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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Good Sight To See!!!!

    60 degrees? I wish I was up there right now. Ominous clouds in Tucson right now, but no rain at this location...yet.
  2. Snapshot

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    How do you serve a summons to a member of social media, with a fictitious name? Inquiring minds want to know.
  3. Snapshot

    Ozone generators

    The machine we used was a loaner. Don't know what brand. One of the apartments I fixed up had a heavy smoker living in it for 15 years. The place was yellow, and had cigarette tar dripping out of the ac vents. Kilzed, and painted the entire place. Still couldn't get rid of the smell after running the ozone for 2 days. Had to clean the ac blower and coils, as they were covered in brown tar.management didn't want to hire a vent cleaner, but they finally relented.
  4. Snapshot

    Storms a comin

    Haboobs....Charlie Harper style?
  5. Snapshot

    Ozone generators

    If you aren't going to paint, or replace flooring, the ozone is about the only option. It helps, but not 100%. One of the things I do, is add a scent additive to the paint. You can buy it at most paint shops, and comes in different flavors. I use it sometimes, when I do a full paint. The older popcorn ceilings are notorious for holding odors. I will paint the popcorn as well, or spray it with Kilz. Dog and cat pee that seeps into the concrete slab, or wood subfloors, often requires a bleach scrubbing, or you can roll the floors with kilz. I have done both, and it is a pain, but it is the only way to get rid of saturated odors.
  6. Snapshot

    Good Sight To See!!!!

    2 good cloudbursts in the last 30 minutes in central Tucson. Just enough to cool things off.
  7. Snapshot

    Storms a comin

    Just got a little cloud burst of rain in central Tucson.
  8. Snapshot

    Idaho falls/Yellowstone help

    If you are in West Yellowstone, and have the time, stop by the Grizzly discovery center. Live bear shows,Wolves, etc.
  9. Snapshot

    Idaho falls/Yellowstone help

    A guided float trip for the Salmon fly hatch is the best way to do it. Timing is everything for that hatch, and the guides usually have it dialed in. West Yellowstone is loaded with fly shops. Kelly Galloups, Slide Inn flyshop, is right on the Madison River. They also have cabins and campground. Its a cool place. Kelly has been featured in many outdoor channel flyfishing shows.
  10. Snapshot

    Idaho falls/Yellowstone help

    I've never been to Palisades, but after looking up the info on it, it seems to be a pretty cool place.
  11. Snapshot

    Idaho falls/Yellowstone help

    If you are into flyfishing, the first week of July can put you on the Stonefly/Salmonfly hatch. Exciting river fishing at it's finest.
  12. Snapshot

    Idaho falls/Yellowstone help

    Yellowstone park itself, has serious restrictions on watercraft, even non mitorized. Henrys lake area is very nice, within a short drive of West Yellowstone. Not a small Lake, But Hebgen Lake, north of West Yellowstone is great fishing. Kirkwood resort,right next to Hebgen, has cabins and RV camping. They have showers, laundry, small store, gas pumps, and wifi. Marina is right across the road. I stayed there for 3 months, when I was up there doing some seasonal work. I really enjoyed that area. Madison river, and quake lake are right down the road. Campfire Lodge is right down the road, and they have a great little restaurant. Biggest pancakes you will ever eat.
  13. Snapshot

    When will the E-scouting beging ? Lol

    Right after the draw. Right before the season begins.
  14. Snapshot

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Administrators need to hit the launch button on this thread
  15. I would vote, if they didn't ask for an email address.
  16. Snapshot

    Bill Quimby

    Bills Obituary https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.legacy.com/obituaries/tucson/obituary.aspx%3Fn%3Dwilliam-r-quimby-bill%26pid%3D189437561%26referrer%3D0%26preview%3Dfalse&ved=2ahUKEwi6nqeRhf7bAhVCilQKHWbgDOoQFjAAegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw2bS4YM5O5j48tkmVGhbcZu
  17. Snapshot

    Storms a comin

    Can you blame it Nobody wants to visit Tucson Yeah, but this craphole city needs a bath once in awhile.
  18. Snapshot

    Storms a comin

    Apparently, that moisture didn't want to visit Tucson.
  19. Snapshot

    Storms a comin

    Sure...rub it in! Lol. Be nice when this Tucson sweat box cools off.
  20. Snapshot

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Highly doubtful.
  21. Snapshot

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    So now you guys are bringing God into this Urinary triathlon?
  22. Snapshot

    Camp Masters....

    If you could just behave yourself for a few nights you wouldn't need to stabilize the bedroom area. If the trailer is rockin, don't come knockin!
  23. Snapshot

    Camp Masters....

    They also make rope lighting that you can attach to the edge of the awning. It adds a nice outdoor ambiance when hanging around outside at night.
  24. Snapshot

    Camp Masters....

    Get one of these stabilizing tripods. It really helps stabilize the front of the 5th wheel bedroom area. Prices vary, but I paid about $100 for mine.
  25. Snapshot

    Bear spray advice

    It looks like another record tourist year for Yellowstone. Saw a photo the other day, of huge lines of cars at the West entrance. It's a great place, but huge crowds can really ruin the experience.