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Big Donkey

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Everything posted by Big Donkey

  1. Big Donkey


  2. Big Donkey

    Tag arrived today

    Checked the mail today and my unit 9 muzzy tag was there, it went straight into the underground safe with all the important documents.
  3. Big Donkey

    Results by phone

    No Sir. Got lucky and drew it with 2pts, hunter Ed and loyalty. Had a 3b muzzy tag last year.
  4. Big Donkey

    Results by phone

    I drew one of them tags!
  5. Big Donkey

    Rosevelt lake reports.

    Caught 16 on crank bait in 3 hours today fishing the shoreline out to 13ft of water. Should be good.
  6. Big Donkey

    Results available

    it's a town down in se az I thought? That's what I thought when I heard portal but I would've never thought it had something to do with the interweb.
  7. Big Donkey

    Results available

    I didn't even know what portal meant till about 10 minutes ago when I looked it up.
  8. Big Donkey

    Wildcats done.

  9. Big Donkey

    Knife for field dressing an elk

    Havalon or outdoor edge razor blaze. I prefer the outdoor edge myself.
  10. Big Donkey

    Info appreciated guys

    So do I, pretty cool area huh Dick?
  11. Big Donkey

    Card Hit

    That's right, not enough points to make the bonus pass but 80% of the tags are luck of the draw. 2013 I had 3c early archery bull with 12 points, 2014 3b muzzleloader bull with 2 points, and this year I only applied for one hunt and I got lucky and drew a unit 9 muzzleloader bull tag with 2 points. Good $hit does happen from time to time!
  12. Big Donkey

    Card Hit

    Unit 9 muzzleloader here I come!!!
  13. Big Donkey

    15xs everything Vs Swarofski SLC HDs

    Personally I'd buy the leica HD-r 15x56. They're the best IMO
  14. Big Donkey

    Nice beaver!

    A wet beaver is a happy beaver.
  15. Big Donkey

    Augest archery\building your own tanks.

    You're not even supposed to Hang a trail camera in the wilderness areas, I would imagine setting up a water catchment in the wilderness would be off limits as well. Why not just just find a seep or spring and hunt that?
  16. Big Donkey

    4x4 coues

    Wrong. 3 scoreable points and a main beam on each side = 3x3 Wrong. Eye guards are your first point on a whitetail, otherwise know as your G1. you just contradicted the fukk out of yourself big donkey How do you figure Dick? Eye guards are the G1, next are G2's, then the G3's, and then you have the main beam. It's a 3x3 and a dam nice one at that.
  17. Big Donkey

    4x4 coues

    Wrong. Eye guards are your first point on a whitetail, otherwise know as your G1.
  18. Big Donkey

    4x4 coues

    Wrong. 3 scoreable points and a main beam on each side = 3x3
  19. Big Donkey

    My girl can dance again

    Did it hit your thumb too?
  20. Big Donkey

    When will results be up

    I called today and got my results. 37b HAM. She also said they were mailing out tags today and they would post results sometime at the beginning of next week. So technically they are right on time with getting the tags mailed out.
  21. Big Donkey

    Giant Non-typical Desert Buck?

    Good buck! (Yes I had permission)
  22. Big Donkey

    Swarovski NON HD 20-60x65mm angled scope

    I'll give you $400 and I'll throw in 2 hoochie mamas.