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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Jazz

    New to elk hunting

    Don't skip the cones! 😃
  2. Jazz

    Fs Ruger Blackhawk 357 Old Model

    Gorgeous pistol.
  3. Jazz

    Wife needs a new bow

    She's 25.5- I assume that can be modified? I'll run it by her. I'm sure she still wants to test drive that Prima. Can't find a archery dealer that's open Sun-Mon- My days off. Go figure.
  4. Jazz

    Draw Results

    Oh that 7W will be a blast!
  5. Jazz

    Draw Results

    That's awesome! I'll have coffee ready at the tent.
  6. Jazz

    Draw Results

    3 7E Late Cow and Wife got the 5BS Early Bull archery. I think we need to do more scouting this year..
  7. Jazz

    Who is raising beef

    I’m seriously considering 2 or 3 bulls. Still doing my research on cost.
  8. Jazz

    Feral Hogs

    I've seen them on Goodwin Mesa in 18B.
  9. Jazz

    Feral Hogs

    You don't even need a license,
  10. Jazz

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Unreal. 4 tags- 1 of which is 5bs early bull archery. Wife is getting a new bow!
  11. Jazz

    Newbs and non resident dont's

    Best thread ever.
  12. Jazz


    Walmart was out of OTC Deer. (Had to call the front desk - the Sporting goods area was a ghost town, no matter how many times you hit the button). DID find 4 boxes of .410 though. Had to go to the AZGFD office for 3 tags.
  13. Jazz

    7 East Draw Odds

    Nate- I think I have a younger brother on cam from last year.
  14. Jazz

    7 East Draw Odds

    I just talked to the boys- we're going in for 7E cow. (Even better odds). Do the bull!
  15. Jazz

    7 East Draw Odds

    I’ve got this love-hate relationship with 7E. I absolutely love the unit. So many factors on a late hunt, but one of the easiest to draw. Might throw my hat in again this year, but wife is putting in for 5BS Early bull archery.
  16. Jazz

    Ord closed

    https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd985009.pdf My stand won't be too happy. Probably under a bunch of snow anyways. Is the road that bad??
  17. Jazz

    December Tags 2021

    Looks like the base of Ord? Heading that way the first of the year- if there's enough road to drive up on. I'm seeing snow on the forecast.
  18. Jazz


    How much is it in .556? 😃
  19. Jazz


    Yeah my goats are enjoying watching the new waterfront off their house.
  20. I thought I knew my backyard. Came across this video and can't place it. Somewhere apparently on New River Mesa. Any ideas? I bet Edge knows. The New River Mesa Ruin - YouTube
  21. Jazz

    Trying to find this ruin..

    That looks alot like Angel Basin?
  22. Jazz

    Capt. Don? On lake Mead. Or others….

    Maybe the Capn has a deal going on? Wasnt able to pull up his website.
  23. Jazz

    7E Cow

    Here we go. Again! Probably won't get the Yukon done in time for a last minute scout- (switching out the transfer case and a new yolk is ordered) and I'm busting at the seams ready to go. I've spent some time there this past month- lost a cam. By lost I mean someone acquired it. Suddenly roads with a lot of elk activity are closed. (Those wonderful yellow stickers that magically appear on the brown signs) - that kinda sucks. They closed them in mid Nov. Probably during the late archery hunt. (And what's really odd is sometimes they only post that on one road entrance, but not the others.) I really love 7E. Not tons of elk, but I'm hopeful the lower resident herds don't move far. I'm heading up the 1st just to chop enough wood for 7 nights. Or I'll hit Flag and get a pickup full from someone selling. Got three tags this year- me and the boy, and one of my friends that has never hunted a day in his life. Should prove interesting.
  24. Jazz

    7E Cow

    I hope you had as good a time as I did!
  25. Jazz


    Not alot. The goats are splashing in the puddles though.