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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Anyone remember this?

    The good old days when plinking used to be inexpensive.
  2. Snapshot

    Retirement gift ideas

    Depends on what you can afford. On the upper end, a bow hunt for plains game in South Africa would be a great adventure. Lots of good deals to be had, though certainly not an inexpensive trip. Maybe a father/Son fishing trip?
  3. Snapshot

    SWAT Team kills deer

    I wonder if these guys would help us with the soon to be, "Swelling Wolf population" New York SWAT called upon to terminate surging deer population 4/04/14 | by Brent McCluskey 59 67 A New York SWAT team has been called upon to terminate North Tonawanda’s swelling deer population. The bait-and-shoot program was first initiated in 2004 and was active all the way through 2008. The four-man SWAT team killed 231 deer within that time period, but the animals’ resurgence has demanded the program return once again, Niagara Gazette reports. Residents have lodged many complaints to the council, claiming the rampant deer have caused property damage. The animals have also been the cause of dozens of vehicle accidents. The use of birth control was considered as an alternative, but at a cost of nearly $1,000 per sterilization, the council decided to reinstate the bait-and-shoot program instead. “We’re not starting anything radical,” said Third Ward Alderman Eric Zadzilka. “We’re resuming what we did in the past. We were hearing a lot more complaints from residents in the last two years about property damage. That’s what precipitated bringing this back.” The SWAT team will hunt from October through March and all usable meat taken from the deer will be donated to the Food Bank of Western New York, according to Mayor Rob Ortt.
  4. Snapshot

    Anyone know these 3 hunters

    I could be wrong, but the guy on the far right looks very familiar for some reason
  5. Snapshot

    Anyone know these 3 hunters

    I'm not hijacking the photo. Just cleaned it up to see if anyone can recognize the guys.
  6. Snapshot

    Anyone know these 3 hunters

    The guy on the far right looks a lot like "Wes Keyes", the AZGFD guy that used to host "Arizona Wildlife views" ?
  7. Snapshot

    Anyone know these 3 hunters

    Great photo, and some good history.
  8. Snapshot

    Today Is The Day.....

    Isn't the draw conducted by an independent company?
  9. Snapshot

    Today Is The Day.....

    G&F decided to make everyone suffer.......and went home for the weekend.
  10. Snapshot

    Today Is The Day.....

    You guys are wound too tight.
  11. Snapshot

    Today Is The Day.....

    Manscaping accident?
  12. Snapshot

    Today Is The Day.....

    Zima is horrible stuff. I prefer Kool-aid, and my tin foil hat.
  13. Snapshot

    Today Is The Day.....

    I prefer the old "Slippery Nipple" cocktail
  14. Snapshot

    Today Is The Day.....

    I've got a hangover from reading these posts.
  15. Liberal cockroaches like Piers Morgan will resurface somewhere else. They always do.
  16. Snapshot

    Lizard identification

    I've seen a lot of those Lizards, just never figure out what they were. But by the look of it, i would say an unhappy lizard
  17. Snapshot

    How many times have you checked today?

    You don't need to check. You're one of those guys that gets an elk tag every year......
  18. Snapshot

    Woman Stops Bear Attack With .25 Caliber Pistol

    The old saying " I Don't have to be fast. Just faster than the person behind me"
  19. Snapshot

    the OFFICIAL 2014 elk results thread.

    Bonus point for Unit 27
  20. Snapshot

    Remember these ?

    That is a good story. Heck of a way to find out you got a sheep tag.
  21. Snapshot

    Remember these ?

    I dreaded the days of opening the mailbox and seeing pink.