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Everything posted by pyle762

  1. pyle762

    350 class

    Count me in with the group that can't field judge elk. Once an elk gets into the lower to mid 300's they look huge. The bull in my photo scored 359 but I was shocked that he came in that high. I guessed him at 340'ish. And that was once he was down and I was standing over him.
  2. pyle762

    trophy mule deer tag

    I have never hunted the Strip but there are some good bucks in the 12's and the tags are easier to draw. Late 12E
  3. 2014 89 7/8 SCI
  4. pyle762


    Nope. I found mine. <-
  5. pyle762

    WTB Accurate 1680 Powder

    Ha you and me both. Good luck.
  6. pyle762

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Hey I think I shot the biggest antelope out of the members on the site last year. Does that move me any closer to being a premier member?
  7. pyle762

    Opening Day Muzzleloader Buck

    Flatlander, I tried to send a PM but I think your box is full?
  8. After a short but awesome hunt, I am home with my buck. It took 10 years to draw my first antelope tag, but today was worth the wait. I found this buck last night just before dark. I found him again this morning but lost track of him for about an hour. Then we glassed him up again from about two miles out. I got to with a half mile of him and made my stalk. Most of that half mile stalk was on my belly. After crawling 4 and a half hours to close the distance, I got to within 300 yards of him. He was with his does and rutting hard. He ran off another smaller buck, then his does started working their way up the hill toward me and he followed them. At 186 yards, I shot and he went down for the count.
  9. pyle762

    Opening Day Muzzleloader Buck

    I had Jim Hartsock at Southwest Taxidermy score him. He officially scores 89 7/8's SCI. It's always nice when the official score comes in a couple inches more than my score.
  10. pyle762

    First go at DIY euro mount

    For anyone interested in doing their own, just a few pointers that I may add...When you boil a skull, don't use a rolling boil; a simmer is all that is needed. A hard boil can mess up the bones and teeth. Also add some sal soda to the water. A cup or two should do. It will break down any flesh and turn it into a jelly like texture making it easier to remove. Sal soda is commonly available at the grocery store called Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda. Also when you are done boiling it, soak it in some water with a cup or so of Dawn dishing washing soap for a day or so. It will pull the fat out of the bone that can later discolor the skull. I like a natural look on a skull, but if you want the bleached look, use the hydrogen peroxide that is available at a beauty supply place that girls use to bleach their hair. It is a powder that you mix with water to make a paste that you paint on the skull, and rinse off after a few hours. Repeat as neccesary. You can save a lot of money doing your own euro mounts and it is only a few hours worth of work. OP, You did good and the skull turned out great.
  11. pyle762

    First big game kill and got in done with the bow

    Very cool. Good job and great bull!
  12. pyle762

    My 2014 Antelope hunt

    Nice job and great antelope buddy.
  13. pyle762

    What would you do . . .

    < 6B Early Archery...would do it again in a heartbeat.
  14. pyle762

    Opening Day Muzzleloader Buck

    You didn't happen to snap any photos of him then did you?
  15. pyle762

    Opening Day Muzzleloader Buck

    Just put a tape to him. : D
  16. pyle762

    Opening Day Muzzleloader Buck

    Thanks and good luck on your hunt!
  17. pyle762

    1st Antelope Tag!

    I am stoked that I got my first antelope tag. How tough of a hunt is in store for me? I know there is not the numbers there as there are only 2 tags. Anyone have any advice? (I am not looking for specific areas or e-scouting) For muzzleloader hunting, is spot and stalk the way to go, sitting on water, a decoy? This is my first rodeo with goats so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  18. pyle762

    1st Antelope Tag!

    12 BP's. It was the second choice on my app, as it had the better draw odds of the two choices.
  19. pyle762


    Headed up to 3C with my step-son for his first big game hunt ever. He just finished his Hunter Ed and is stoked.
  20. pyle762

    anybody ever kill an elk in 2b?

    I did drown one there once. It was an any elk hunt in August. I saw 3 elk there the whole time, although I did kill the bull on the 2nd day of my hunt.
  21. pyle762

    Any youth drawn yet?

    Looks like we have 4 of them. Two of them for 3C and two for 22. With my first antelope tag this year too, it is going to be a busy fall.