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Everything posted by camoremi

  1. camoremi

    1976 GMC 2500

    Ooh that's sweet
  2. camoremi

    State of the Union Address

    Great video.
  3. camoremi

    Biggest Bull this year, and some cats

    Great looking bull
  4. camoremi

    Come on draw

    Only thing that irritates me is I put in for archery strip. So I have to scout one unit for archery deer then if I draw a strip tag I wasted time and have to scout the strip. Luckily I'm on vacation opening week. And at my job their is a slot open for the following week so I could take it if I want.
  5. camoremi

    Best Tires

  6. camoremi

    How to dispatch trapped animal?

    X2 strangulation
  7. camoremi

    April snow

    Great pics. Love the dogs
  8. camoremi

    Tree stand help

    I like that stand
  9. camoremi

    New To AZ...

    Welcome to AZ
  10. camoremi

    Anyone been to big lake lately?

    Check their Facebook page. Couple pics of some recent woppers. I'm headed up their July 14th
  11. camoremi

    4th of July

    With the abundance of precipitation we have received what's the word on fireworks displays? Does anybody recommend any places up north? Payson? Flag? I wanna take the gf up for the weekend
  12. camoremi

    4th of July

    I usually go to the fireworks show at wigwam resort but I don't wanna deal with the heat. I know I don't work the 4th an 5th. I shouldn't work the 6th but I won't know till next Tuesday when my schedule comes out
  13. camoremi

    4th of July

    I dunno if I can afford to stay up in sunrise for 3 days. I have vacation 2 weeks after that and I plan to do some camping that week plus my daughters birthday. It's a lot to cram in for the month.. We actually are planning to go up to big lake around July 14th
  14. Agreed hopefully I have some cool pics in 3 weeks when I check my cam.
  15. camoremi

    NM vs AZ

    I'm an az native. Parents are transplant. Michigan/West Virginia. 2 months ago I went to Nashville and I didn't want to come home. Az has no culture and the people are rude. The only reason I live here is because I have baby momma drama or else I would quit my job liquidate my 401k to pay off my bills so I could survive on a low income job if I had too
  16. camoremi


    I dunno if anyone else has read this but it says the Mexican wolf has adapted its diet to elk. 80-90% of their diet consists of elk. This is not good. http://wolfissue.azgfdportal.com/files/html5/index.html
  17. camoremi

    Gettin ready for archery deer and elk

    Sweet great shooting
  18. camoremi

    Badlands 2200

    We'll I figured it out. Basically their is a ring that is around the threading the ring is the part that holds your cap on, so you don't lose it when it's not screwed on. You have to thread that ring down to make sure it's all the way at the bottom. Then screw your lid on and it doesn't leak. Apparently how ever the assemble it this doesn't happen. Maybe it's random maybe it's every single one. This I do not know. Works great now
  19. camoremi

    Badlands 2200

    I recently bought a 2200. I need a water bladder. But the pouch for the bladder is square I have found the one made for it, but 90% of the reviews say it leaks? I'm think of cutting the pouch and sewing and extension to hold a larger bladder I need more than 32 ounces of water. What have you guys used/done?
  20. camoremi

    Since we're on a roll with bear pics..

    Great pics
  21. camoremi

    lots of bears!!

    Great pics. Guess we know who is gonna tag a bear
  22. camoremi

    Toyota AC help

    Here you go boss http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/MRY0/26602/N1962.oap?ck=Search_air+conditioning_N1962_1439444_-1&keyword=air+conditioning&pt=N1962&ppt=C0328
  23. camoremi

    Toyota AC help

    I think the conversion to r134 is just fittings to to fill and empty your system. They sell the conversion kit at oreily and I think it's pretty cheap
  24. camoremi

    Mama bear and her baby and a few bulls
