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Everything posted by camoremi

  1. camoremi

    Anyone use a good gps smart phone app?

    Just downloaded this app can't wait to use it.
  2. camoremi

    Unit 8

    Doesn't matter, whichever crosses my path lol. I have yet to get a big game animal first antlered buck to cross my path in bow range is toast
  3. Good job. I've been their injuries suck
  4. camoremi

    Unit 8

    I will be out their 22nd-27th
  5. camoremi

    Good yr for a 10 yr old

    Dang. That's awesome
  6. camoremi

    please help 37b hunt

    Just razzing ya. I've heard their are some descent bucks near Kearney. Definitely Stink pigs
  7. camoremi

    please help 37b hunt

    Lol. Might be a good idea to strap on some boots and check out this area.
  8. camoremi

    wtb hunting pack

    Small dang. Feels huge to me lol
  9. camoremi


    he's wrong!per regulations c. Salt-based materials produced and manufactured for the livestock industry. salt BASED products....ie. mineral salt, mineral blocks... which are salt based.... their words not mine. James X2 the way I read it is mineral salt and licks are fine.
  10. camoremi

    wtb hunting pack

    Go with a badlands 2200 I saw 2 on craigslist the other day. I know you said not a 2200 but they are great packs
  11. camoremi


    I use mineral salt. I Was afraid the blocks would stick out more
  12. camoremi

    ISO hunting/archery equipment

    Their are some vortex diamondback 10x42 on craigslist. They are located in Tucson 150. That's a great deal.
  13. I may have missed it, but I don't see a price sheet? Only what isn't included in the hunt.. ?
  14. camoremi

    Shoot or Pass???

    Bow? I would definitely shoot
  15. camoremi

    Gotta vent!

    You know what. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody set it out to hunt it, but. Couldn't find the spot again. Lol
  16. camoremi

    Gayest elk ever. .

    Lol .
  17. camoremi


    I carried a 50lb bag plus my water, shovel, cam, and other misc. Gear came in at 65lbs. Just over 2 miles and that was one rough hike. Did you get any deer on your cams?
  18. camoremi

    Smallest deer ever!

    X2 I was hoping for a pic lol.. probably pigme unicorns
  19. camoremi

    Decent bear

    Sweet. Be nice if that's a unit with otc archery tag for august. Getm
  20. camoremi

    Here's a couple of scouting pics / enjoy

    Cool pics thanks for sharing.
  21. Their is a place in Pine called "that brewery" pretty good house beers. Food is so-so
  22. camoremi

    Mr. Predicable

    Sit that spot with a bow aug. 22nd. I'll do it for you
  23. camoremi

    high desert variety

    Great variety of animals
  24. That's a very nice buck, great job
  25. camoremi

    Overnight Camera Set Up

    Cool pics. It is b pretty exciting to get home and check that sd card