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Everything posted by Snapshot

  1. Snapshot

    Got it done!!! #3

    You all act like "Hybrid" is some kind of dirty 4 letter word. I said it looked like a hybrid because of the split forks, which is sometimes common with hybrid deer. The statement had nothing to do with the score of the rack. It's an outstanding trophy that anyone would be proud of.
  2. Snapshot

    Got it done!!! #3

    Was wondering how long it'd take for someone to mention hybrid Is that a good or bad thing If it was a hybrid, I think it would be that much more awesome, and unique, because of the rarity. Either way it is a great rack
  3. Snapshot


    Kitties gotta get past Utah first. No easy feat. You are right. I almost forgot about the Utah game.
  4. Snapshot

    Got it done!!! #3

    Brute of a deer. Antlers look hybrid.
  5. Snapshot

    Where's Waldo? CWT.com style **UPDATE W/ ANSWER**

    Waldo is down at Pub having a beer. I saw that spot in the bush, and I didn't give it second look
  6. Snapshot

    Cats live and die by their kicker

    Lot of games won and lost by kickers. At the end of the day, the numbers on the scoreboard are all that matters
  7. Snapshot

    Happy Iowa hunter

    Dang....That deer is an absolute freak. I've never really had a problem with buck fever, but if that thing walked under my stand, I think my knee's would be knockin.!
  8. Snapshot

    Where's Waldo? CWT.com style **UPDATE W/ ANSWER**

    I can't see anything without my binoculars
  9. Snapshot


    Exciting win for the Wildcats yesterday. Keep that momentum going for our game against Casa Grande North next week.. Booyah!
  10. Snapshot

    Help me find my home!

    Very nice of you to rescue and feed it. This is a link to some websites in the Tucson area for lost pets http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CEIQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tucsonlostdogs.com%2Fcontent.html&ei=YcRnVL_sGa-WigKvmYCgBA&usg=AFQjCNEz6ZS1Goe97TfmM5OYjMCpe9xWDw&bvm=bv.79142246,d.cGE&cad=rja
  11. Snapshot

    illegal Aliens poaching deer

    Illegal aliens are poaching America.
  12. I believe there is a darker side of the Ferguson issue....(pardon the pun). There is someone higher up in the food chain fanning the flames of hatred. I doubt it would even make the headlines if the officer was a black cop. I have seen a growing hostility, and lack of respect, by certain race of our society. I saw it first hand in a Circle K the other day. I firmly believe that that the lawlessness, and disrespect towards this country by our current President has emboldened sub cultures across the entire spectrum ,into what we are seeing today. Things will come to boil, after Obama gives us all the middle finger, and uses executive action for Amnesty. Ferguson is just the tip of the iceberg. If Officer Wilson is guilty, he will get what's coming to him. If not, these foolish Ferguson thugs need to back the heck off.
  13. This is not a political rant, but a compilation of 20 big business that are "Anti Gun". I urge all hunters and gun owners, to boycott these businesses, and any others like them. Take a stand America. http://buzzpo.com/20-huge-companies-want-take-guns/
  14. Snapshot

    Dogs like snow too

    Thought this was pretty funny http://joeforamerica.com/2014/02/votd-2-27-14/
  15. Snapshot

    Health Care

    Have faith. I have a feeling that Obamacare will have the same ending as the DODO bird.........it may take a few years!
  16. Snapshot


    No one will take you up on it this year As I said earlier, ASU is the Wildcats nemesis lately, and I'm not a betting man. Some good pre-game banter between rivals is always fun.
  17. Snapshot


    My Med's must be working, if I'm annoying the ASU crowd. In all fairness, we will just call ASU the champs of the NIT Bowl Tis the season !
  18. Snapshot


  19. Snapshot


    ....or maybe the "Burrito Bowl"
  20. Snapshot


    ASU will be the stars of the "Midol Bowl" this year
  21. Snapshot


    Me, I guess I'd have to hear the UofA faithful gloat for a whole year. Thankfully, I probably won't have to as the Cats will find a way to lose another big game. It's practically over already. Probably. The Sundevils seem to be the Wildcats nemesis.
  22. Snapshot

    Skin a deer in 2 minutes

    I must be slow......No way I can skin and gut that fast. http://www.guns.com/2014/11/03/how-to-skin-and-gut-a-deer-like-a-boss-in-under-two-minutes-video/
  23. Snapshot

    Metate Found

    So a "Matate" is an indian word for "Hole in rock" Many of those down in 34a.
  24. Snapshot


    Next weekend is reserved for stealing your mascot......and cheerleaders....