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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Happy birthday Tony. Hope your health is good, and your day is great. Many happy returns.
  2. Snapshot

    Divorce Agreement

    Nice. I wish I could have given that agreement to my ex wife, instead of the one I got.
  3. Snapshot

    Stupid is as stupid does

    I would've poked that elk right in the eyeball. DOINK! I have seen some real stupid people in Yellowstone National Park. Yep, tell the Tour busloads of Chinese people, not to step inside the comfort zone of a 2000 pound Bison. But then again, I was chasing Bison off the front lawn at the ranch. Momma Buffalo with the calf was about 2 heartbeats away from running me over.
  4. Snapshot

    What do you guys think about scent control

    I used to use scent blocker spray, but not anymore. Unless your entire body is encapsulated in something, you are going to produce odors. Guns and bows smell also. I just keep the breeze in my favor, and use a little plastic snuffer bottle of baby powder to check the wind.
  5. Snapshot

    Best Arrows?

    Sounds like we shoot the same setup. I also use the 3-60/340, at 29.5" draw, with the 100 grain, 3 blade thunderhead. It's great arrow, and I have no real reason to change, other than sometimes a guy just needs to buy new stuff
  6. Snapshot

    Ross Outdoors

    Nice. I will have to stop by Ross Outdoors someday when I get up to Phoenix. I just bought a new PSE Brute X last Christmas, or I would be mighty tempted to check out the new PSE lineup.
  7. Snapshot

    Women Kills Lion, People Want to Kill Her

    ‘Hardcore huntress’ Melissa Bachman faces massive backlash after lion slaying 11/16/13 | by Brent McCluskey 52 205 “Hardcore huntress” Melissa Bachman received major flack after slaying this male lion in South Africa. Winchester Deadly Passion star and “hardcore huntress” Melissa Bachman has sparked public outcry after she shot and killed a lion in South Africa. Bachman posted the photo of her posing with the slain lion on Twitter and Facebook and within hours the massive backlash began. One Cape Town resident started a petition in an effort to ban the huntress from ever returning to South Africa. Others, like comedian Ricky Gervais, took to Twitter to publicly bash Bachman. But according to Lourens Mostert, a manger from the conservancy where the lion was shot, Bachman’s hunt was completely legal, the Daily Mail reports. Though Bachman has hunted a great many other animals from different geographical locations and with a wide range of weaponry, this one in particular seemed to set the world on fire. Elan Burman, founder of the nearly 9,000 strong petition against Bachman, called the huntress “disgusting” and “vile” and baulked at her extensive trophy collection. “She is an absolute contradiction to the culture of conservation this country prides itself on,” Burman wrote in his petition. “Her latest Facebook post features her with a lion she has just executed and murdered in our country.” This isn’t the first time the female hunter has come under fire for hunting exotic animals. Bachman was scheduled to appear on National Geographic’s Ultimate Survivor Alaska last year but after a separate petition labeling her as a “contracted trophy killer” garnered over 13,000 signatures in less the a day, she was subsequently dropped from the television show. Though many have disagreed with Bachman’s hunting, she not only has a legal right to do it, but according to Mostert, she’s also backed by the government. “If it isn’t right to hunt these lions, why does our government legally give us permission?” Mostert said. “This is not the only lion that has been hunted in South Africa this year.”
  8. Snapshot

    Women Kills Lion, People Want to Kill Her

    oh ya, im just pointing out how fukked up peoples minds work. some of the things i read were disturbing. I agree. The very people that made the awful comments, probably don't realize that Lion would gladly eat them for lunch.
  9. Snapshot

    Women Kills Lion, People Want to Kill Her

    Even thought the comments on facebook are typical of the anti hunting morons, you set yourself up for that if your facebook page is open to the general public. The Lion was shot in South Africa, was probably raised in a pen, and hunted behind a "High fence enclosure".
  10. Snapshot

    News on Leaving trailers

    Is the NFS going to sit on your campsite for 72 hours, to determine if they consider it abandoned? What if they drive by at the end of the third day, and don't see anyone, even if you were at your camp earlier in the 72 hour time period? Sound like NFS could be setting themselves up for potential lawsuits.
  11. Snapshot

    News on Leaving trailers

    A powerplay by the Liberal controlled NFS. They simply don't want us "IN OUR FOREST" that the taxpayers contribute to. What if you are in the backcountry, doing a spike camp for a few days, and come back to find your trailer gone? Simply B.S
  12. Snapshot

    North Korean Executions

    And Shawn Penn flew to Venezuela to attend Hugo Chavez's funeral. Chavez was a notorious American hater. Pretty much sums up what Shawn Penn is.
  13. Snapshot

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    What a fantastic buck. Welcome to the website.
  14. Snapshot

    Gonzaga Packing Students

    The old saying "It's better to be judged by 12, then carried away by 6."
  15. Snapshot

    THANK YOU!!!

  16. Snapshot

    North Korean Executions

    This isn't the first time Short Dong Kim, has executed people. He executed his ex girlfriend and others, as he accused her of being involved in some type of Pornography ring. If Obama had his way, we would be under a communist dictatorship.
  17. Snapshot

    Bear legion or PSE Brute

    I bought a new PSE Brute X from one of the members here, and I really like it. Solid one cam bow, that's fast and reliable. comes ready to shoot, with Whisker biscuit, sights, Quiver, and stabilizer. I have seen some Brute X ready to shoot packages on Sale lately. around $450 I don't know anything about the Bear Legion. All of the top Manufacturers are making great bows.
  18. Snapshot

    Paisley and Underwood Obamacare

    I like when celeb's go against the grain. Back in the day, "The Good ole Boy" country singers would stand up for America. Now country music is full of nothing but Dime store cowboys, and pretty girls with good voices, that simply look good in a Cowboy hat. Just like in Hollywood, you have to a liberal to be part of the club, or commit career suicide......unless you are Clint Eastwood.
  19. Snapshot

    Blackberry Smoke

    Blackberry Smoke. Is that some kind of Hookah flavor? Enjoy the show.
  20. Snapshot

    Ultimate Packers Fan

    I am a hardcore Vikings fan. Which means I don't share much love for the Packers. I can't say too much this year cuz the Vikings are really suckin .
  21. Snapshot

    what windshield do you run on your polaris ranger

    Polaris makes a very cool, full cab enclosure for the ranger, but the price is extreme. .......and also a fold down windshield
  22. Snapshot

    Best Arrows?

    Thanks to everyone for the great info. I am going to check various prices and comparisons on each.
  23. Snapshot

    Happy Birthday Naturegirl

    Happy birthday Huntress. Hope your day is special.
  24. Snapshot

    27 outfitter with horses

    Van Hale, DC Outfitters, Cuerno's out of Morenci if he is still outfitting. I had lunch with Clay, from DC Outfitters, good folks, that hunt productive country.