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About fred

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  • Birthday 05/09/1973

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  • Interests
    archery hunting

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  1. fred

    426 Bull

    I Have heard that rumor from pretty reliable people of a 425 and change bull taken from somebody from snowflake. Also, the governor's bull was 406 5/8 with an 8 inch inline kicker. the mainframe is/was a 398 bull. I have the picture on my old cell phone and it looks great. I also heard about a 425 bull taken on the san carlos rez with them chasing a 450 bull around for a while.
  2. fred

    420" Bull

    Which side was your friend on. A friend of mine was on the east side, maverick camp (I think), and only saw a couple of shootable bulls and the camp he was in the biggest bull was like 384.
  3. fred

    Don't flinch

    ok this is what you need to fix it yourself. 6' of 3/4" liquidtite non metalic flex(you already have the connectors) 7' of 8-2wg romex (if the unit pulls 45 amps) and chances are 2 class rk-5 fuses, if you have a fused disconnect, total for everything should be less than 20 bucks
  4. Right now on my phone I have two picture messages of bulls that score 408. One bull that is 393. And two other bulls that are just huge. All taken since last friday. I wish I was hunting right now.
  5. fred

    Finder's fee auction

    Sold for grass clippings; on one condition that you spread them across my back yard to hide the weeds that will growing over the next few weeks. Since the reserve was not met of an autographed copy of 1984 outdoor life's western notes by tony mandile, I can only tell you the unit. 3c. Less than two days left till my favorite time of year.
  6. fred

    Question on eye dominance

    I am that way. I only found out a few months ago in my daughter's hunter ed class, honestly, since I really did not know it never really bothered me. I can only shoot with my left eye closed and never thought about it until I found out that I had it. Fred
  7. fred

    Finder's fee auction

    Found it my picture software is not letting me enlarge it and save. its the bull in the back left. You will get the idea of how big he is. Also in upcoming finder's fee auctions a 3 x 11 mule deer with a 6 inch corkscrew drop tine (as soon as I get a picture of him, seen him twice and panicked before i could get the picture) and a spike coues with full one inch spikes. All right a copper penny now that is valuable stuff
  8. fred

    Finder's fee auction

    Had a picture of his backs and I cannot find it I think I deleted it or maybe one of my daughters did. I am hoping I emailed to my work computer. I will check tommorrow. I showed the pictures to a friend of mine who is a guide to help me calculate the score. I could see him doing the math in his head, then he just shut up for a few seconds and asked where I got the pictures at. His swords in my estimation are 18" and his fifths are approx. 14". let me see if I can find that picture.
  9. I saw on monster muleys that they were all bent out of shape on the govenors tag and the finders fee the guy paid. Well as a way to pass time till the 24th (archery deer season) here our a couple of pictures of a bull my trail cam took. Location will be given to the highest bidder. Opening bid is one red paper clip. Look at his seconds I believe them to be at least 24" I think I deleted the picture of his back tines, but I assure you they are just as good as his fronts. Enjoy
  10. fred

    Over the counter deer tags

    Just out of curiosity, Does anyone know if Game and Fish still does deer counts, to see if the units in question can support the harvest rates they have? In some the units, they want to take to a draw, I have seen more than 20 bucks a day with 6 to 10 being the average. Fred
  11. fred

    Draw Results Available Online

    Got my second choice 36c mule deer along with my dad, brother and a couple of friends from work. I'm taking 9 days off it will be great
  12. fred

    First trail cam set-up

    It's missing it's main beam. I have checked it out and it looks like he damaged it early on. On a side note I checked my camera yesterday and the elk beat the crap out of it for the last time. I will order a new one today so I can get more pictures of the really big one. I just wish that poor camera could have taken the abuse for another week so I can see how much more the big guy has grown.
  13. fred

    First trail cam set-up

    Thanks, and just think I have not even posted the picture of the big one yet
  14. fred

    giving me the raspberry

    here is one from this week. I think they are getting a kick doing this to me
  15. fred

    First trail cam set-up

    here's another