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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Anybody using a levergun for Coues?

    I was hoping to buy the Marlin lever action .308, but just not in the budget this year. I am a little leery of the rubber bullet tips, for tube feed lever actions. Anyone have any experience with these?
  2. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    I heard on a conservative radio talk show today, that McCain has received $176,000 in defense department kickbacks over the last 5 years. That certainly does not include what we don't know about. No wonder he is always pushing for wars. "Let's fire off some missiles, so I can make some more money" SHOW ME THE MONEY!
  3. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    Even though Syria is one of the few countries along the Mediterranean that produces oil, it is almost 25% of the revenue of the Syrian Government. 385,000 barrels a day. Wikipedia.
  4. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    Stinky turds are pretty prolific in Washington D.C these days. Too bad we can't scoop up the poop and throw it away. One reason the Russian's are in deep with Syria, is because of the billions Syria gives Russia for military hardware and weaponry. Russia forgave 13 billion of dollars in Syrian debt, so they could keep buying more from them. Syria is expected to buy 9 billion in weapons this year from Russia, with the payback spread over years. China has a petroleum company interest in Syria. So do the Brit's. It may be why British parliament voted not to get involved. I am sure the USA has interests in the mix. There always seems to be oil involved in these wares
  5. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    Can I sign a recall petition?, even if I was in Montana at that time, and did not vote during that election. The last time I voted for McCain was the 2008 Presidential election.
  6. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    From infowars.com Fresh off the back of public criticism for being photographed playing poker on his phone during a crucial Senate hearing on Syria, McCain was told in no uncertain terms during a town hall meeting in Arizona that his advocacy for using US military might to topple Bashar Al-Assad was not shared by his constituents. “We didn’t send you to make war for us. We sent you to stop the war,” one man said as the audience applauded. “Why are you not listening to the people and staying out of Syria? It’s not our fight,” added another man, complaining that lawmakers were not representing the will of voters. During the event another man stood next to McCain before revealing a sign which read, “”Don’t Bomb Syria!!!” The most passionate confrontation undoubtedly involved a woman whose 18-year-old cousin was killed ten days ago in Syria by US-backed rebels. “They’re not Syrian, they’re coming to Syria from all over the world to fight….we cannot afford to turn Syria into another Iraq or Afghanistan,” she said. “You can do it by diplomacy, not bombs, Sen. McCain. We cannot afford to shed more Syrian blood,” added the woman. “I beg you – my family is there, there’s so many good Syrians, the majority of the Syrian people want to save their country and you also need to listen to the majority of the American people who do not want you to go there….enough is enough….we don’t want Al-Qaeda to take over,” she said as the crowd cheered. She went on to highlight the attacks on Christians in Syria, saying she could trace her family back to the bible. “We refused to be forced to leave and flee and be considered collateral damage,” the woman concluded. McCain responded by asserting he knew the rebels in Syria and that they were moderates. However, the rebels McCain met with in Syria earlier this year were “a known affiliate of the rebel group responsible for the kidnapping of 11 Lebanese Shiite pilgrims,” according to reports. The deputy leader of the so-called “moderate” FSA also recently made it clear that, “the mujahideen rebels’ supreme council will disband unless the West drops its demands to steer clear of violent jihadists,” reported National Review. Perhaps the most well known if not the most brutal atrocity committed by US-backed rebels, where an opposition militant is seen cutting out and eating the heart of a Syrian soldier, was committed by FSA commander Abu Sakkar, hardly the action of a “moderate”. Public fury with McCain’s advocacy of an attack on Syria is unsurprising given polls which show a clear majority of Americans oppose military intervention. A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that just 9 per cent thought the US should intervene in Syria’s civil war, with 60 per cent opposed. Watch the full video of a woman whose cousin was killed by US-backed rebels in Syria confronting McCain below. Watch the stooge on video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hzH7BxFEzDs
  7. Snapshot

    Hannagan Meadow

    That stinks. Did you use a Visa card or any other.? You may have some leverage by contacting your bank and see if the charges could be reversed?
  8. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    I figure a Bad Republican is better than a bad Democrat
  9. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    Yep I voted for McCain (For President). I voted for Flake to keep Carmona out of the Senate. Guess that will teach me. My Mom used to work for Richard Carmona, and he used to be a stand up guy, not sure what he is like now, after his stint as Surgeon General. I just don't care for Democrats
  10. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    From the Freedom Outpost........ A new website is calling for a grassroots effort to recall Arizona Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain. The recall petitions are based firmly on the grounds of the Senators' support of the Immigration Reform Amnesty Bill. The two "Gang of Eight" Senators have chosen to turn their backs on those who voted them into office and it is high time that Arizona gets their payback on the two RINO Senators. The website, senatorflake.com, is very simple. They are not begging for donations and do not appear to be in the data harvesting business. This would appear to be an individual or group of citizens who have simply had enough and are looking to take action. Arizona's Constitution, Article 8, Section 1 states: Every public officer in the state of Arizona, holding an elective office, either by election or appointment, is subject to recall from such office by the qualified electors of the electoral district from which candidates are elected to such office. Such electoral district may include the whole state. Such number of said electors as shall equal twenty-five per centum of the number of votes cast at the last preceding general election for all of the candidates for the office held by such officer, may by petition, which shall be known as a recall petition, demand his recall. The site originally started with a singular goal to recall Jeff Flake but due to popular demand they decided to add John McCain to their hit list. The site features this YouTube video which clearly shows the complete turnaround McCain has done on immigration reform. "Complete the danged fence." Those are John McCain's exact words. Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/06/arizona-voters-look-to-recall-sens-mccain-flake-following-amnesty-vote/#ixzz2eAR52HCc Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/06/arizona-voters-look-to-recall-sens-mccain-flake-following-amnesty-vote/#lWtmsjbrWacK8T9G.99
  11. Snapshot

    13A Strip DIY

    GPS coordinates would be a big help? :lol:
  12. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    Russia and China back any country that is communist, or hates America. There is something sinister brewing out there. Obama is the brewmaster.
  13. Snapshot

    Recall McLame

    He was at a town hall meeting here in Tucson yesterday to discuss Syria. A meeting that was lightly publicized. I heard the meeting was full of very angry people. I was tempted to attend, but I figure I would get thrown out by his goons for what I would have to say. It would fall on deaf ears anyway. McCain doesn't get it, and he doesn't care. He is deep in someone's pockets. Maybe he gets kickbacks from Raytheon for every cruise missle the military fires off. There was a recall attempt/rumor going around heavy a few months ago. But it fizzled out. I think we could get rid of him, if we could make a strong effort to do so. Some money behind it would really help. Russia and China are both moving warships into the area. Our Senate/congress would have to be completely stupid (they are), to play chicken with 2 world powers. Obama needs to suck it up, and leave Syria alone. Let those ragheads do what they want with each other. The rebel army is full of Al Qaeda anyway. What better way to get rid of potential terrorists. These piss ant countries have been warring on each other for centuries. The USA needs to quit being the world's nanny.
  14. Snapshot

    Don't Drink and Drive - Confession video

    I don't drink much these days, and won't drive after doing so .I wouldn't be able to live with my conscious if I hurt someone with my stupidity. I went down to buy my neighbor some beer on Labor day, because he had been drinking and I wouldn't let him drive. Some people just don't get it. There is way too much to lose.
  15. Snapshot

    Anyone know the legality of this?

    No worries. I can keep a secret.
  16. Snapshot

    Polaris Quad problem

    Probably the float is sticking, or needs adjustment. Check the float needle also. I have taken the carb out of 2006 sportsman to change the jets, It's not to hard if you are mechanically inclined. Sometimes a good cleaning will work. Sometimes a little discharge out of the overflow is normal, especially when the engine is hot or the weather is warm. The fuel will expand a little and overflow can occur. If it is happening all the time, the carb probably needs attention
  17. Snapshot

    NEED Polaris Ranger Battery

    bought one from Ride Now powersports over at 22nd & Prudence last year. Price not so good.... about $85 plus tax approx. Someone told me walmart had some cheaper batteries, but I'm not certain? You can also call Tucson Cycle & Ski, they might have a little better price?
  18. Thanks for the update. Does any of that apply to the Apache National Forest?
  19. Not only will they take it down.....they will gladly sell it on ebay for you. Along with al the trail cams,blinds, and treestands they have been pilfering.
  20. Snapshot

    Travel Agent for Africa?

    click on this link http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=CaKGyob8oUqTHNe6ulAKe74Fg2fSRpgMAABABIJH3_AdQxIfPvvj_____AWDJtsyGxKPYGMgBAuACAKgDAcgDnQSqBIABT9BwO7TlLRjkv2TItwHRVJLkYdDLi9QAOxnSsltFojoFFsy8XHNFm4d2qXuzjHav31UACVGP5jj2deVAn1Sjdvw9Y0ZWGQxvUehlsBB9D6AtSdjInzidRrGVCl-uzWuFthmaB5woJmtGwJp_CGZRH3YxnUGW3GDHgeGlIKixLs3gBAGgBhQ&num=0&sig=AOD64_1s19nJmLHo17sWl1P7Yq7tmwVQMg&client=ca-pub-1950541316640493&adurl=http://www.travelexpressagency.com/&nm=4&nx=137&ny=-59&mb=2
  21. Snapshot

    Anyone know the legality of this?

    I know where you are going
  22. Snapshot

    Unit 33 Hot Spots and Honey Holes!

    At least you are up front with your demands. It's usually the first time posters that picked up a leftover tag, that want the juicy hunting spots.