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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Unfortunately......those that are willing to do something, are far outnumbered by those that aren't. That is why our Sham of a President still has a job. Gouging the citizens starts at the top, and rolls downhill. Has G&F provided any justification for doubling the app fee's? Have they lost Federal subsidies that they need to make up in Revenue? I read an article about the ranking of each State based on the population of Conservatives. Arizona Ranked 26th, Washington D.C Ranked 50th. The Wolf popularity vote is probably skewed as they always are. The sample pool , probably didn't include many hunters.
  2. Snapshot

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    Sorry to hear that Phil. It is a shame that shady outfitters ruin a hunt like that. Hopefully your Uncle can recoup his money. More often than not, guys like Todd Rice end up filing Bankruptcy. Even with a court awarded Judgment, it can be tough to collect. Hopefully your Uncle's attorney will go after Rice's assets quickly, before they disappear.
  3. Snapshot

    strange bedfellows. or. here come the feds!

    Obama's EPA is sticking their noses into many places they don't belong. Wyoming is ranked as the most conservative Red state in the union.
  4. Snapshot


    It’s All Fox News’s Fault, According to POTUSBy EmilyH on February 4, 2014 Subscribe to EmilyH's Feed Just before the Super Bowl, the President sat down with Bill O’Reilly of Fox News, and discussed lied about the IRS, Healthcare.gov, and more. The President also took shots at Fox News, saying it’s their fault when O’Reilly challenged him on these issues. The interview was testy and contentious, and typical Obama. One thing that floored me in the interview was that Obama defended Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, when O’Reilly said she should have been fired. We as taxpayers are paying her salary. Do you want to pay the salary of someone who didn’t do their job? I don’t think so. Yet President Obama said that we wouldn’t want to undermine something while we’re midstream. He completely defended her and it’s ludicrous. Obama also lied and said that the website is working better and that 3 million people have signed up, which is totally false. Not all of those people have paid their first premium yet, so they are not official enrolled. He totally avoided the issue of Benghazi, even when the whole world is wanting to know what actually happened. He lied and said that he admitted it was a terrorist attack one week after it happened, but this was an outright lie. Two weeks after the attack, he maid no mention of it being a terrorist attack, and went on to blame a YouTube video for the killings. When O’Reilly brought up the IRS targeting, this is what Obama said: “… that’s not what happened. They — folks have, again, had multiple hearings on this. I mean these kinds of things keep on surfacing, in part because you and your TV station will promote them.” He even had the gall to say there wasn’t a “smidgen of corruption.” Passing the buck and lying in the face of someone like Bill O’Reilly on national television is absolutely absurd and disgusting. It just proves what a liar the Liar in Chief really is.
  5. Snapshot


    True. But I love to watch Obama. squirm like the worm, that he is.
  6. Snapshot


    Did you see Obama's interview with Oreilly before the Superbowl? He basically said it was the fault of Fox News. really? Everytime I see Obama talk, I want to shoot my television. The guy knows that he can't get what he wants through Congress, so he has to use his magic pen. What a douche.! I would love to see Obama get interviewed by Mark Levin, or Rush Limbaugh. They would eat him for lunch.
  7. Snapshot


    The American money machine keeps chewing us up. The harder things are economically, the more everything costs. The middle class pie is shrinking, but the Government always wants a bigger slice
  8. Snapshot

    Sonoran Hot-Dogs

    Went to " Taqueria Sammy" today, on the corner of Grant/Country Club, in Tucson. Sonoran Dogs were not that great.
  9. Snapshot

    Javelina eating a deer skull!?

    I have found a couple partially ,mangled/eaten, skulls over the years. Now I know what probably ate them.
  10. Snapshot

    Cot Pad Question

    Does memory foam get harder when the weather is really cold?
  11. Snapshot

    #5 bites the dust...

    I certainly don't fault the G&F, for trying to re-establish a Sheep population in the Catalinas. It would be a good thing if they survived, but now it looks like it has become some pretty expensive cat food.
  12. Snapshot

    Another "best of" sushi!!

    I would pick Sushi Garden. A couple of Sapporo beers, and Sushi variety platter. Those Saki Bombs require a designated driver
  13. Snapshot

    Another "best of" sushi!!

    I love Sushi. I want to go to Japan and eat it off of naked chicks Sushi Garden is Good. Sakura is O.K too,
  14. Snapshot

    Jim Beam sold to the Japanese

    American profits in American Banks.
  15. Snapshot

    Jim Beam sold to the Japanese

    China owns 25% of our borrowed debt. Pretty soon we will see an Asian flag flying at the Whitehouse. Plus foreigners own a huge chunk of Wall Street. That's the problem with America. Greed makes Corporations, sell, or pimp, everything out to foreign countries. There is no shame left in the USA.
  16. Snapshot


    Denver really choked the chicken in this game. NFL's best offense didn't even show up to play
  17. Snapshot

    Undefeated season

    Sean Miller said Ashley is probably done for the season.
  18. Snapshot

    Sonoran Hot-Dogs

    Good stuff right there. Last place I had one, was across from the Rodeo grounds. Maybe Sinaloa? Can't remember the name. When I had my place down in Sahuarita, we had a B-day party and had them cater the Hot-dogs with their traveling hot dog wagon.
  19. Snapshot

    Undefeated season

    Losing Ashley is a huge loss. As someone mentioned...maybe losing a game will be good in the long run? An undefeated season would have been outstanding.
  20. Snapshot

    My 2013 Season

    That's a bummer about the guy not letting you retrieve your bull. I hunted the Grand Mesa in 1998, which was a trespass hunt operated by Broken Spoke ranch. Took a 5 x 5 bull on that hunt. The ranch adjacent to where I was hunting had a caretaker who rode around on an ATV to keep hunters from trespassing.
  21. Snapshot

    Recommend me a new sleeping bag!

    I bought a Cabelas Alaskan Guide model rectangular bag years ago. I still use it. Have never gotten cold in that bag, even in a Colorado snow storm in the backcountry.
  22. Blue Chevy Suburban with CWT sticker, and a big pink number 144 on back window. Sighted in Tucson on Saturday 1/25 at approx. 1:00 P.M at 1st/Roger. I was right behind you until you hit Oracle road.
  23. Snapshot

    Pinal County Deputy shoots unarmed man

    I have all the respect in the world for good cops. Jerk cops......not so much,
  24. Snapshot

    Pinal County Deputy shoots unarmed man

    The phrase " Am I fee to go" is used if you feel you are being unlawfully, or unreasonably detained. My reasoning behind the serial number check is that cops often will check numbers on guns after you have surrendered your weapon during a routine traffic stop. Taking your gun in the name of his/her safety, and then running a check on it is something that I won't allow. It's not that I have anything against laws, as I am a law abiding citizen. for the most part. I have a real problem with the Gestapo Police nation we are becoming. I have zero tolerance, or respect for LEO's that treat me like a third class citizen Do you not believe in "Don't tread on me"? Get a U-Haul? Really? You sound too much like a Cop lover.