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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Simple Rules

  2. Snapshot

    MH 370 is NOT coming to a city near you

    I am surprised the media hasn't claimed that Space Aliens beamed flight MH370 aboard their spaceship. However, I wouldn't be shocked if a country like Iran, or North Korea was involved somehow. In reality I think those poor people on that airplane are at the bottom of the ocean somewhere. Sad.... but true.
  3. Snapshot

    whats your back up plan?

    I only get one week of vacation this year so it will probably be Arizona deer only. The thing that sucks with my employer, is even next year when I have 2 weeks, they only allow you to take one week at a time. KInda sucks.
  4. Snapshot

    Photo Radar

    Don't ever make the mistake of logging on to the website listed on the ticket you get in the mail. If you type in your ticket number, you will "Be Considered as served"
  5. Snapshot

    Photo Radar

    Any ideas on avoiding them from taping the subpoena to your front window of your house? Arizona summons service law Service upon an individual from whom a waiver has not been obtained and filed shall be effected by delivering a copy of the summons and of the pleading to that individual personally or by leaving copies thereof at that individual's dwelling house or usual place of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein or by delivering a copy of the summons and of the pleading to an agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process. The Law usually favors the process server, however, taping it to the front door is sketchy and can be challenged, unless the court deems the "alternate service" as acceptable. Or just tie a big nasty Pitbull to your front door for 3 months.
  6. Snapshot

    Photo Radar

    I have beaten 2 of them. You just have to avoid the process server.
  7. Snapshot

    Cabelas Card just Canceled - Fraud

    And don't forget that "Bank of America" is not your friend, when it comes to CC charges for G&F.
  8. Snapshot

    Anyone Been Here?

    I have never driven up that way, but it does bring memories of a very similar spring/concrete tank, I found in unit 27. But it was about a mile up a canyon.Had the same configuration as the one you found. I always wonder who built those tanks?
  9. Snapshot

    Can't Fix Stupid

  10. Snapshot

    Sad Society

    Bad Pitbulls, usually have bad owners. Any dog can go nuts, at any given time. Some people say their dog would never hurt anyone, then it gets loose, and chews somebody up. You never know. My sister has 2 pitbulls. My young nephew climbs on these dogs like they were a bean bag chair, and they won't even growl at him. It still makes me nervous.
  11. Snapshot

    Can't Fix Stupid

    1o round mag. That's funny. More is always better.
  12. Snapshot

    stolen trailer and rangers please help!!!!!

    I'm in Tucson. I will keep an eye out.
  13. Snapshot

    Father and Son Memories

    Nice. That's what makes antlers special. There is always a good memory to go along with them.
  14. Snapshot

    2012 Bear Rug ***Updated w/Pics

    Handsome bear rug. I like your man cave!
  15. Snapshot

    Our Bighorn Sheep Slaughter Made Fox News

    A lot of folks know how I feel about the Government, but I don't hate the G&F. I don't care much for how the Commission itself operates, and there will always be a few rotten tomatoes in the basket, but there are good folks just like us that work at the G&F. I am sure the G&F is just as disappointed as anyone, in the outcome of the Sheep transplant project. A lot of money and hard work goes into those projects. Could things have been done better? Anything we do can always be done better. There is no such thing as perfect. G&F shouldn't be sugar coating the Project at the public meeting. It's o.k to admit that something went wrong, and move on from there. I don't know much about Wildlife management, or transplanting wild game. However,If the Sheep transplant is a 3 year project, maybe G&F should have initially released a dozen sheep the first year, and manage that amount for the first year to see what the outcome might be? Adjustments could be made accordingly. I don't know how many Lions are in the Sheep's core habitat area, but one Lion killing a sheep a week, it's not hard to do the math.. Lions are highly territorial. If you eliminate one, there will always be another that will move in to an area that has easy meals available. Maybe an extensive predation study/control should have been done? I know there certainly are budget constraints in the mix that may limit the amount of time and money put into any given project. It is always our right, and duty, to be critical of how our public money is being spent.
  16. Snapshot

    is anyone watching the Commision meeting?

    At the rate the Sheep are getting gobbled up, there won't be any sheep to talk about by this summer.
  17. Snapshot

    Is it bad when you find out you're injured and

    A rotator cuff is a tough deal, especially with bows. Heal up and do what the Doc, and others have said. The last time I hurt myself was 1996, racing Motocross up in Eloy. It cost me a trip to the Casa Grande Hospital in an ambulance. Cracked tailbone, less than 3 weeks before my deer hunt. That was one of the first things I thought of when I crashed.......My hunt. Had to bring my rubber donut with me to sit on, in order to sit down and glass. I did shoot a buck, and packed him out of a rugged spot, but man it hurt like heck, and took alot of the fun out of it. Best wishes for your injury. Heal up, and go huntin.
  18. Snapshot

    Mr. DesertBull

    Well.....well.....well......It's DB's birthday once again. What cruel and unusual birthday punishment can I inflict upon you this year.? How about a special edition Democrat Playboy issue. Nancy Pelosi is SMOKIN........ Just remember......... Have a great day!
  19. Snapshot

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    I would never stop and start glassing in a spot that was occupied. If someone did it to me, I wouldn't mind so much as long as they weren't idiots. I might chit-chat with them, or wish them luck, and then I would move on. One of the reasons I hunt is for solitude. hard to come by, with so many hunters being jammed into the units these days. I rarely run into anybody in the backcountry where I hunt, so I don't worry about it too much. One time I was glassing off of a pullout on Highway 191 in unit 27, and a father and son hunters pulled over, and the kid ran over all excited "What do you see....What do you see"? Explained to them, I didn't have any deer in my binoculars, but I was looking for one a long way off.Gave them some tips on where to go, and wished them luck
  20. I have never met the man. I only know him by reputation. Very sorry to hear of his passing. God Bless!