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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Huge long distance typical!!

    Poop stories = too much shared information
  2. Snapshot

    Huge long distance typical!!

    Boone & Crockett Jack Rabbit.......
  3. Snapshot

    Don't trick or treat at my house or you will get these!

    At least get the Chocolate covered bugs
  4. Snapshot

    Good Luck in 27 This Weekend

    Bummer Dude. I feel ya. I was supposed to be up there on the Whitetail hunt right now, which ends today. Unfortunately, life sometimes gets in the way of better things. Hope you heal well!
  5. Elections are coming on Tuesday. I already sent in my early ballot. Makes me cringe that I had to vote for Ducey, when I didn't vote for him in the primaries. Lesser of 2 evils approach. God forbid that any of you are Democrats , but if you are, think twice about voting for Duval. Do everything we can to keep the radicals from ruining this state. It effects all guns and shooting sports. Former Clinton White House Deputy Director Fred DuVal (D) is running for governor of Arizona, and if he wins, he will put his support behind the implementation of Colorado-like gun control. In March 2013, Colorado's legislature passed new measures barring private gun sales in the state. The measures require a law-abiding citizen who sells a gun to another law-abiding citizen to do so in the presence of a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder, which demands a background check. The measures also place a new fee on the sale of the firearm to cover the cost of that background check. Governor John Hickenlooper (D) signed the measures into law, and now, a law-abiding citizen in that state can no longer sell a gun to another law-abiding citizen without government permission, even though Americans have been doing so since 1791. In June, Fred DuVal told The Arizona Republic that the attacks on "Sandy Hook, Aurora, Isla Vista, and Tucson" demonstrate the need to "[require] background checks for all gun purchases." DuVal did not mention that in three of the four instances he cited--Aurora, Isla Vista, and Tucson--the gunmen underwent background checks to obtain their firearms. Nor did he mention that in the Sandy Hook attack, the gunman stole his firearms; therefore, no amount of gun control would have stopped him. Instead, DuVal is running for governor with the belief that background checks in Arizona should be expanded to cover every gun sale. This means that private gun sales will be treated like retail gun sales--as in Colorado--and, without government permission, one law-abiding citizen will be barred from selling a gun to another law-abiding citizen. The Huffington Post reports that DuVal is endorsed by gun control proponents Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly.
  6. Snapshot

    Is this a legit way to hunt?

    Alot of buttheads out in the field. Why did they flip you off. Too me, that's just motivation to get further away from the roads.
  7. Snapshot

    Help a college student with his class

    Age: 52 Male Approximately 4 speeding tickets in my life. 2 where when I was alot younger and can't remember the details. Number 3 (1996)was coming back from Prescott. 75 mph in a 65mph. paid the ticket Have evaded 2 photo radar tickets in 2011 and 2012 1 for speeding. 1 for a bogus right turn on a red light. I have gotten a warning on a couple of minor speeding violations over the years..4-6 mph over.
  8. Snapshot


    I had a Doctor's appointment this morning. Got on the topic of Obamacare. Told my Doctor I wouldn't sign up for it if I was dying. He just laughed and said "That's good, because I don't accept Obamacare anyway." He reached over on his desk and gave me a few sheets off his roll of Obama toilet paper. My Doc is a pretty cool dude.
  9. Snapshot

    30B Mulies

    Have taken three Mulies in 30B in the past. Last was 2005.
  10. Snapshot

    Border Stories

    2006, in unit 35B....... Witnessed search and rescue bring out a dead body to a waiting coroners vehicle.
  11. Snapshot

    Border Stories

    Currently......there is no such thing as a border.
  12. Snapshot

    How go you all cook venison roast

    I have used a crock pot. Put in roast, baby potatoes, baby carrots, with some onion chunks. Add water and salt,pepper, and whatever spice you like. Cook on low for about 8 hours. Yep it's submerged but thats the only way I have tried it You can marinate to taste and put in smoker also. A neighbor friend of mine did it that way and it was awesome. Bon Appetit!
  13. Snapshot


    Fixed it for you. LOL. Very true. 8 years of nightmare. However, his executive actions during the lame duck session will set the tone for 2 more years of Helllll in America.
  14. The National Park Service works for Obama. They will probably promote this Woman to the head of CDC, or maybe even Surgeon General.
  15. Snapshot


    Obama is going to be making some seriously bad political moves, between November 5th, and January.
  16. Snapshot


    No tag required for Lame Duck Politicians.
  17. Snapshot


    I will say this. Keep your eyes open for what is going to happen during the Lame Duck session, after the Mid-Term Elections.
  18. Snapshot

    My graham, Riggs lake

    Nice! Any pics
  19. Snapshot


    We were asked not to post, "Non-Hunting", political topics.
  20. Snapshot

    ASU "Forward Thinking"

    Paint their faces "Bright White", and someone will piss and moan about that too. Thats the thing about Liberalism. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I just saw an article that stated the Arizona Universities are the one of the most LGBT tolerant in the nation. Dress up like a flaming Homo, and nobody would say a word.
  21. Snapshot

    I dont understand

    I don't understand why anyone would watch those Eastern Hunting shows Foodplots,, and treestands, makes me want to shoot my television.
  22. Cooooooze is much more sexy, than Cowwwwwws.
  23. Saw it in half, and count the rings. Swarovski could probably tell you from a serial #?
  24. Snapshot

    Scouting 101

    The age of digital hunting. I too, receive P.M's every season from brand new members e-scouting. The sad thing is, some won't even thank you for any info you offer, and never hear from them again. Pick a spot, and go hunting.
  25. Snapshot

    OK, who does this?

    I've seen more times than I can remember. The really retarded hunters, are the ones that park in the middle of the road.