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Everything posted by camoremi

  1. camoremi

    e-calling for big game

    I've heard of people calling in bear with them. And also curious deer
  2. camoremi

    Archery deer camp

    I have two game cameras I'm gonna put out soon.
  3. camoremi

    Archery deer camp

    Didn't mean to make 2. Can a moderator delete one
  4. camoremi

    Archery deer camp

    Ok so I'm looking for someone who would like to share a deer camp in aug.. Currently leaning towards unit 8. This is my second big game hunt. I've yet to be successful. Must be willing to go scouting a few times before. We could split fuel costs to scout. Lmk
  5. camoremi

    10 Bonus Points, What Unit?

    I say 12aw. You could get lucky. No sense in wasting 10 points on a small buck.
  6. camoremi

    Vortex Kaibab ?

    Probably 2013 model I imagine the 2014 are coming in. Definitely a good deal
  7. If these things can breed as fast as yotes I hate to see what's going to happen to our elk/deer populations? Look how hard it is to draw antelope. Probably have to get rid of that hunt.
  8. camoremi

    2013 Arizona Archery Antelope

    Can't wait to see the two you guys take this year.
  9. camoremi

    good weekend

    Sweet find
  10. camoremi

    finaly got my coues done

    Good looking buck
  11. camoremi

    early xmas christmas present!!!

    Great looking buck
  12. camoremi

    Remount Mule Deer

    Amazing job
  13. camoremi

    One and Done!!

    Very nice birds
  14. camoremi

    Help with a new setup

  15. camoremi

    Antler Hunters Targeted

    I rarely have a fire this time of year I kinda paranoid. Mr buddy heater if I'm cold
  16. camoremi

    Remington 700 & Model 7 Trigger Recall

    Crap I hope mine isn't in their.
  17. camoremi

    7x7 non - typical shed head

    Sweet find
  18. camoremi

    Jojan jig

    . Here's a pic.
  19. camoremi

    Jojan jig

  20. camoremi


    Sweet setup. I have been taking my gf to the range with me, she rented a bow. I think she has the bug now
  21. camoremi


    Ripcord s.o.s. I love mine
  22. camoremi

    AZ Custom Bowstrings

    Gained 12 fps from a new string wow. Money well spent
  23. camoremi

    Black Gold ascent

    Not satisfied with the black gold? Bump for this guy they are great sights I have the 5 pin adjustable ascent
  24. camoremi


    A guy I work with Drew unit 10 cow. 3rd choice. That's surprising
  25. camoremi


    Holy. Just wow