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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Owie. Such a stinging retort. WIllie and I are both Homophobes. We bring up Gay remarks whenever you are around. We know that it get's under your skin.
  2. Snapshot

    San Juan River NM

    Nice.! The San Juan is a fun place to fish. It has been too many years since I have been there.
  3. "Two uglies don't make a right"? Your parent's would know that better than anybody.
  4. Obama is the only President in history to spend over a million dollars to have his records sealed. IMO- What he is hiding would cause him to be escorted out of the Whitehouse in handcuffs. But hey, there are a lot of us paranoid extremists out there. Wiles: Obama a 'Foreign Plant' Leading an 'Overthrow of the Republic' Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 6/13/2013 11:20 am We already know that Rick Wiles considers President Obama to be a Nazi, Communist, America-sodomizing, “devil from heck,” and now we can add to that list a “shadow person” who “doesn’t exist.” While speaking with Mike Zullo, who is leading Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s birther investigation, Wiles said Obama is “not just a smooth talking, jive talking, street thug that talked his way into the White House, it means that he was placed here, he was deliberately placed here as a child” as a “foreign plant.” Zullo said that he and Arpaio are urging Congress to hold hearings about their birther investigations, which Wiles warned could be the only way to prevent the “overthrow of the Republic.” Zullo: It’s just really a very murky background that is very difficult to follow and that background could not get you a job as a janitor in the White House, let alone a President of the United States. Wiles: This persona that he operates under simply doesn’t exist. He is a shadow person. For this to take place, and I’m in complete agreement because these are the kind of things that we have talked about on this program through the years, then what it means is he’s not just a smooth talking, jive talking, street thug that talked his way into the White House, it means that he was placed here, he was deliberately placed here as a child. His identity was concealed, there were traces of identity made for him, whether college or other ways, but he never existed in any of those things, he is a manufactured person and the conclusion I have come to is that he is a foreign plant. … Zullo: You’ve got to get your arms around our constitution; you’ve got to understand what is being done here: you are being conditioned to accept things that perhaps are not really legal. You get into the natural born issue, you get into the First Amendment rights, you’re starting to be told what you can and cannot do or what is acceptable and not acceptable regardless of what that founding document says. Wiles: And that is an overthrow of the Republic. Zullo: I agree with you, it’s something to be very concerned about and the American people do have to realize that there does come a tipping point where when you wake up it is too late to wake up and we are getting very, very close to that. Something has to be done with thus and Sheriff Arpaio and I are making a desperate push now to get this in front of Congress. - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/wiles-obama-foreign-plant-leading-overthrow-republic#sthash.trlQ2NrI.dpuf
  5. Obama gets really excited over Rainbow Muslims. The best of both worlds for the "Fraud in chief"
  6. Then there are the ....Sad.....Sad......clueless, and complacent sheeple.
  7. I think the Malaysian Government knew more than to what they are letting on. A botched Hijack, or terrorist attempt gone wrong? Possibly. Why do they claim to find debris 1500 miles west of Perth Australia, In the opposite direction in which the planes flight plan was intended.? As far as Putin, and our "Pussy in chief" Obama. Can't say nobody told them so. But you can't impress logic upon a liberal, who's only agenda as a President, is the ruination of this country. "Death by Socialism, and failed leadership" But haven't you heard? It's George W Bush's fault, and we are all racists for criticizing the worst President in history. I am very much a conspiracy theorist. I think Obama is part of a much more sinister plan, that goes far beyond our borders. Something wicked this way comes.
  8. Snapshot

    # 1 cause of death ....

    Makes me wonder how many more people will be added to the statistics.........courtesy of Obama and his henchmen. 200 people a day, die in hospitals from bacterial infections within the hospital, because of unsanitary conditions. How much will that number increase once Obamacare takes its toll with sketchy healthcare practices. Not to mention the invisible death panels. I admit that Republicans seem to have more of a warmonger attitude. But that's because we have bigger balls than the Liberals, and are less likely to take any crap. But it is senseless to see any American die at the whim of a Politician. I pray daily, that the Mid term elections this year have a positive outcome for the GOP. People will die under Obamacare. without a shot even being fired.
  9. Snapshot

    if i get a drone licence can i have a sam battery?

    You can get one of these stinger systems for $38,000. Just got to find a Black market weapons dealer to sell you one
  10. Snapshot

    elk an goat results

    7-10 days.
  11. Snapshot

    Wolf Spending Continues

    What the heck...there is a wolf/livestock coexistence council! Great, hope it works better than the lion/bighorn coexistence council that is in place on Pusch Ridge. Unfortunately yes. Even thought the species are different, the outcome is the same.Expensive animals ending up as Predator poop.!
  12. Snapshot

    Wolf Spending Continues

    Here is a link to the Mexican Wolf/Livestock coexistence council. http://www.coexistencecouncil.org/home.html The Fed's love to waste money on their "Cash Cows", and cater to the "Feelgood" crowd. "Cash cow" refers to projects to dump write off money.
  13. Snapshot


    All it takes is one little spark. Just ask the numb nuts that started the Wallow fire. They are in monetary debt to the feds......... for the next millennium.
  14. Snapshot

    Wow 2013

    I'm glad my premonition was wrong. Yep.... The Wildcats thrashed Gonzaga. Woot.!
  15. Snapshot

    Never look down the barrel of a gun!

    In the words of Ron White............"Can't fix stupid"
  16. Snapshot

    If your doctor asks you...

    Where might one find this shirt I love it. Check out this link. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpatriotdepot.com%2Funited-states-constitution-frustrating-liberals-since-1791-t-shirt%2F&ei=CQEvU-vmMsnw2gWww4DoCQ&usg=AFQjCNFAgZglOoluJJQK61hI7vqlkqWTfQ&bvm=bv.62922401,d.b2I&cad=rja
  17. Snapshot

    If your doctor asks you...

    There is a bit of a "Political shift" happening, and things may swing to the right. If we can keep control of the house, and take over the Senate......We can say "Bye Bye" to Obamcare.....and hopefully Obama as well.
  18. Snapshot

    If your doctor asks you...

    I will go to my Doctor wearing this......and they can all kiss my shiny white hiney.
  19. Snapshot

    Wow 2013

    Tough loss for the Sundevils. It was an exciting finish. Even though the Wildcats, and Sundevils, are rivals, it would be nice to see both teams make it deep into the tournament to represent the State of Arizona. I am not getting any Warm and fuzzy feelings about the U of A / Gonzaga game. Just have a feeling..........
  20. Snapshot

    Country Thunder advice

    From what I have heard, there is no such thing as "getting any sleep" at those events. Party on!
  21. Snapshot

    Any home painters

    I maintain a couple of large properties for a management company, and do a lot of painting. I use Dunn Edwards, and occasionally, Sherwin WIlliams, for specialty finishes. Dunn Edwards Evershield is their top of the line exterior paint. I use Dunn Edwards "Versaglo" for interior work. If you are painting over old existing finishes, you can also try the Flex tech, which is elastomeric, and will hold up better under more adverse weather, where expansion and contraction, is more likely. The Rep at Dunn Edwards can fill you in on your specific needs.