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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Unit 30B

    I have found deer in unit 30B for over 30 years. Found them by putting my boots on the ground, and looking.
  2. Snapshot

    The Crooks

    I agree. The Fed's, and the Politicians are walking all over us. The problem with this country, is there are more stupid people, than there are smart people. That's how Obama got elected. The Fed's get away with it because "WE THE PEOPLE" are doing absolutely nothing about it, and the corruption in Congress has run Carte Blanche. Us hardcore conservative, antidisestablishment types, are a dying breed, and the Liberals are just waiting for us too die off, so they will have total control. I will be glad I'm dead when that happens. As far as I am concerned, our Government made the Obamacare law, and They should all sleep in the bed they made. Obama included. They all know what a disaster Obamacare will be, yet they want to ram it up our rears anyway. Hey Congress, how about some KY Jelly for everyone? Our country is run by D-Bags.......... to the Nth degree.
  3. Snapshot

    The reason I became a member of CWT

    That would be an awesome trophy if it is a hybrid.
  4. The answer to Obamacare is simply for all Americans to refuse to participate......refuse to pay fines.......refuse to cooperate with the IRS......and basically tell Obama to stuff it in a dark place. Jan Brewer sold us out on the Arizona exchange by taking the Federal Medicaid money......and whatever payoff she received. We are all on the the bottom of a cliff.......being pee'd on by the Politicians standing at the top.
  5. Snapshot


    That link worked.
  6. Snapshot


    The link you posted doesn't work for me?
  7. Snapshot

    Catfish TIme!

    That sounds like an interesting recipe. I will have to give it a try sometime. Years ago I spent a week in Jamaica. I liked the Jerked chicken and pork they make down there. I bought a jar of jerk seasoning to bring back with me, and decided to try it on some fish. I rubbed down the fillet and grilled it. I took one bite, and I thought my face was going to explode, it was off the charts hot. I couldn't eat it. A little rub goes a long way, and I used way too much.
  8. Snapshot

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    Not your fault for the coughing. The blame falls on the guy's that started the fire.
  9. Snapshot

    What do you think?

    True. But I wouldn't bring bear spray to a gunfight.
  10. I'm not a racist. I hate all liberals, regardless of, race, color, or creed. My great Grandfather came to this country from Norway in the early 1900's, Long after slavery was abolished by "REPUBLICANS" I don't care if our President is black. Our current President is evil, corrupt, and has an agenda that is destructive to the American, and Patriotic way of life. I would fully support a black President, such as Dr. Ben Carson. Somebody that has a realistic sense of direction, and conservative values.
  11. We can all thank our racist President for the radical increase in racism.......and the media rolls right along with it. It's the only card the ignorant left knows how to play. That and it's "Bush's fault"
  12. Boehner, McCain, Mcconnel,.........they all need to be shown the exit door. The GOP will never survive unless we get rid of these types. I think hardcore conservatism is going the way of the Dodo bird.
  13. Snapshot

    What do you think?

    Last year my husband and our friend were chased by one who had a cub during the spring turkey hunt. She was mighty aggressive. They retreated immediately after she made her presence known, but she kept trailing them for quite awhile as they made their way back to the vehicle. Warning shots were fired multiple times. She was not injured, but she wasn't as responsive to the "warning" of a shot gun as you would expect. They both carry bear spray now. Those sow's are certainly a force to be reckoned with for sure. In all my years of hunting in unit 27, I have only had one questionable bear encounter. We had a sow with 2 cubs come into our camp in the middle of the night. They sniffed around and one brushed up against my tent. Little did they know, that I was on the other side holding a fully loaded rifle, waiting for any mayhem that may ensue. Fortunately they left without incident. I had watched this family of bears earlier that day, as the Sow was feeding on pinion nuts, and the cubs were wrestling and frolicking on a hillside. It was quite a show.
  14. Snapshot

    What do you think?

    I don't worry too much about Arizona black bears. Chances of an ugly encounter are pretty slim, I imagine? I am getting too old and fat to climb trees to get away.
  15. If I had the power, the first thing I would do is lay down restrictions on the media that would make their head spin. Freedom of the press, has gone to far. The Zimmerman case and all the collateral racial damage is just one example
  16. Didn't the CIA run opium through the Ho Chi Minh to help fund their operations?
  17. Obama would gladly exterminate all of us Conservatives....just ask the IRS.....and the NSA. And now there is more of a rift between Obama and Putin, over the Russian Asylum for Snowden. I hope the whole world sticks it to Obama. Everybody except his lapdogs can see what a joke he is. Obama would kill us all tomorrow if he could, and the media would praise him for it
  18. Snapshot

    Anybody start their hunting beard?

    I am not a guide.....but I have already been through 2 wives. " I am always on the lookout for a future x-wife"
  19. Snapshot


    So I was at work today..... I am helping get a bunch of private apartments ready for UofA students that rent there. When they move out, a lot of them leave personal junk behind. I was installing some new vertical blinds, and I looked down at a pile of L.P records that someone left and..........right on top of the pile is Boy George and the culture club .......now I have that stupid Karma Chameleon song stuck in my head. Thanks DB......it's all your fault for mentioning that freak.
  20. Snapshot

    What do you think?

    That is nice to know, as I carry a .40 caliber Glock and 13 hollow point rounds when I bear hunt! Another solution is to buy an OTC bear tag if your deer hunting unit overlaps with an open bear unit. I have read some articles over the years that hollow point bullets would expend too much energy upon impact in the thick hair and fatty hide of a bear, and poor penetration will result. Especially in lower velocity calibers. It probably wouldn't be as much of a factor in calibers such as the .500 or .460 S&W.
  21. Snapshot

    What do you think?

    Absolutely right.
  22. Snapshot

    What do you think?

    Hollow points are not good for thick skinned animals. for a .40 S&W, 180 grain jacketed soft points in +P if avaialble, if your gun can handle them.
  23. Snapshot

    Anybody start their hunting beard?

    Not me. Not into looking like Sasquatch......and the Eskimo's don't have seven different names for my beard. Just a closely shaven stache, and goatee.