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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    ethics? how would you handle this situation?

    Even as I get older and more salty, I try hard not to let anything ruin my hunt. One of the many reasons I hunt, is to get away from people, and enjoy the outdoors. There have been times over the years I have seen hunters do things that may be o.k for them, but unethical, or un-sportsman like, to those of us that see things in a different light. I usually don't have a problem going and talking to someone, if I feel it is necessary to set matters straight. Just have to be careful. One of my biggest complaints over the years are hunters that feel they have to setup camp fifty yards away from mine, when I was there first. There are hundreds of square miles of land in a unit,to camp and hunt. Any hunter worth his salt, will give the guy who staked his spot first, the right of way, and move on. Unfortunately, there are hunters out there that don't understand the meaning of fair play.
  2. SOLD Bushnell Yardage Pro Compact 800 - $100.00 Cash- No trades Purchased in 2005. Lightly used. Great Condition. Prefer local face to face transaction in Tucson T a r g e t i n g Mo d e s The YA RD AGE PRO® COMPACT 800 incorporates exclusive targeting modes that allow you to adjust the performance parameters of the unit to suit yo u r s p ecific situation and environment. The different targeting modes available are listed belo w : S TA N D A R D ( LCD Indicator - none) – This setting allows most targets to be distanced up to 800 yards. Used for moderately reflective targets that are typical of most distancing situatio n s . N o t e : If the user encounters difficulty ranging to targets in the standard mode, the other modes listed below can be used. The minimum distance in the standard mode is 20 yards. S C A N ( LCD Indicator - “SCAN”) – When the P o w e r button is held down longer than 3 sec o n d s , the unit transitions to SCAN mode. This mode allows the range to be continuously updated as lo n g as the P o w e r button remains depressed. R A I N ( LCD Indicator - “RA IN”) – Pr ec i p i t a t ion, such as rain drops or snow flakes, can reflec t energy pulses emitted by the YA RD AGE PRO® COMPACT 800 thereby contaminating the primary target’s distance measurement. By selecting the rain mode, feedback from energy pulses r e f l ecting off prec i p i t a t ion will be ignored and an uncontaminated measurement obtained. R E F L E C T I V E ( LCD Indicator - “REF L”) – Used when targeting highly reflective targets (e.g. r e f l ectors, stop signs, etc.). Increases effective distance of the device on reflective targets up to 9 30 yards or 850 meters. Note: In this mode, the unit’s sensitivity to non-cooperative targets is decreased thereby reducing the maximum ranging distance for these type of objects. > 1 50 ( LCD Indicator - “>150”) – This mode can be used to ignore energy pulses reflecting off o b j ects less than 150 - 165 yards / meters away. It would typically be used when distancing through brush to an object further than 150 yards / meters away. Note: In this mode, the system will not measure to targets less than 150 yards / meters. To select between these modes, while looking through the mo nocular, depress and release the mode button. Each successive depression of the mode button will activate a different mod e d e s i g n a t ion in the following order; 1) standard (no indicator), 2) rain (“RA IN”), 3) reflec t i v e ( “ REF L”), 4) >150 (“>150”) and then back to standard (no indicator). Note: The YARDAGE PRO® COMPACT 800 will return to the last setting used, each time the unit is turned-on. I l l u m i n a t i n g I n d i c a t o r s L O W B A T T E R Y C H A R G E ( LCD Indicator - ) – When both dashes inside the battery s y m bol are displayed, the battery is fully charged. When the dashes start to fade away, it means the battery charge is getting low and the 4 AAA alkaline batteries should be replac e d . S P E C I F I C A T I O N S : O p t i c a l D e s i g n The YA RD AGE PRO® COMPACT 800 features a Perma Foc u s® mo nocular optical system for viewing your target. A liquid crystal display (LCD) is mo u n t e d within the optical system and when activated, displays a reticle for targeting, yard / meter and mode designations, and low battery indicators. Inherent in the manufacturing process are small b l ack spots that appear in the optical system. These are a natural ch a r acteristic of the LCD , c a n not be fully eliminated in the manufacturing process and do not affect the distancing performance of the unit. M a g n i f i c a t io n . . . . . . . 8 x Field of View.......4.6° Total Eye Relief.......12mm Exit Pupil.......3.4 mm P o w e r S o u r c e The YA RD AGE PRO® COMPACT 800 is powered by 4, AAA alkaline batteries. B a c k l i g h t A green LED backlights the LCD for approximately 5 seconds after a range has
  3. Snapshot

    Causes of wildfires

    All kinds of bad things happen, when you let American hating Muslims into this country.
  4. Snapshot

    Bushnell Yardage Pro Compact 800

    No. These do not have ARC. These are rated out to 800 yards. But you may only get that distance under ideal conditions on a reflective target.
  5. Snapshot

    Bushnell Yardage Pro Compact 800

    Still for sale. $100 rock bottom price.
  6. Nice animals. Great mass on that Kudu bull.
  7. Snapshot


    Great job.!
  8. Snapshot

    road hunting

    I love road hunters. It means less hunters back in hills competing with me.
  9. Snapshot

    Finally first deer with a bow

    Nice. Looking forward to the pics.
  10. Snapshot

    Brother In Law Tagged OUT!!!

    Super buck. I like that dark looking velvet.
  11. Snapshot

    Unit 37 Coues

    Me too. I was archery hunting mule deer at the base of Black Mountain near the Transmission tower off of willow springs road, many years ago. I found the smallest whitetail shed I have ever seen. I didn't even know they existed in the area. Probably was the mid 1980's. Have also seen Whitetail in Unit 1 around the Greer Lakes when I was flyfishing the Little Colorado downstream where it flows out of River Reservoir Lake. Have seen Antelope, Elk, Mule Deer, and Whitetail all in the same meadow above the river canyon.
  12. Snapshot

    Opinions on Craigslist problem

    I would relist and move on. Craigslist is full of flakes and scammers. I may get 10 responses for an add, and maybe 1 person show up. I always state in my add that I will not deliver. I also hold all cash bills up to the light to make sure they are not fake, as some of the Craiglisters have been known to try and pass off counterfeit money. All in all, I have had pretty good dealings with the people that actually show up, as I only deal face to face transaction. There are always the scammers that will try and pull a fast one, but they are easy to spot....and ignore.
  13. Snapshot

    Big Buck Down!!!

    Big deer in velvet. Very cool!
  14. Snapshot

    Kalifornia set to ban lead bullets for hunting

    Lead is banned in many fisheries also. Yellowstone Park has a no lead rule for fisherman. But that is a good thing, as there are many non-lead substitutes for weight.
  15. Snapshot

    Kalifornia set to ban lead bullets for hunting

    I bet the percentages are against us on that one.......nothing ever stays in Cali................ Maybe. But at least we haven't banned Mt. Lion hunting......yet.
  16. Snapshot


    Great pics of your friend. Dogs are great, and special friends. It's always a tough loss to deal with. Best wishes to you and your family.
  17. Snapshot

    Kalifornia set to ban lead bullets for hunting

    With any luck....what happens in CA, stays in CA.
  18. Snapshot

    'twas the day

    Nice. I can't get up there until late October. Does your Dad have Archery or rifle?
  19. Snapshot

    'twas the day

    Have fun and good luck. I can't hunt until late October. Hope to hear some great stories from everyone .
  20. Snapshot

    Just for the Fun of it

    People who were wondering whether Jesse Jackson would ever respond to the killing of an Australian collegiate baseball player by three "bored" teens in Oklahoma, one of whom allegedly posted racist tweets, got their answer today. Jackson's early Wednesday morning tweet read as follows: "Praying for the family of Chris Lane. This senseless violence is frowned upon and the justice system must prevail." Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2013/08/22/jesse-jacksons-tepid-tweet-murder-white-australian-three-bored-teens-fro#ixzz2ci6uPhLc
  21. Snapshot

    ants and tree stands

    That white powder stuff works good. I have used it many times to get rid of the little pests.
  22. Snapshot

    Just for the Fun of it

    You won't hear anything from those idiots........ unless the victim is black