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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot


    It is New York.
  2. Snapshot

    Trail cams and BP?

    I'm sorry....but I don't have any tolerance ,for any, City, State, or federal agent, that, infringes on my personal freedom, without due process. Asking a law abiding citizen for GPS coordinates of a trail cam does not constitute a right of any officer. It is simply fishing for information, that is nobody else's business. I don't feel that telling someone to mind their own business, as being rude. I know what can happen in this country when we stand our ground against questionable tactics. Next thing you know, we are being pulled out of our vehicle at gunpoint. searched, maybe have the truck impounded and torn apart. I respect the job, that you BP agents have to do. But at the end of the day, you still work for the man, and he is an ungrateful, and untrustworthy master.
  3. Snapshot

    PERSONALS: seeking fishin partner :)

    Heck, it's been 3 weeks since I've even had a beer. I don't do drugs.......but I am known to swear on occasion. ...mostly in traffic.
  4. Snapshot

    Trail cams and BP?

    There is way too much, invasion of personal privacy, going on in America right now. I don't use trail cams, however, I don't care who asked for my GPS coordinates. My answer would not be polite.
  5. Snapshot

    How many BP for a Dec Hunt

    Correction. I actually drew this hunt back then, as a second choice, They had more December tags available, then they do now.
  6. Snapshot

    PERSONALS: seeking fishin partner :)

    You mean I can't wash down vicodin, with a bottle of Jack, all the while cussing like a sailor?
  7. Snapshot

    Zimmerman Verdict

    I took her picture with my phone camera! Aint she a beauty! LOL I am going to call Obama, and tell on you. Im sure the NSA has already told him , im on his list of whitey's to terminate with extreme pedjudice!!! You and me both.
  8. Snapshot

    Zimmerman Verdict

    I took her picture with my phone camera! Aint she a beauty! LOL I am going to call Obama, and tell on you.
  9. Snapshot

    Zimmerman Verdict

    So did you call her anything back?
  10. Snapshot

    Obama and Barkley

    At least some of the, birds of a feather, are not sticking together. I believe this race issue has been brewing since Obama took office. Obama will continue to get a free pass on everything as long as the media says so.
  11. Snapshot

    Regular joe workout

    Take care of that plantar faciitis. I have spent the last 10 months dealing with mine, and it got to the point where I could hardly walk after a day at work. Lot's of pain. Cortizone shots, and specially made supports helped. I got laid off awhile back, and spent a lot of time keeping off my foot. It did a world of good for healing. I am really wondering how this falls hunt will be on my foot.
  12. Snapshot

    Floating the Salt

    I know how that is. My dogs always wanted to be in charge...as well as queen of the castle.
  13. Snapshot

    Floating the Salt

    Cool pics, and man's best friends. Who's in charge....you or Lexie.? Looks like fun!
  14. Snapshot

    Regular joe workout

    Before each hunt, I just pray, that I don't have a heart attack while climbing up the side of a steep ridge. My Dad went out that way at the age of 67.....and it runs in the family. I need to get off my duff. and get healthy. Part of that requires good health insurance, and some surgery. Spinal.....and most likely some stents.
  15. Snapshot

    Obsession Knightmare

    Nice. Do they ship "Popeye" along with the bow to help draw that 80 pounder. That thing is probably smoking fast. 70lbs is about all I can comfortably handle these days
  16. Snapshot

    Luck of the Draw

    Nice job on permit #40. That has happened to me once in 40 years of applying. My Dad and I got the last 2 one time. Form what I know, the peak of the rut does not hit until the first week of January, in some areas, and sometimes even later in the most southern units. There could be some rut activity, or pre rut, depending if the weather is cold enough to entice the bucks to start moving more. But it all comes down to the does being in "heat". I have no experience with rattling. Scents can work if the core area has scrapes that are being checked by the bucks?
  17. Snapshot

    Awesome Encounter

  18. Nice fish. It looks great up there.
  19. Nice. I wanted to put in for Unit 27 turkey this fall, but only have time and money for one hunt. Will be hunting whitetail in unit 27. Did you get your turkey up top on the rim? I noticed since the fire, turkey tags for 27 have been dropped significantly.
  20. Snapshot

    November Archery

    I drew a Unit 27 November archery tag the first year G&F started offering those tags. It was before the rifle hunt started, and a lot of the bulls were pouring off the top of the rim, down into the winter range canyon country. They were on the move and impossible to pattern. I glassed up 18 bulls total, over 2 days, in 2 adjacent drainages. When I went in the there the next day, they were all gone, and nowhere to be found. Lesson learned for me. I came close to getting a nice 5x5 that was hanging with some cows. but swirling winds blew my chance. Even though I did not score on that hunt, it was a great time. I learned a lot about the elk movement, and what I will do if I ever get that tag again.
  21. Snapshot

    Cwt.com cook book?

    I am just an average cook, so I probably don't have much to contribute in that department. Although I have a killer jerky marinade recipe. I will certainly buy a copy of the book......but only if Amanda autographs it first.
  22. Snapshot

    I drew a tag!!!!

    I could tell you.....but then I would have to kill you. Loose lips...sinks ships.
  23. I have eaten many Pizzas from your place, when I owned my property down in Sahuarita. Darn good pizza. You have my vote.
  24. Snapshot

    Draw Results are Posted

    2nd Choice....Unit 27 Whitetail, October hunt.
  25. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday TJHUNT2

    It's your birthday, as well as draw results coming out today! Hope it's a great day for you Amigo, and I hope you got your first choice. Best wishes to you and Peg.