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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Chuck Norris-isms

  2. Snapshot

    Chuck Norris-isms

  3. Snapshot

    Chuck Norris-isms

  4. Snapshot

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Around here, we only use Chuck Norris toilet paper. Rough, tough, and don't take crap from anybody.!
  5. Snapshot

    Chuck Norris-isms

    When the boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris. There is no theory of evolution, just a list of animals Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
  6. Snapshot

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Dang. Someone beat me to it
  7. Snapshot

    Card Hit!!!

    Just got home from work, and found out I got hit for $45.00. Now to find out which choice hunt. BOOYAH~!
  8. Snapshot

    Lumberjack and the Bear

    Inventive way to get a milk can off a Bears head... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=02ifziedEjE
  9. Snapshot

    Snake Gaiters

    I have never used gaiters, but I bought a pair of Cabela's snake boots some years back. They go almost to the top of the shin. Great for repelling cactus also. I am not sure how well they work against fangs, and I hope I don't find out.
  10. Snapshot

    Only California.....

    Drunk drivers, are bad enough. Now lets give free dope to the lower class, who don't give a crap about anything, or anybody anyway. Food stamps, welfare, free dope. Bring us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses. We got free weed to hand out. 2 weeks ago, here in Tucson, a guy ran a red light and killed a girl on a bicycle. He admitted he had just smoked some synthetic weed. I hope he is behind bars for a long time. These dope smoking dumbasses don't belong in society. Too bad an IQ/Common sense test is not required for any politician or councilman. That would eliminate most Liberals from getting into those positions, and making stupid laws. What happens in California seems to spread east, like a disease. This country is going to HELLLL in a basket.
  11. Snapshot

    First Time Smokin'

    I try to smoke meat.......but the meat makes the rolling papers soggy
  12. Snapshot

    Monsoon is here!

    Looks like storm season is here. Got a good pounding in Central Tucson starting about 5:00 p.m
  13. Snapshot

    Behold...the future of our country

    Bolt on Boobies? Did Obamacare provide those?
  14. Snapshot

    critters, sheds and a dead head

    Snakes Cool antler finds.
  15. great fish and photos. Thanks for sharing!
  16. Snapshot

    First Time Smokin'

    Dang Dude....That looks amazing. DO YOU DELIVER?
  17. Snapshot

    First Time Smokin'

    In addition to my full time job when I was in Montana, I worked 4 nights a week at a Bar and Grill in the Madison valley. Best ribs I have ever had. My boss smoked them in a Bradley smoker for about 3 hours after rubbing them with his magical mixture. He wouldn't tell me what his rub recipe was. Bastard. They were some awesome ribs.
  18. Snapshot

    First Time Smokin'

    Here is the ultimate man grill/smoker
  19. Snapshot

    First Time Smokin'

  20. Snapshot

    Happy 4th of July

    Yes indeed. Many have forgotten.Many of us never will. I'm staying home today and BBQ'ing, with some friends. Lobster tail,Cajun rice, and corn on the cob. I normally don't drink much, but today I am. Got to put things into perspective once in awhile. Happy 4th
  21. Snapshot

    Draw is soon

    That picture is simply "Nasty"
  22. Snapshot

    Behold...the future of our country

    Looks like the Liberal Zombie crowd doesn't realize that "2014" is not the age of the country, but "A.D" They paid how much for a college degree? Friggin amazing!
  23. Snapshot

    Monsoon is here!

    Just got a decent rain in Mid-town Tucson.
  24. Snapshot

    Draw is soon

    Draw date doesn't matter. Results date.........?
  25. Snapshot

    Things are shaking tonight

    Almost forgot what a gyrating bed felt like. When I was up in Montana recently for a couple years, we used to get those little tremors now and again. On a fault line outside of YNP, with al the geothermal, and caldera activity.