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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot


    Congrats Snap Thank you. Been 4 years since I have hunted deer in Arizona, since I was out of State. Time to shake off the rust.
  2. Snapshot


    Just got hit on my card. Crossing my fingers for a Unit 27 Mulie huint. But I certainly won't complain getting second choice Unit 27 Whitetail I'm stoked!
  3. Snapshot

    Theyre hitting cards

    Just got hit on my bank card. BOOYAH! Gotta wait and see what choice I got. Going hunting either way!
  4. Woot...Woot.....Just got bank card hit. Going hunting baby. Just don't know what choice 1st or what.
  5. No charge for me yet. I am getting nervous I even called my bank to let them know that AZG&F would be charging my account with a legitimate transaction.
  6. Snapshot

    Why I Trophy Hunt....For TJ!!!

    Bill - Even though I am younger than you, my division is about the same. I hunt because I enjoy it, and I will take just about any decent buck I can get in my sights. Most of the time...anyway. Nothing wrong with trophy hunting. Whatever it takes to enjoy your time in the field.
  7. Snapshot

    2013 draw results ?

    Nothing yet.
  8. Snapshot

    2013 draw results ?

    And here I thought you were pulling our leg. My bad.
  9. Snapshot

    2013 draw results ?

    I call B.S on the CC hit
  10. Snapshot


    Don't hunt places that quads can get to.
  11. Snapshot

    2013 draw results ?

    I imagine viewable results in 10 days.....more or less.
  12. Snapshot

    Peter Lik...ing It

    Beautiful photos as always Doug. I did get a flash of vertigo for a moment.
  13. One huge earthquake might do the trick. I would lose no sleep if New York City, and D.C ,fell into the abyss as well.
  14. It would also give them the ability to know which houses to ,watch/target, when you are not at home. Just a thought!
  15. They should have an app that locates liberals at all times. I will then become President and declare war on liberalism. You will all know where to find them. Big Brother is watching us in ways that would make our founding fathers do flip flops in their graves. Pretty Sad.
  16. Snapshot

    Unit 1 or 27? Mule Deer

    There used to be two "any antlered" deer hunts for Unit 27. I don't remember exactly, but I think it was between 2000 to 3000 tags between them? There was a 5/7 day late October hunt, and then a 10 day early November hunt.
  17. Snapshot

    Unit 1 or 27? Mule Deer

    A Member in good standing pretty much counts me out. If I am lucky enough to get my Unit 27 Mulie tag this year, I am going to a spot I haven't hunted in some years. There are some good hideaway's for a smart old buck or two.
  18. Snapshot

    Unit 1 or 27? Mule Deer

    I'm with you, I see lots of deer in in 27 and 28, I also grew up there. There are smaller numbers but if you know where to go its very good. Do tell.
  19. Snapshot

    Unit 1 or 27? Mule Deer

    No disputing there are still good bucks to be had. Just a much lower deer population than yesteryear. There are areas of that unit that probably never see a hunter, and quite possibly deer that have never seen a hunter. If I didn't have a bad back, I would backpack into some of those areas just to see what quality of bucks may be around.
  20. Snapshot

    For My Dog

    Thanks for sharing your story, and making my eyes water. I am a big softie, when it comes to pets. It's amazing how dogs can be a friend to us in ways that a person can't be. Unconditional love is special. All good dogs go to heaven. They will be waiting for us when we arrive.
  21. Snapshot

    Sitting here at the airport . . .

    The pilot of that Airplane does not have his rating certificate for that particular model of airplane. I wonder who the rocket scientist is that allowed that to happen?
  22. Snapshot

    Unit 1 or 27? Mule Deer

    I remember the good od days of unit 27, and seeing as many as 100 mulies a day. For whatever reason, those days are gone. What bothers me, is that the whitetail are increasing, which is a good thing. The bad thing, is G&F keeps increasing the permit numbers for the whitetail hunt in 27. It is up to 600 tags. Way too many in my opinion. Unit 27 does not have many roads below the rim, which is good. However, overcrowding in the more accessible/popular areas, diminishes the quality of the hunt.
  23. Snapshot

    "Big game draw approaching"

    There's a big game draw?
  24. Snapshot

    Back from Utah

    Pretty cool stuff there Coach. With my bad back, I can't do things like that anymore, so I will have to live vicariously through those of you who can. Great pics, and family adventure for sure.!
  25. Snapshot

    "Sheds For Shots" Success Pictures

    You guy's are awesome. Super nice set of sheds.