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Everything posted by pyle762

  1. pyle762

    Free Printable 1:24,000 Maps

    Here is a link for Nat Geo maps that has free printable maps. Looks pretty sweet. http://www.natgeomaps.com/trail-maps/pdf-quads#internalmap
  2. pyle762

    San Carlos Lake

    Yep definitely skip the minnows right now (Sorry, bait shops). We brought home a cooler full, most of them came off of jigs.
  3. pyle762

    Talkalai Lake

    Thanks. I appreciate the info! We will be there Friday.
  4. pyle762

    Talkalai Lake

    Anyone heard any reports? I was wanting to take my son and go on Friday for bass and crappie. We just have a little 12 foot boat and trolling motor, so I don't really want to tackle San Carlos in that and Talkalai is more are size. Thanks
  5. pyle762

    Canyoneering in the Red Rocks

    Thanks! We have been doing it for a couple years now.
  6. So for Spring Break me and my canyoneering crew (my 3 teenage daughters) went up to Sedona and hiked and rappelled through Wilson Mt. Canyon. The hike up was pretty tough but the hike down was awesome. There were 5 rappels, ranging from 40 feet to 135 feet, with a couple being somewhat tricky. Everyone did awesome, especially my oldest daughter who would go first and belay everyone else down, and manage the rope, which means getting it unstuck from whatever bush or tree it might land in and finding the best route down. Obligatory photos...
  7. So I was down at Picacho during dove season and there are signs all the way around the whole lake stating it is closed. What gives? Is it open to hunting?
  8. We hit up Geronimo's Ravine in the Superstitions. Here is the link to the video. (sorry for the crappy resolution, FB compression sucks) https://www.facebook.com/brian.gray.568847/videos/10211578576766245/
  9. pyle762

    Canyoneering with the kids

    Here are some of our photos from some of our past trips. If you have never heard of canyoneering, it is hiking through narrow canyons and involves hiking, swimming, wading, climbing, and rappelling.
  10. pyle762

    Early rifle or early archery?

    Can you explain what squaring the bonus points would do?[/quote 5 bonus points would give you 25 random numbers where 3 would give you 9 random numbers in the draw so although only 2 points difference now would get bigger and bigger the more points you have, if that makes sense It does..thanks
  11. pyle762

    Limited Opportunity Elk - WHY??

    I have hunted limited opportunity elk twice. Here is a 2B bull I killed on an any elk tag in 2007. I burned 7 points on that tag. I got tired of not getting drawn. The second hunt was an archery hunt and I was on elk everyday, just couldn't connect. We saw some really good bulls too but they liked the private property side better than ours. I've had decent luck on them, but they are a lot harder hunts. This year my older kids all got put in for the Peaks LO hunt. They don't want to hunt cows anymore, and hunting elk in Nov sucks. I would take a sub-par rut tag over a decent area Nov bull tag any day of the week.
  12. pyle762

    Early rifle or early archery?

    Can you explain what squaring the bonus points would do?
  13. So 5 of my kids got the Jr. Hunt on the Kaibab. I was worried about getting it done with that many kids with tags but the kids did great and shot straight. We started out opening day getting two deer. Then the next day we got one more and some rappelling done down the side of Jolly Sink. Then we followed it up getting two more the next day. All the deer were one shot kills with 3 of then being taken by a .243 (kid's rifle) and 2 with a 6.5x284 Norma. The shots were anywhere from 20 yards out to 200. For 4 of the 5 kids it was their 1st deer. It was definitely one of the best hunts I have ever been a part of. They wanted to try out the hardened killer look on this picture.
  14. pyle762

    5 for 5 on the Jr Kaibab hunt

    It was dealt with accordingly and leagally. Mistakes happen.
  15. pyle762

    5 for 5 on the Jr Kaibab hunt

    Yep. The old one is from 2011...time flies : (
  16. pyle762

    5 for 5 on the Jr Kaibab hunt

    I actually had some pretty decent help from the kid's getting it cut up. They did good; they all helped with gutting their deer, dragging it out and skinning it and the with processing it. (Can't afford processing for all those deer so we dyi and drop off what needs to be ground up in burger and sausage) But thanks for the offer lol.
  17. We have been out 3 times so far. There doesn't seem to be as many as in previous years but still plenty of birds. We had had limits for everyone by around 8 AM each morning. Last two times my son has beat me to a limit and has been on fire.
  18. pyle762

    KUIU Ultra Star 1P Tent w/Footprint

    Not to burst your bubble but it is listed for $175 on KUIU's website.
  19. pyle762

    Great Time With My Kids

    You guys look familar. Congrats again. See you in church.
  20. pyle762

    Taylor was a Trooper

    Great write-up. I have had the chance to kill some pretty good animals over the years, but far and away my favorite hunt was my oldest daughter's first cow hunt when she was 11. It doesn't get any better than that.
  21. pyle762

    God's Oppening Day Gift

    That is a big ol 2x3 Nice job
  22. pyle762

    12 A EAST muzzerloader

    Man it sure seems like everyone has this tag this year. There are only 50 tags though and I have #48 and my brother has #49.
  23. pyle762

    anything good taken in kaibab this week?

    Heaed up on the east side muzzlelaoder hunt to next week too. Can't wait. It should be a good one.
  24. pyle762

    Good Luck!!

    I will be up there for that hunt to (if it is the 12A hunt). My brother saw some real nice bucks up there a couple weekends ago.