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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    face paint

    I don't use it anymore. Just a head net during bow season. It's not fun to sweat with face paint on. I don't remember the brand, but it was a little green case with 3 colors in it?
  2. Snapshot

    Most exciting post ever

    Here in Tucson, I sometimes went direct to the Icemaker for block and dry ice.
  3. Snapshot


    That is why I get so irked. People that "eat and run" I shared a bunch of info on unit 27 with a member recently via P.M. and I was glad to help. I also shared a bunch of info recently about 27. I got a thanks in the end lol but that was it. its ok though i guess I wasnt expecting a cookie or anything but still. I will be expecting some backstrap.
  4. Snapshot

    Don't Leave Home Without.....

    Air conditioning.
  5. Snapshot


    That is why I get so irked. People that "eat and run" I shared a bunch of info on unit 27 with a member recently via P.M. and I was glad to help.
  6. Snapshot

    Another noob with questions

    Great book. I ordered an autographed copy also, some years back.
  7. Snapshot

    Bidens son

    disorientation is an affliction common to all liberals
  8. Snapshot


    It's not so much the fact, that us older hunters don't want to give up too much info on an area....cuz we don't Back in the day we didn't have computers, google earth, hunting websites, to make things easy. We invested sweat equity, and boot leather. Got rained on, froze our butts off, and all the other hard knocks of hunting, and learning an area. The simple fact is .......we earned what we learned. Nobody handed it to us on a digital platter. Nothing wrong with helping someone out, or pointing them in the right direction, if they are good folks willing to put in the effort. Helping people that are lazy, uncommitted, and looking for the easy way out ,is another matter......
  9. Snapshot

    Is an Elephant just a big deer? not really.

    That's good stuff right there. Now the owners just have to get that bad boy into the trophy room.
  10. Snapshot

    USO preparing for the hunt?

    With any luck, the Forest service will add USO's tree stand's to their confiscated collection
  11. Whisker biscuit for me. There are pro's and con's for everything, including the biscuit. One less mechanical gadget to deal with.
  12. Snapshot

    Camera Theft

    Do any trail cams have built in GPS? Track that cam right to the location of who took it.
  13. Snapshot

    tree stands, blinds, camaras watch out!

    One thing some of these Federal numbnut employees don't seem to realize, is that it is National Forest, that is owned by "WE THE PEOPLE" by all Americans in common their salary comes from our tax dollar, and they have no proprietary right to the land itself The NFS are the stewards of this land, and yes, we do have to follow certain rules and regulations. But hunters have the right to use access and use this land . Confiscating cams, blinds, stands etc, is just wrong. I can understand if something was abandoned, but a 72 hour rule. Really.? Too many whackjobs running the NFS. They should at least have a time period where hunters can reclaim their personal property if it is marked with their name.
  14. Snapshot


    Sounds just like the modus operandi of an E-Scouter. Back in the day, we didn't do much scouting. We made camp, and went hunting. That's how we learned our hunting areas. Lots of worn out boots.
  15. Snapshot

    Just when you thought...

    Nothing that transpires in this country really surprises me anymore. Especially in California, or New York. If I was in a bathroom, and someone in a dress was standing at the urinal peeing......I would not be a happy man. Sorry, but I am not very accepting of certain things.
  16. Snapshot

    Dagestan Tur

    That's an awesome adventure. Pretty rugged country for sure.
  17. Snapshot


    Hey Tony, They shoot old war horses don't they? I feel you. It's tough having to deal with medical stuff. Your a good dude, and I hope things work out for the best. I'm over 50 now, and a lot of body parts are breaking down, and wearing out.....but hey......Obamacare is going to save us all.
  18. Snapshot


    The wave of E-Scouters hit the web every year right after the draw. I Don't mind helping active members, any way that I can. I don't care much for a new members whose first post is asking where to find deer, then you never hear from them again. I did help out a new guy on Monster Mulies, some years ago. His young son drew a Hunt in Unit 27. I gave him detailed info on where to go and what to do, and his son shot his first deer; a small whitetail. He emailed me after the hunt and thanked me for the help. I'm not looking for your honey hole, but................
  19. Snapshot

    Let's take a quiz.....

    Sort of like Eric Holder in charge of the Fast and Furious investigation. Sure...Obama.....Put the Fox in charge of the henhouse.
  20. Snapshot

    Let's take a quiz.....

    That is why the Democrats don't want voter I.D laws. They can't win without playing dirty.
  21. Snapshot

    Let's take a quiz.....

    That's the big problem we face in America. If this country was stupid enough to vote in Obama, they will be stupid enough to vote in Hillary. That is a scary thought. Other countries are laughing at us for our lack of strong leadership. Who was it that said " America gets the President it deserves" ?