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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Who needs an elk tag when you've got this?

    Congratulations. That beats an Elk tag anyday!
  2. Snapshot

    Thunderbirds are here.

    Thunderbird show was cancelled today, because of strong winds. Certainly understandable. I wanted to go out there tomorrow,but I bet it will be a zoo
  3. Snapshot

    H&R Model 649 22mag/22LR

    H&R Model 649 6 shot Double action Revolver. Interchangeable cylinders for 22 mag, and 22 LR. Hunter Leather Holster 250 Rounds of WInchester Super- X 22 Mag hollow points Sell as package deal for $200.00 FTF Cash in Tucson Overall I would give the gun a rating of approx 80% ? There is a ding on the front sight. (See picture) Some bluing wear on the ejector housing.
  4. Snapshot

    H&R Model 649 22mag/22LR

    Transaction is complete. Gun is gone.
  5. Snapshot

    undercover canned hunt documentary??

    I have never seen the video. Elk farms are like that where you pay by the inch. There is a huge difference between a hunter, and a shooter. There are alot of things going on out there that give real hunters a bad reputation.
  6. Snapshot

    H&R Model 649 22mag/22LR

    Unfortunately, there are 2 guys in line, so it would have to fall through twice.
  7. Snapshot

    Rancher Showdown

    The Fed's have been pillaging for decades. But I guess that is o.k with some folks. This goes far beyond the scope of some guy grazing cattle in scrub desert.
  8. Snapshot

    H&R Model 649 22mag/22LR

    SOLD - PF
  9. Snapshot

    Some of the best anglers Don't do catch & release

    I've spent a lot of time flyfishing in Montana. Those birds are some of the best fisherman around. Saw many a trout plucked out of the rivers, and lakes.
  10. Snapshot

    Who knows where I am? Part II

    O.K Curtis........time for you to "Fess up"......and tell us.
  11. Snapshot

    .45 Long Colt Ammo

    SOLD. PF
  12. Snapshot

    .45 Long Colt Ammo

    215 Rounds of loaded .45 Long Colt Ammo. 250 grain lead flat nose. Twice Fired brass. Bullet boxes included. $125.00 cash Located in Tucson. FTF transaction on these.
  13. Snapshot

    Who knows where I am? Part II

    Prescott National Forest
  14. Snapshot

    Thunderbirds are here.

    I've been going to DMAFB to watch them since I was a kid. I saw them 2 years ago, but they didn't perform last year. I was hoping the weather would be nice this weekend, it's getting too hot too early, and it can be a cooker out on the Tarmac.
  15. Snapshot

    Thunderbirds are here.

    That works for me. We just need to convince the Air Force.
  16. Snapshot

    Good news- bad news?

    I remember when Highway 191 used to be "666". Kinda weird.
  17. Snapshot

    I cheated, ha ha

    Physics guys are pretty smart. In years past, I have stayed up until 2 in the morning trying to get through to the draw results
  18. Snapshot


    Bonus points only. I have 13 for Antelope. But I bet I get a deer tag. The E-Scouters will be arriving soon
  19. Snapshot

    Results are Up!!!

    I have become a master at drawing bonus points.
  20. Snapshot

    Results are Up!!!

    But if you like your draw results......I promise that you can keep your draw results.
  21. Snapshot

    Tomorow Monday the 7th is the day!!!!

    The Natives are getting restless.
  22. Snapshot

    squaring bonus points

    Preference points like Colorado. You get drawn one year, you go to the back of the line the next.
  23. Snapshot

    AZGFD 50 years of history

    I came across this PDF file of AZGFD WIldlife Views printed in 1980. It is an overview of the 50 years of Department history up until 1980, and has some good stuff in it. Check it out. it's a 115 page PDF Download http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCwQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.veritasresearchconsulting.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FAZGFD-Wildlife_Views_50_Years-January_1980.pdf&ei=qrZBU8fbGuGSyQGEl4CACw&usg=AFQjCNHBUzR62Z3LoL_0OKvRA-dKZzLnJw&bvm=bv.64125504,d.aWc
  24. Snapshot


    Well...........Maybe Billary Clinton would suck worse
  25. Snapshot


    I doubt Romney would be a stellar President, but IMO, I can't see anybody sucking more than Obama. Not by a long shot.