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About Deserttrecker

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/06/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Phoenix

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  1. Deserttrecker

    Two girls and 12A East

  2. Deserttrecker

    12 AE Mule Deer Oct 27-Nov 5. Who's going?

    Yeah he heat and crime in the valley were our main motivations in moving. I like Idaho but my fiancé isnt so sure about her new workplace up here unfortunately. So if it doesn't pan out we might be heading to Colorado.
  3. Deserttrecker

    12 AE Mule Deer Oct 27-Nov 5. Who's going?

    I'll be up there solo for the muzzy hunt a few days after your hunt ends. I got to make it out there just before we moved to Idaho in September. Lots of deer for sure. Looks like the weather is pretty nice at the moment, hopefully it holds. Good luck!
  4. Deserttrecker

    Moving Out of State Sale New Stuff Added 8/17

    Bump last chance, move is in about a week!
  5. Deserttrecker


  6. Deserttrecker

    Looking for a base camp tent

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/282608600507 I saw this on EBay. It's not mine and it ends in less than 24hrs.
  7. Deserttrecker


    Washed up pics
  8. Deserttrecker

    iPhone Wanted

    I'm looking to get an iPhone 5 or 6 variant for my mother who's in town from NM so I can add her to my plan so she can upgrade from her pay as you go flip phone. I want her to be able to FaceTime the grandkids too. Must have a good battery (hold a good charge) and not have a smashed up screen. Also needs to be compatible with Verizon. I can do cash or trade ammo or guns. Looking to meet in North Phoenix
  9. Deserttrecker


    Will do, I should have all the pics up by Tuesday. I'd really like to sell it to someone here like I did with my old Dodge instead of dealing with all the BS that comes with Craigslist.
  10. Deserttrecker


  11. Deserttrecker


  12. Deserttrecker

    Moving Out of State Sale New Stuff Added 8/17

    Bump, new stuff added
  13. Deserttrecker

    12A East

    Just got back from my first trip up there. There were deer everywhere. Saw tons of does and a some small bucks. If they aren't picky they shouldn't have a problem filling their tags especially if they aren't holding out for a toad.
  14. Deserttrecker

    Moving Out of State Sale New Stuff Added 8/17

    It will fit most single cab full size long beds.
  15. Deserttrecker

    Moving Out of State Sale New Stuff Added 8/17

    I'm not sure what you're interested in?