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Everything posted by camoremi

  1. camoremi

    WTB Cabelas XL cot

    I'm in the market for a cot soon also. I'm tired of these dang air mattresses they are junk
  2. camoremi

    My first try

    Sorry I should have posted this in this section of forum. My apologies.
  3. camoremi

    For Sale Jeep Comanche

    Sweet little rig.
  4. camoremi

    Pics from another evening drive

    Great pics Thanks for sharing
  5. camoremi

    A few pictures from the last week

    Awesome pics
  6. camoremi

    pulled my sd card this morning

    Gonna be interesting to see what he looks like in a month. Well if he shows up again. Think the pic with head down butt to us is him also? 6th pic looks like antler on left hard to tell though
  7. camoremi

    holy snap second hand store gold

    Nice find. Never been to second hand store. Maybe I should go
  8. camoremi

    Coues right?

    Looks like coues to me I'm not a expert but usually that white butt is a giveaway. (Flag). Also their ears look pretty small oppose to large like muley.
  9. camoremi

    pulled my sd card this morning

  10. camoremi

    Setting Up the Camera

    I had 4k pics on my cam. Pics of me leaving and coming to get my card. Still had plenty of space left on card.
  11. camoremi

    pulled my sd card this morning

    Definitely eye strain. This salt site is 30 days old. I just mixed in a bag of mineral salt. I put in new batteries and a new sd card. Gonna check again in a couple weeks. If I get that buck some more I'm going after him. Looks like a wide whitetail what you guys think?
  12. camoremi

    pulled my sd card this morning

    This one too
  13. camoremi

    wounded vets

    Thanks guys. I'm not a fan of va right now. Especially with all the media attention. Wounded warrior sounds like a good idea
  14. camoremi

    wounded vets

    So my father was an AF vet. He became an amputee in 2003. Passed away in 2005 of cancer we have had his prosthetic in storage for years. It was very expensive. Does anyone know how I would go about donating it to someone in need? Can they be used by other people?
  15. camoremi

    wounded vets

  16. camoremi

    2003 Ford f350 cc sb 4x4

    Wow I want. Too bad I have 2 vehicles and no money. Bump
  17. camoremi

    Another day another inch of rain on the rim

    I was over at woods canyon sun, mon, tue. The weather was awesome
  18. camoremi

    Be The Decoy Speed Goat

    I think his answer would be of course it worked. Definitely help with sale
  19. camoremi

    where to start research

    I am one of those people that would never want to use a guide. Unfortunately as long as it can take to draw a sheep tag I wouldn't want to eat tag soup. He may die before ever getting the opportunity again. Just my .02
  20. camoremi

    Monkey Wrenching near HappyJack

  21. camoremi

    wtb tripod head for a slik tripod

    Just don't get a ball head. Annoying imo
  22. camoremi

    uploading images

    When I try to upload images why are they roasted? How can I fix this?
  23. camoremi

    uploading images

    That bull I put a stalk on. It was a game camera. Camera phone. The best part is my 3 year old daughter did the stalk with me