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Everything posted by azcoyote

  1. azcoyote

    Brother in laws big tom

    The baby deer/elk thank you. Good work!!
  2. azcoyote

    Time for some Binocs. So... 8x or 10x... and Why?

    I ordered my 8x42 yesterday and I am gonna save for a good scope for the pack. Thank you all!
  3. azcoyote

    Time for some Binocs. So... 8x or 10x... and Why?

    I hadn't thought about keeping a spotting scope in the pack. Seems like a great idea. I am leaning to 8x42 since I found the features I want at the price I want. I have some hand shake issues from an old injury and I like the FOV a bit more. I think then I should save up for the spotting scope in that 15x range. Thanks!
  4. azcoyote

    Rage 3-blade broadhead SUCK!?!?!

    Just curious OP. What poundage is your bow, what is your draw, and what is your arrow weight?
  5. Anyone know if these are flowing today and if so, are the passable? Down Dugas Road.... Thx
  6. The creeks were both just fine. As to the mud? Yes. A few slimy spots but a decent set of tires gets you far. Leave anything less than a true AT at home. I made it all the way back to the place I wanted to get to.
  7. Ack. Looks like I better make a backup plan just in case then....
  8. azcoyote

    Any rutting down south

    looks like its Snow time. How will that affect the Rut?
  9. azcoyote

    Archery Coues in the Snow

    Seeing a mountain lion or a bear would not surprise me at all. The orchard will still be there tho. Even if apples are gone, deer and other animals will return to the site. It also offers better browse than an area with just desert scrub or high mesa foliage. And a wind break... So yeah... Food may not be there but a great many things will be and I will be happy to have some coverage from elements...
  10. azcoyote

    Archery Coues in the Snow

    Thank you! Just found an old homestead orchard I am gonna check out up there. Should put me on some apples and pears while the snow is coming down. Of course, it snowed tons up that way and I am betting there is even more by Friday. Prepping the equipment... Gonna need it.
  11. azcoyote

    Archery Coues in the Snow

    Well, I got a day of on Friday. 3 day weekend with snow is happening. Now the hard decision. Sit in a blind and stay warmish knowing most likely not going to see lots OR go for a stalking hunt and glass. Unit 22 BTW...
  12. azcoyote

    Archery Coues in the Snow

    Thanks AZ23Hunter! If not water, then it must be Food that is the ideal pull at this time of year?
  13. azcoyote

    Archery Coues in the Snow

    I'd like to know the answer to that one too. My hunts have all been pretty good weather. This will be a first.
  14. I am calling it a scout for my hunt time in January but may as well just bring it all and hunt while I am there right? Anyone know the state of the roads up on 68D? I want get back towards Pine mountain.
  15. azcoyote

    Time to go freeze it off in Unit 21?

    Looks like the 3rd or 4th will be my next hunt day.... Taking ALL advice if anyone has any good...
  16. azcoyote

    Time to go freeze it off in Unit 21?

    Mixed results on ice. Some were fully glazed. Others just the edges. I got a recommendation to work the power line area for a bow hunt. Can anyone second that for the area?
  17. azcoyote

    Time to go freeze it off in Unit 21?

    Looks great to me! I'd take that buck any day. It was pretty flipping cold. Other than a jack rabbit and a bunch of hunters (2 rhinos and 5 4x4s) I didn't see squat. Terrain looks much better for glassing and rifle than it does for bow hunting.
  18. azcoyote

    Time to go freeze it off in Unit 21?

    Cold as a witches xxx in a brass bra. Yikes
  19. azcoyote

    Time to go freeze it off in Unit 21?

    Tried to grab a lion tag yesterday but the line at Sportsman's was insane. So I guess I just have to hope I don't see one. 22 degrees tomorrow. Now THAT is hunting. Lol
  20. azcoyote

    Time to go freeze it off in Unit 21?

    Here is hoping it is quiet over the holiday. Full moon hits tonight. Sounds like the rut should be in full swing this next week. The only question I have left is whether I should have gotten a lion tag. I have my deer and a bear tag (open still in 21).
  21. azcoyote

    Time to go freeze it off in Unit 21?

    How long does your hunt run? The rut in AZ doesn't really kick off hard for another week or two does it?
  22. azcoyote

    Time to go freeze it off in Unit 21?

    Sloppy is great excuse to get to use 4WD I suppose... As long as it isn't deep I am not too worried. Thanks guys!
  23. azcoyote

    My December 2015 Archery Coues Monster!!!

    Great story. Was it real? Pictures will tell!
  24. I am stuck at home this weekend and out of PTO for work until January. Someone tell me a good story.... Unit and general area if you are so inclined...
  25. I thought that area was a protected habitat for Yeti?? You cannot hold it against a guy for hoping SOMEONE tagged out large today.