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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. If the Forest Service was smart they would allow hunters to get permits for having Rv's in the forest for extended periods of time, vacant or not. Sure beats the cost of a tow, or fine.
  2. Snapshot

    drop tine bucks - how rare are they?

    I have seen only one drop tine buck in my life. Mule deer in Unit 27. He wasn't real big, maybe 140".......and I had a whitetail tag at the time.
  3. Snapshot

    Velvety deer for 2013

    Nice spot and stalk hunt. Good job!
  4. It's no big deal to stake out a random spot in the national forest, there are hundreds of spots to camp. staking claim to an entire National Forest campground 2 weeks in advance, is denying other people the right to use those facilities in the interim.
  5. I was kinda peeved, but I ended up camping across the road. The owners of the tents came up 2 days before their hunt, took down the tents, and replaced them with RV's. In their defense, they ended up being pretty cool, and invited me over for beers, and BBQ at their camp.
  6. I don't want to see anybody get towed, but I wish they did that with empty tents. I wanted to camp at Strayhorse for my November archery elk hunt one year. Someone had filled the entire campground with empty tents to "Claim their spot" 10 days in advance of the rifle elk hunt. Couldn't even use the campground, because of all the empty tents.
  7. Snapshot

    Danger in 30B

    I have hunted 30B a bunch, and have found evidence of illegal's passing through the hunting areas. Not nearly as what you would find in some of the other southern units. The San Pedro wash is one of the travel corridors in that region.
  8. After reading a bunch of the replies, it looks as if the Anti's are making a concentrated effort, as many of the comments are very similar. But then again the liberal bunny hugger types really are clueless.IMO. There are enough factors in play, that cause an ecological imbalance in prey species. Adding wolves into that mix, in today's world, is not helping anything. It only gives the people that support the program, a warm and fuzzy feeling. There is a reason why the wolves were eradicated in the first place. I would just as soon see Grizzlies reintroduced(In Arizona). Unfortunately, that would not work either.
  9. Looks like she made it. Pretty amazing feat!
  10. Snapshot

    Big muley down!

    Nice buck.
  11. Snapshot


    Sorry to hear that. South Africa is mostly malaria free, but not impossible. There are some nasty Ticks in SA that can make you very sick. from the CDC. African tick-bite fever is a bacterial infection that is spread through the bite of infected ticks. Symptoms usually appear within 2 weeks after a tick bite and often include fever, headache, muscle soreness, and a rash. At the site of the tick bite will be a red skin sore with a dark center. Hope they get it figured out, and Josh gets well soon
  12. Snapshot

    Giant Velvet Coues buck!

    That buck is a freak. Certainly a trophy of a lifetime
  13. Snapshot

    Raffle Tag Buck

    Huge buck. It will be a real nice looking mount, especially with all that velvet
  14. Snapshot

    Lets go Lumberjacks

    Kind of like a tune up game
  15. Snapshot

    Lets go Lumberjacks

    35-0. Lumberjacks got the wood laid on them tonight. Ouch!
  16. Snapshot

    Lets go Lumberjacks

    NFL starts next week. I have consigned myself to the fact that the Vikings are going to suck again this year. But Adrian P. sure is exciting to watch.
  17. Snapshot

    Lets go Lumberjacks

    28 - 0 Upset? Not tonight!
  18. Snapshot

    Lets go Lumberjacks

    21- 0
  19. Snapshot

    Lets go Lumberjacks

    14-0 .....Wildcats So far......... ...
  20. Snapshot

    Lets go Lumberjacks

    You need to stay away from the Kool-Aid.
  21. Snapshot

    Javelina "Attack" in Tucson

    Too bad the headlines didn't read " Gun packing Grandma exterminates pack of attacking Javelinas"....the libtards would rush to the defense of the poor helpless, furry pigs. I always get a kick out of the comment section of these online articles.
  22. Snapshot

    THIEFS unit 39

    Americans are raped daily by a donkey with severe dominance issues.........the donkey's name is Obama.
  23. I was happy to hear the verdict. Unfortunately, he will probably spend many years, and taxpayer dollars, sitting in the Kansas prison, going through appeals and waiting for his turn. Execute him quickly, and let God take care of the rest.