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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    tree stands, blinds, camaras watch out!

    The NFS gets more moronic with every passing year. They are probably selling it all off on Ebay
  2. Snapshot

    Camera Theft

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwNzaBX96WI I'm not sure if the patent has been approved yet so you may have time. LOL That's hilarious . The day they start selling those, is the day I buy a trail cam. All we have to do is look for blue faces.
  3. Snapshot

    Part of Obama Care?

    Did he answer 100% ?
  4. Snapshot

    Summer Vacation!

    Wow. That is fantastic, and looks like great fun. Always wanted to do one of those fly in trips. Used to catch Northerns in Minnesota as a kid, but it's been a long time. Did you see any good bear action up there?
  5. Snapshot

    Who hunts coues with a 30-06

    Nice. I was born in Minnesota corn country. I never want to touch another corn tassel as long as I live......unless I am picking sweet corn.
  6. Snapshot


    Got my Unit 27 October whitetail tag today. 10 weeks and counting down...........Booyah!
  7. Snapshot

    Tags mailed yet?

    Tag was in today's mail.
  8. Snapshot

    Tags mailed yet?

    Regular draw....no tag yet.
  9. Snapshot

    Unit 30B

    IMO -Private land is more of a concern for mule deer hunters, because of the large ranches on the East, and south end of the unit. As well as all the "Ranchette's" that have sprung up over the years from parcels being sold off. The Mule Mts, are harder to get into. If you take Middlemarch road from the Tombstone side to the forest road that runs along the west face of the Dragoons, you can drive all the way back to a primitive camping area at the West Cochise Stronghold trail area. There will be lots of people camping along that forest road from Middlemarch. You can also take Middlemarch to the forest road that runs south, along the southern end of the Dragoons, and there are some spots to hunt if you are willing to do some hiking in steeper terrain. I usually put in for 30B as my 3rd through 5th choice. Not that it is a good area, it is spotty at best, but I used to hunt there as a teenager, and I kind of like the area from the good times I had there as a youngster, Back in the "Good ole days"
  10. LOL. Unit 27 for me. I am psycho, and I hunt there. Love it! Awesome country! As I get older, I realize when hunting in unit 27, my brain always writes checks, that my body can't cash anymore Maybe someday. another hunter might stumble upon my bleached out bones, on some steep, and desolate ridge.
  11. Snapshot

    Polaris Quad problem

    Another sputter problem I had, was the throttle cable being out of adjustment.
  12. Snapshot

    Hunting Buddy's

    Looks great. Can't beat Steak and beans on the campfire. Any baked potatoes?
  13. Snapshot

    Part of Obama Care?

    Of course Obama is going to defend his healthcare, he is too arrogant to do otherwise. Yep, and the normal blaming of the GOP for trying to block obamacare. Sounds like more hot air......but...... mid-term elections are coming up. We will see a truckload of lies spewing out of that toilet mouth, http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/09/obama-discusses-nsa-overhaul-snowden-al-qaeda-threats-in-rare-press-conference/
  14. LOL. Unit 27 for me. I am psycho, and I hunt there.
  15. Snapshot

    Part of Obama Care?

    It is proof positive, that 51% of American voters, are STUPID, for voting Obama. What better way to control Americans than Obamacare? If you don't answer the questionaire, you get put on Obama's death squad list. No healthcare for you, Mr. Snapshot rebel. I don't care if the IRS knocks on my door and wants to arrest me. I will not surrender to a corrupt, and seriously flawed, system. Pretty soon we won't be able to fart, without getting fined for excessive Methane emissions.
  16. Snapshot

    Part of Obama Care?

    Once Obamacare kicks into full effect, and we the people feel the full brunt of this atrocity, I can see many lawsuits across the board.
  17. Snapshot

    Part of Obama Care?

    Yes it is part of the new Obama dictatorship. It is our Government collecting as much information about us as possible. One wrong answer from us, can lead to gun confiscation, and other collateral damage. I just read a story about a couple. The wife went in for treatment that a bad medicine caused her to have some psychological disorder. Even though it took 3 months, 9 cops showed up at their house, and confiscated all guns and ammo. The hospital had blatantly reported her as suicidal, even though she wasn't. I will not answer any questions a Doctor may ask that is not directed at my medical treatment. We are under no legal, or moral obligation ,to answer these invasive questions. This is only the beginning of a very bad nightmare.....coming soon.
  18. Snapshot

    Florida Bus Beating

    I'm with you on that one. Eye for an eye. Give them all a good dose of their own medicine. Yesterday at work I was violently shoved by a younger guy, whose first language is not English. The only reason I did not wipe the floor with his face, is because the law is on my side, and workplace violence is not the image that I need to portray, for the company I represent. He will be losing his job.....and possibly more.
  19. Snapshot

    Polaris Quad problem

    Not sure about the Polaris EFI, but sometimes there are small fuel ,overflow/Return, lines that can get plugged and not allow the fuel system to breath. I had that problem on my Sportsman, but it is a 2006 carbureted model.
  20. Snapshot

    Florida Bus Beating

    If it was three white kids beating on a black kid, every liberal media outlet in the country would be all over it, like flies on a dead carcass. Obama would be making speeches, about if he had a son it would look like him, blah, blah, blah. Certain factions in this country have gone insane. We didn't hear much about the white baby that was shot in the face while the little boy was in his stroller, as the Mom was being robbed by black thugs. Things like that are not juicy enough to make the liberals go on a rampage. But if the colors were reversed...............
  21. Snapshot

    The Crooks

    another thing......I will not do business with Amazon.com. They are an Obama supporter, and they are buying the Washington Post. Did you see what the Fed's are doing to Apple?
  22. Snapshot

    The Crooks

    I like what you sayin but what can "WE THE PEOPLE" do other than vote in/for more Senators & Congressmen who sell us out ..... Armed revolution is just around the bend! I am all for it. There is much that can be done, but most of country will just sit back and take it. There is not much backbone left in the USA. If this was a third world country, there would already have been a revolution, and Obama would have been ripped out of office and drug through the streets.