snapshot


    Got an email from G&F, saying that any credit card update/change, must be complete by July 10th.
  13. Snapshot


    Shoot the lawyers first.
  14. Snapshot


    I am a Baptist, and am extremely ashamed that they use the word "Baptist" in their church name. They are not a Church, but a cult of evil. Need to call in that group that wear's big angel wings and blocks the Westboro's from seeing the funeral....and a whole bunch of Bikers.
  15. Snapshot


    That calls for an automatic revocation of your "MAN CARD"
  16. Obama did something positive for a change. I about fell off my chair.
  17. Snapshot

    Yarnell Hills Fire

    Sad news. These fireman, are dedicated to a tough, and often brutal job, battling these fires in extreme conditions. It is a shame that this happened to them. God Bless, and Godspeed!
  18. Snapshot

    Unit 20c on fire

    Something tells me there will be more fires this next weekend,,,,,,from campers that are not supposed to make fires. Any rain up there yet? We are getting some rain in mid-town Tucson ...finally!
  19. I won't answer those questions, and my Doctor knows it. If I am refused treatment for not answering a question about owning a gun.....I will file a lawsuit against them. Guaranteed.!
  20. Snapshot

    My Moms off to Alaska

    I call first dibs on some juicy Salmon fillets. Great time of the year to be in Alaska.
  21. Snapshot

    HEALY Arms - Mesa AZ Store Tour

    Nice. Sure wish I had some extra cash to spend. I would certainly drive up from Tucson to check out your store.
  22. And all the numb nuts in Washington, want to reward all these Illegals with the immigration reform bill. Only in America!