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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. There has been more "Grinding down, and dumbing down" of America, under Obama, than most realize. Obama's liberal cheerleaders, are blinded by their ignorance. Obamacare is one of the many travesties that will jumpstart many bad days to come. It will affect Republicans and Democrats alike, yet the Libturds will still cheer for Obama, and worship the snake, as long as he is President. The man in the video is right. When the people rise up in protest, and the Government feels threatened, they will use the powers at their disposal to crush any revolt. The Liberal Fed's are already using their power against what they perceive as an enemy, by targeting conservatives, the Tea Party, Christians, Patriots, and gun ownership. All the things that are detrimental to the Liberal social engineering agenda. Most Americans have become blind sheep, and I doubt we will see any type of insurrection. Most people just live their lives, oblivious to what Big Brother is doing to them, and will willingly accept whatever fate the government inflicts upon them. Just look at the parent who was arrested for speaking out in protest at a school meeting over the Common Core education being forced upon the States.http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/23/maryland-police-to-review-arrest-parent-who-objected-to-common-core A person can not speak out for their children without getting arrested. Yes, the security guard was an off duty police officer, but he had no right to lay hands on that man, arrest him, and then lay false charges on him Is that what we can expect from our Police officers? The Liberal left is taking over this country, and The GOP is in disarray, and the infighting amongst Republicans and RINO's will be our undoing. We are losing to the enemy, because we are our own worst enemy.
  2. Snapshot

    Please take a moment to read

    Absolutely! I will pm you with my number. You can walk with us if you wish. We will be there 8:30. Jimmy. I will call you, and make arrangements to meet the morning of the walk.
  3. Snapshot

    Please take a moment to read

    My good friends sister from High School committed suicide, a woman I had known for almost 30 years. The maintenance man, who replaced me at the guest ranch in Montana, because I could not make it back up, was a wounded warrior, and he committed suicide over a breakup with a woman, in the middle of the season. They called me in the middle of the season, to ask if I could take over, but I had to decline. Can I walk with you guys/gals, if I show up for the event?
  4. Snapshot

    Why do we hunt?

    LOL. The Vikings sure are giving me the fits right now. I am on my way to watch the Vikings/Browns game with the Psycho Viking crowd at the Fox and Hound. It gets pretty rowdy, and is a lot of fun. I grew up south of St.Cloud down by Albert Lea. SKOL Vikings !
  5. Snapshot

    RIP Boo-Kee

    Sorry for your loss of a good friend. It's not easy, I know. Toad poison is worse for small dogs. Big dogs can usually live through it. I had to flush my Dog before. The only thing you can do is flush it's mouth with water, and get to the vet, and have the dog's stomach pumped and an IV. Best wishes!
  6. Snapshot

    Post 1000... Offers/Thoughts

    I wouldn't sweat it. Any social media site will always be a melting pot of diverse personalities. There is always someone who likes to fling verbal poop at others. Personally....I don't care what anyone thinks of me, regardless of what site I am on. I don't live my life as if it was a personality contest. I leave that to people like Obama. I am, who I am, and I don't apologize for it. I may have a harsh opinion , at times, on certain things, but I will never call anyone a derogatory name (unless you are a liberal leftie ,, I give em heck over at MSNBC) Besides, Amanda hasn't run me off yet. although I am sure she has thought about it. Stick around...and just agree to disagree with the more sensitive issues. There will always be someone who takes a comment, or topic, the wrong way. Peace.
  7. Snapshot

    Why do we hunt?

  8. Snapshot

    What the Heck?

    Yep. Tomato worm.
  9. Took the new M&P .40 to the indoor gun range this morning to get some practice and see how it shoots. The gun is well balanced, feels good in the hand under fire, and was flawless under rapid fire, even with a hot barrel. Pretty accurate, even if it did like the 155 grain more than the 180? I would like to put some night sights or fiber optics on it. Overall, I feel it is a very good defense weapon. Also bought a Blackhawk Serpa CQC concealment holster for it ($50). Great holster that rides a little higher on the belt to help keep it under the shirt. I like the active retention lever. I used to work for Blackhawk, but have never owned any of their products until now.
  10. Snapshot

    The REAL good ol' days

    A mounted grasshopper would look good hanging right next to the Jackalope.
  11. Snapshot

    AC Question

    The capacitor helps jump start the motor. Most likely it is bad. As BC said, run a test if you have the meter, or somebody at the supply company can do it if they have one.
  12. Snapshot

    Please take a moment to read

    How many miles is the walk?
  13. I wonder if she would melt, if we poured some water on her. One could only hope.
  14. Democrats/liberals, will do anything they can to take away our rights, and gain more control over us. Just wait and see what transpires out of yesterday's shooting. IMO - it is not coincidence this happened. Colorado showed what can be done, even with Bloomberg and his cronies using 7 times more money than the opposition, to defeat the recall effort.
  15. Snapshot

    Speaking of recalls......

    "The Pope and Obama are on the same stage in Yankee Stadium in front of a huge crowd. The Pope leans towards President Obama and said, "Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display, but will go deep into their hearts and they'll forever speak of this day and rejoice!"... Obama replied, "I seriously doubt that! With one little wave of your hand....Show me!" So the Pope backhanded him and knocked him off the stage! AND THE CROWD ROARED & CHEERED WILDLY and there was happiness throughout the land!"
  16. Snapshot

    Work smarter not harder

    That's a bummer. Cracked ribs are a painful ordeal. Hope he heals up quickly. 2 years ago in Montana, I was spray sealing a 2 story cabin at the guest ranch, The deck got slippery from the oil based stain, and the the extension ladder slipped out from under me. The ladder slid down the logs and crashed through the patio door, and I got pitched off, and hit the deck hard. I don't bounce as well as I used to. 3 days out of work, and ten trips to the chiropractor over a couple months. I was lucky it wasn't worse.
  17. Snapshot

    Speaking of recalls......

    Obama and his backroom covert ops, are working overtime to create more shootings. Life is cheap to guy's like Obama.
  18. Snapshot

    Opening morning sucess

    Nice. Great bull. No elk hunting for me this year, so I will have to live vicariously through those of you that are.
  19. Snapshot

    My COPD SHEEP IS HOME!-- New Photos Added

    Super nice job on that mount. I bet it feels good to finally get him in the trophy room. Hope all is well.
  20. Snapshot

    Champion Generator SOLD

    SOLD SOLD SOLD Champion Generator Model C46535 - 3500 Watts $200.00 Rock bottom price Located in Tucson 6.5 HP AC - 120/240 AC Amps- 29.1/14.5 DC Volts 12 DC Amps 10 Generator has maybe 70-80 hours on it, approx. Paint is somewhat faded from when it was riding in the back of my truck, however it is in very good mechanical condition. Tires need work, or replacing. Tires can be purchased cheap at Harbor Freight.
  21. Snapshot


    Amen. I was wishing I had control of a few ICBM's.
  22. Snapshot

    Speaking of recalls......

    Yeah, the Libturds need to take a handful of Midol, and get over it. They are always whining when things don't go their way. Sissy's....... to the Nth degree.
  23. Snapshot


    Foot powder or baby powder
  24. Snapshot

    Speaking of recalls......

    Goes to show what can be done if we stand together. There are many of these turds that need to be recalled. If a few more key politicians were recalled, it would send a very strong message to others. I was glad to hear that Giron lost also. Early voting indicated that her district was behind her.